
Terms containing upkeep | all forms | exact matches only
econ.All rents, taxes, upkeep and similar costs for the rented store shall be fairly shared by both parties为租用店房所花的租金、税款、维修费和类似的费用,应由双方公平分担
tech.annual cost of upkeep年度维修费 (用)
archit.annual upkeep年度保养维修
tech.annual upkeep年度维修
tech.annual upkeep年度保养
tech.combined depreciation and upkeep method折旧与保养合并法
fin.combined depreciation-and-upkeep method折旧与保养合并法 (of depreciation)
tech.cost of upkeep保养成本
tech.cost of upkeep保管费
tech.cost of upkeep日常费用
tech.cost of upkeep维修保养费 (用)
econ.cost of upkeep房屋维修费
met.cost of upkeep维持费
telecom.cost of upkeep日常费
proj.manag.cost of upkeep维护费用
met.cost of upkeep维护费
bridg.constr.cost of upkeep维修费
hydroel.st.cost of upkeep养护费
auto.cost of upkeep保持费
busin.cost of upkeep保护费
tech.cost of upkeep维修费 (用)
tech.cost of upkeep日常养护费
tech.cost of upkeep养护费 (用)
fin.depreciation combined-and-upkeep method折旧与保养合并法
spacegeneral upkeep一般维修保养
tech.line upkeep线路维护
plast.machine upkeep机器维修
plast.machine upkeep机器保护
textilemachine upkeep机器保养
tech.non-recurring upkeep非经常性维修
tech.planned upkeep计划维修
tech.plant upkeep work工厂保养工作
tech.plant upkeep work车间保养工作
avia.post overhaul upkeep period翻修后维护周期
tech.pressure upkeep保持压力
oilroad upkeep道路维护
tech.total cost of upkeep维修总费用
archit.upkeep and mending房屋维修修缮
tech.upkeep and mending房屋维修
tech.upkeep and mending保养与维修
tech.upkeep and mending房屋修缮
textileupkeep charges养护费
textileupkeep charges维修费
textileupkeep charges保养费
spaceupkeep cost保养费用
spaceupkeep cost维修[维护]费
tech.upkeep cost保养费 (用)
busin.upkeep cost维修成本
oilupkeep cost保养费
oilupkeep cost维修费用
tech.upkeep cost维护费 (用)
tech.upkeep cost维修费 (用)
tech.upkeep efficiency维修费效率
econ.upkeep expenses维修费
econ.upkeep expenses维持费
econ.upkeep expenses保养费
tech.upkeep expenses维修费 (用)
busin.upkeep funds维持资金
tech.upkeep obligation维修契约
tech.upkeep obligation保养维修义务
agric.upkeep of boundaries境界保持
bridg.constr.upkeep of bridge桥梁维修桥梁养护
environ.upkeep of countryside土地维护
environ.upkeep of countryside土地管理
tech.upkeep of equipment设备维修
environ.upkeep of land土地维护
environ.upkeep of land土地管理
auto.upkeep operation维护检修,保养作业
spaceupkeep period维修期
tech.upkeep undertaking维修任务
auto.vehicle upkeep operation车辆技术维护