
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing two | all forms | exact matches only
parentage of the two leading varieties两个主要品种的亲本
skip-two-days-per-week feeding program每周五日饲喂制肉用品种后备小母鸡的一种限量饲养方式。每周5d 喂给饲料,2d (星期三、星期日)不喂
taking out two-cocoons双抄
two breed cross二品种杂交
two-course crop rotation二区轮作
two-crop system二作一年栽培二次
two crops a year一年二作
two-egg twins双卵性双胎
two field system两圃制
two field system两区轮作制盛行欧洲中世纪初期,耕地分成面积相等两区,一区种谷物,一区休闲
two field system两田制
two-fold concentrate浓缩两倍的浓缩物
two-grained wheat二粒小麦 (Triticum dicoccum)
two-humped camel双峰驼 (Camelus bactrianus)
two in one二牛一栏
two-in-one feeding system二牛一栏喂养法
two-out-of-five test五样取二感官评定法
two-parent selection双亲选择
two-phase digester两步消化器
two-phase milking machine两节拍挤奶机
two-row barley二棱大麦 (Hordeum distichum L.)
two-rowed barley二棱大麦 (Hordeum distichum L.)
two-sample test两分样品感官评定法
two-shear ewe 2岁母羊
two-shear ram2岁公羊
two-stage digester二级消化器
two-stage fermentation两步发酵
two-stage harvest二次收获
two-stage homogenization两级均化作用
two-stage homogenizer两级均质器
two-stage sterilization两段杀菌
two-step cold-storage复式冷藏
two-storeyed high forest system二段乔林作业
two-story barn二层牛舍上层存放饲料、干草等,饲料等用机械通往下层畜栏的饲槽中
two-story barn二层畜舍
two-tooth sheep 1岁羊
two-toothed ewe对牙一岁母羊
two-toothed ewe育成母羊
two-toothed ewe一岁母羊
two-toothed wether 1岁阉公羊
two-way cattle两用肉牛中等体重肉牛可供屠宰或进一步肥育
two-way cross二品种杂种
two-way cross二元杂种
two-way cross二元杂交
two-way cross二品种杂交
two-way crossing二品种杂种
two-way crossing二元杂种
two-way crossing二元杂交
two-way crossing二品种杂交
two-way diverter valve二通分流阀
two-way dumping meat mixer两面倾斗式肉馅搅拌机
two-way paper chromatography两向纸上色谱法
two-year old wedder二剪羊