
Terms for subject Economy containing turnover | all forms | exact matches only
a turnover labour替工
account receivable turnover应收账款周转率
account receivable turnovers应收账款周转率
adjustment for turnover of staff职员交替调整数
aggregate turnover of advanced capital垫付资本的总周转
amount of turnover资本周转金额
annual marketing turnover年营业额
annual marketing turnover年销售额
annual turnover年货运量
asset turnover资产周转率
asset turnover ratio资金周转率
authorized current fund turnover days核定的流动资金周转天数
Both parties agree that the premise to the signing of the agency agreement is the guarantee of minimum turnover双方都同意签定代理协议的前题是保证起码的交易额
capital turnover资本周转 (率)
capital turnover point资本回收点 (销售额与资本额相同时的营业水平)
capital turnover point资本回收点销售额与资本额相同时的营业水平
capital turnover point analysis资本回收点分析
capital turnover rate资本周转率
cash turnover资金循环
cash turnover现金周转
coefficient of turnover周转系数
commodity fund turnover商品资金周转率
commodity turnover商品流转
composite turnover综合周转数.综合周转率
daily turnover日周转量
daily turnover日产量
days of turnover of current capital流动资金周转天数
deposit turnover存款周转率
destination principle of turnover taxes周转税的目的地征收原则
employee turnover员工离职
employee turnover职工流动
equivalent turnover volume of traffic换算周转量
export turnover出口交易额
financial turnover and allocation财政上缴下拨
finished stock turnover产品周转量
fixed asset turnover固定资本周转系数
fixed asset turnover固定资本周转
fixed assets turnover固定资产周转
fixed assets turnover ratio固定资产周转比率
foreign trade turnover对外贸易额
freight turnover货物流转 (量)
fund turnover资金周转
goods turnover商品流转
guarantee of minimum turnover最低交易额保证
If the yearly turnover doesn't reach $50.000, we will not pay you the overriding commission如果一年的成交额不到五万美元,我方不会付给你方超额佣金
If you appoint us as your sole agent, we will pursue effort to increase the turnover只要你方指定我方为你方的独家代理商,我方将继续努力,增加营业额
import turnover进口额
import turnover tax进口商品营业税
import turnover tax进口货物交易税
increased turnover生意兴隆
inventory turnover rate存货周转率
inventory turnover ratio存货周转比率
investment turnover投资周转
investment turnover投资周转率
labor turnover劳动者离职
labour turnover劳动力的流动性
labour turnover工人流动率
labour turnover-firm厂商劳动力周转率
labour turnover-national全国劳动力周转率
large profits and quick turnover厚利多销
luxury turnover tax奢侈品销畅税
merchandise stock turnover ratio商品存货周转率
minimum turnover最低周转率
money turnover货币周转
national labour turnover全国范围内劳动力的流动性
net turnover rate净流动率
net turnover rate净周转率
period of turnover周转期
plant investment turnover工厂设备投资周转率
plant turnover固定资本周转系数
plant turnover固定资本周转 (率)
please turnover见反面
please turnover请阅后页
rate of deposit turnover存款周转率
rate of stock turnover存款周转率
rate of turnover营业周转率
receivables turnover应收账款周转 (率)
receivables turnover period应收款周转期
refined turnover rate精确周转率
refined turnover rate精密流动率
reflowing turnover rate逆周转率
retail turnover零售商品流转
route turnover运输工具周转率
sales turnover销售周转销售区域
small profit by quick turnover薄利多销
small profit for quick turnover薄利多销
tax on sales and turnover货物销售及周转税
The agent has met the target figure of $5 million turnover该代理商已达到500万美元营业额的指标数字
the annual marketing turnover年营业额
the annual marketing turnover年销售额
the capital turnover资金周转
the firm labour turnover企业劳动力周转率
the firm labour turnover厂商劳动力周转率
the general tax on retail turnover营业税
The inefficiency of the sales staff causes a fall in turnover推销员的无能造成了营业额的下降
the trade turnover贸易额
The turnover increased fast, it made us possible to liquidate our debts交易额迅速增加,这使我们有可能清偿债务
The turnover is steadily increasing交易额稳步增长
the turnover of fixed asset固定资产周转率
the velocity of turnover周转速度
the velocity of turnover周转率
the work-in-process turnover在制品周转率
the work-in-process turnover norm产品周转定额
There is a 25% gain over the turnover last year营业额比去年增长了 25%
They based their calculations on the forecast turnover他们的计算结果是根据预测的营业额得出来的
total amount of turnover周转总额
transactions turnover营业额
transactions turnover销售周转 (量)
turnover bonus年终回扣
turnover equation周转率方程式
turnover net worth净值周转数
turnover of foreign trade对外贸易周转率
turnover of goods in process在制产品周转率
turnover of inventory存货周转
turnover of investment投资周转率
turnover of networth净值周转率
turnover of plant and equipment厂房和设备周转率
turnover of stock exchange股票交易所周转量
turnover of total operation assets经营资本周转率
turnover period固定资本更新期
turnover period资本周转期
turnover rate周转率
turnover rate of commodities商品周转率
turnover rate of funds资金周转次数
turnover ratio周转率
turnover stock周转股票
turnover stock周转牌票
turnover tax流通税
turnover taxes周转税
turnover time of circulating funds流动资金周转天数
turnover volume of freight traffic货运用转量
turnover year周转年度
We must do our best to increase the company's turnover我们必须尽最大努力来增加公司的营业额
working capital turnover流动资本周转率
working capital turnover流动资本周转系数
working capital turnover流动资金周转率
Your intention of endeavouring to enlarge the turnover will receive our appreciation我们将感谢你方努力扩大交易额的意愿
Your turnover is down in comparison with last year与去年相比,你方的营业额下降了