
Terms for subject Environment containing tree | all forms | exact matches only
broad-leaved tree Deciduous tree which has wide leaves, as opposed to the needles on conifers阔叶树 (树叶宽大的落叶乔木,与针叶林相对。)
coniferous tree针叶树
deciduous tree Tree losing its leaves in autumn and growing new ones in the spring落叶树 (树的叶子在秋天失去叶子,在楚天长出新的叶子。)
fire insurance tree火灾保险树木
fruit tree Any tree that bears edible fruit果树 (可以产出可食用果实的树。)
tree nursery An area where trees, shrubs, or plants are grown for transplanting, for use as stocks for budding and grafting苗圃 (乔木、灌木或草本植物种植移栽的区域,用于新进和嫁接树苗的储备库使用。)