
Terms for subject Business containing transports | all forms
adding value through the labour performed in transport运输劳动价值追加
adjustment of transport loss运输损失理算
adjustment of transport losses运输损失理算
aerial transport航空运输
aerial transport空运
air and surface transport空中及地面运输
air transport company空运公司
allocate and transport运输调度
allocate and transport调运
amount of transport运输量
animal transport动物运输
annual transport plan年运输计划
annual transport statistics年运输统计
arranger of the transport组运者
arranger of the transport运输经办人
article of transport装运器具
automated transport自动化运输
automated transport system自动化运输系统
average transport distance of passenger旅客平均运程
average transport time平均运输时间
bank transport truck银行现金运输车
blackout of transport交通中断
break bulk transport杂货运输
cargo transport plane运输机
chain-like in transport一条龙运输
civil air transport民用航空运输
classification of transport activities运输活动分类
classified transport分组运输
coastwise transport沿海运输
coefficient of products transport产品运输系数
combined through transport多形式联运
combined transport联合运输联运指联合水运、公路、铁路或空运,运送货物至目的地
combined transport联合运输
combined transport bill of lading国际运协联运提单
combined transport of passenger旅行联运
combined transport operator联运承运人
commodity transport cost商品运输成本
commodity transport expense商品运输费用
communication and transport交通运输
conceal real transport capacity隐瞒实际运输能力
containerization transport集装化运输
contract of insurance for transport运输保险合同
contract of international goods transport国际货物运输合同
contract of international insurance of transport by sea国际海运保险合同
contract of international transport of goods国际货物运输合同
control of transport运输管理
coordination of production, transport and marketing产运销协调
cost of employed transport capacity动力占用成本
cost of marine transport海运费用
counter flow transport对流运输
counter flow transport对流运输指一种不合理运输
counter flow transport货物相向运输
customary transport document通常的运输单据
customary transport documents常规运输单据
distribution and transport margins分配运输费用
door-to-door transport门到门运输
ducting transport管道运输
emergency transport紧急运输
escort goods in transport押运货物
facilitation of international air transport国际航空运输简化手续
facility for transport运输设备
feeder transport service支线运输业务
FIATA combined transport bill of lading协会联合运输提单
freight transport contract货运合同
ground transport陆运
hypersonic transport超音速运输机
inhouse transport内部运输
inland transport国内运输
inland water transport system内河运输系统
inland water-borne transport内陆水运
insurance of transport of foreign trade goods外贸货物运输保险
integrated transport联合运输
integrated transport protocol联运协议
intercity transport市际运输
intermediate range transport中程运输
inter-modal transport联运
inter-modal transport BL联运提单
inter-modal transport documents联运单据
inter-modal transport operator联运经营人
internal transport厂内运输
internal transport layout plan厂内运输线布置
internal transport price国内运输价格
International Air Transport Association国际航运协会
international air transport association国际空运协会运价
international intermodal transport国际联运
international road transport国际公路运输
international trade transport国际贸易运输
international trade transport clause国际贸易运输条款
international transport account国际运输账户
international transport agency国际运输代理公司
international transport by airway国际航空运输
international transport by land国际陆运
international transport by mail国际邮递运输
international transport by pipeline国际管道运输
international transport charge国际运费
international transport combine国际运输联合企业
international transport corporation国际运输公司
international transport document国际运输文件
international transport duty国际运输税
international transport enterprise国际运输企业
international transport expense国际运输费用
international transport insurance国际运输保险
international transport licence国际运输许可证
international transport rental国际运输租赁
international transport rental company国际运输租赁公司
international transport under escort国际押送
intra-regional transport区域内运输
land and water coordinated transport水陆联运
land transport operator陆上运输经营者
land-and-sea coordinated transport陆海联运
land-bridge transport大陆桥运输
landbridge transport大陆桥运输
land-bridge transport大陆桥运输指利用横贯大陆的运输系统作为桥梁,联结大陆两端海洋的联运方式。如利用西伯利亚铁路联结西欧与东亚的欧亚大陆桥运输
large-volume commodity transport大宗商品运输
licence to transport运输许可证
licensing system for multimodal transport operator发给联运商执照制度
management of transport运输管理
management of transport enterprises运输企业管理
management of urban public transport城市公共交通管理
management of warehouse and transport储运管理
management of warehouse and transport enterprises储运企业管理
manager of transport department运输部经理
marine transport海运
marine transport insurance海运保险
maritime transport operation海运业务
Mechanical Transport Driver运输车辆司机
mechanical transport vehicle机动车辆
mechanized transport机械化运输
method of in-plant transport厂内运输法
mileage of transport运输里程
mileage of transport in service营运里程
minimization of transport cost运输成本最低化
minimizing transport cost减少运输成本
minimum transport cost最低运输成本
minimum transport cost point最低运输成本点
mode of transport运输方式
mode of transport coming within the scope of the convention属于公约范围的运输方式
model of transport运输模式
modern transport technology现代运输技术
modernized transport现代化运输
motor transport repair shop汽车修理车间
mountain transport山地运输
multimodal transport多种方式联运
multimodal transport多式联运单据
multimodal transport多式联运指用多种方式运送货物
multi-modal transport多式联运
multimodal transport chain多式联运系统
multimodal transport documents多式联运单据
multimodal transport user多式联运使用人
multinational transport跨国运输
multinational transport enterprise跨国运输企业
National Transport Act国家运输法
number of transport bill装货单据号
number of transport bill运货单据号
ocean transport海上运输
ocean transport海运海洋运输
Passenger Transport Executive客运总经理
passenger transport plan客运计划
plan of transport运输计划
preparation of the transport document填发运输单据
private transport自营运输
private transport自用运输工具
railroad transport铁路运输
railway transport firm铁路运输行
railway transport of passenger铁路客运
registered number of transport equipment运输设备注册号
risk of international multimodal transport国际联运险
roundabout transport迂回运输即绕道运输货物
schedule of transport运输调度表
short-distance load transport近距离陆地运输
standard unit transport cost标准单位运费
storage and transport management储运管理
supersonic transport超音速客机
thriving transport运输兴旺
trans-ocean transport跨洋运输
transport agent运输代理人
transport agent运输代理商
transport benefit运输效益
transport boat运输船
transport by container集装箱运输
transport chain运输连锁线
transport company运输公司
transport cost运输成本
transport data运输数据
transport demand运输需求
transport department运输部
transport empty运空
transport empty空手移动
transport expense运输费用
transport industry运输业
transport instalation insurance运输设施保险
transport installation运输设施
Transport International Routier国际公路车辆运输规则
transport licensing运输许可证
transport loaded运实
transport loaded持物移动
transport maritime海洋运输
transport maritime海运
transport number运输工具编号
transport number货运数
Transport Office货运部
Transport Office运输处
transport over inland waterway内河运输
transport performance运输执行情况
transport projects运输计划
transport risk运输险
transport routes公路运输
transport to stock storage or point of use搬至仓库储存或使用地点
transport train运输列车
transport under escort监运
transport volume运输量
transport, wages, maintenance and care交通费、工资、伙食费、及照看费
unit load transport system成组装运制
unitized goods transport成组货物运输集装箱运输
unitized transport成组化运输
urban transport problem城市交通问题
water transport enterprise水运企业
wharf-to-wharf transport码头到码头运输