
Terms for subject Technology containing transports | all forms
accounting of railway transport enterprise铁路运输企业会计
accounting of railway transport income铁路运输收入会计
active transport自动运输
active transport主动输送
active transport主动转移
active transport活性转移
advanced transport of products物资提前运输
air transport风力运输
air transport station空运站
air-borne transport大气输运
air-mass transport气团输送
alongshore transport沿岸输沙
alongshore transport沿岸输移
alterations in goods transport运输变更
alternative transport strategies交通对策比较方案
amount of sediment transport输沙量
amount of transport运输工作量
annual transport plan年度运输计划
anomalous transport反常输运
ash transport water冲灰水
assets of railway transport unit铁路运输单位资产
atmospheric transport大气输送
automatic transport system自动导向运输系统
auxiliary aircraft transport辅助飞机运输舰
auxiliary statement about transport revenue plan finished运输收入进款计划完成情况附表
average daily transport output of serviceable wagon货车生产量
average transport revenue payable per day平均每日应缴运输进款
awaiting transport待运
balance sheet of transport economy运输经济平衡表
balance sheet of transport revenue运入总表
balanced transport均衡运输
barge carrier transport载驳运输
barge transport驳船运输
base transport factor基极传输因数
base transport factor基区迁移率
beating transport加温运输
biologic transport生物迁移
biologic transport生物转运
biologic transport of organism生物搬运
biological transport生物转运
biological transport of organism生物搬运
Boltzmann's transport equation波尔兹曼输运方程
break-bulk transport杂货运输
British Transport Docks Board英国货运码头局
bulk cargo transport散货运输
bulk freight transport散货运输
bulk transport散装运输
bulk transport大宗运输
cabin transport舱式运输机
cargo-transport plane运输机
cargo-handling and transport system货物装卸机和运输系统
carrier transport载运
carrier transport phenomenon载流子输运现象
carrier-mediated transport载体性转运
cattle transport track家畜搬运车
cement transport in bulk transporters散装运输水泥
centralization of goods transport货运业务集中化
chartered Institute of transport特许运输学会
chemical transport化学迁移
chemical transport model化学传输模式
chemical transport reaction化学运输反应
chemical vapor transport化学气相输送
chemical vapour transport化学气相输送
chilled transport低温运输
city transport城市运输
city-oriented transport system城市定向运输系统
clean transport documents清洁运输单据
closing transport account运输结算
cold prevention transport防寒运输
common transport公用交通
common transport公共交通
common transport service公共交通公司
compensate transport expense liquidated revenue运输支出补偿的清算收入
contaminant transport污染物输移
contaminant transport污染转移
convective transport热能对流传递量
cuttings transport ratio岩屑携带比 (率)
Darcy scale non-reactive transport equation达西标度非活性物质运移方程
Darcy scale reactive transport equation达西标度活性物质运移方程
defence transport国防运输
delayed phenomenon of groundwater pollution transport地下水污染迁移的迟后现象
density of water transport水运密度
direct transport直达运输
discontinuous transport间歇运输
disorder of carbon dioxide transport二氧化碳运输障碍
disorder of CO₂ transport二氧化碳运输障碍
dispersive pollutant transport污染物扩散输移
distribution cf transport usages各类交通利用量
distribution cf transport usages交通方式划分
distribution cf transport usages定型的交通分流
door-to-door transport of container集装箱门到门运输
draft transport pipeline meterage拟建输送管道长度
economics of scale and scope in transport industry运输业规模经济与范围经济
eddy transport涡动输送
electron transport system电子传递体系
equilibrium between transport and deposition冲淤平衡
European conference of Minister's of Transport欧洲运输部长会议
European Transport Organization欧洲运输组织
external transport厂外运输
external transport instruction外部输送指令
fast goods transport快速货物运输
field transport野外运输
film transport输片机构
film transport胶片传输装置
film transport indicator卷片指示器
film transport knob卷钮
form of transport运输方式
form work transport wagon模板运输车
forwarding transport service运输业务
freight charges for water transport水运运费
freight rate of water transport水运运价
freight transport货物运输
freight transport expenses货运支出
freight transport expenses on every kilometre单元货运支出
freight transport loss and indemnity rate货物运输损失赔偿率
freight transport plan货物运输计划
freight transport settlement货运清算
freight transport turnover货物运输周转量
freight volume of water transport水运运量
gallery for sediment transport输沙廊道
gallery of sediment transport输沙廊道
garbage transport垃圾运输
general bed load transport普通底沙输移
general bed load transport一般底沙搬运
general bed load transport一般推移质搬运
general rule of testing method for appropriate transport packaging合适包装货物试验方法通则
general sheet of transport revenue运输收入进款资产负债表
general transport administrative vehicle一般运输后勤车辆
General Transport Co.通用运输公司
general transport equation一般运输方程
geography of maritime transport海洋运输地理学
global ozone transport臭氧的全球输送
global transport全球运送
goods damage in transport运输途中货损
goods fitting for container transport适箱货物
goods package for transport货物运输包装
goods through transport货物联运
goods transport accident货运事故
goods transport contract货物运输合同
goods transport facility货运设备
goods transport implements货运用具
goods transport office货运室
goods transport plan货物运输计划
goods transport record货运记录
goods transport under escort货物押运
goods transport within a station站界内搬运
goods transshipment of international through transport at frontier station国际联运货物换装
grade of goods transport accident事故等级
gross output of railway transport industry铁路运输业总产值
groundwater pollution transport地下水污
horizontal ozone transport臭氧的水平输送
hospital transport医院输送舰
indication marks on goods package for transport货物运输包装标记
inland transport内地运输
inland water way transport内河运输
integrated program for rail transport铁路运输综合作业方案
integrated programme for rail transport铁路运输综合作业方案
integrated public transport system一体化公共交通系统
integrated transport network综合运输网
integrated transport protocol综合传输协议
integrated transport system综合运输系统
integrated urban transport system一体化城市交通系统
intermediate input in railway transport industry铁路运输业中的间投入
intermediate transport中间传送
intermediate transport technology system中间运输工艺系统
intermodal transport多式联运
intermodal transport document多式联运单证
intermodal transport operator联运经营人
invalid transport无效运输
inverted transport逆向输送
labor personnel quota standard in railway transport enterprise铁路运输企业劳动定员标准
land for transport交通运输用地
land transport陆地运输
land transport陆路运费
land transport陆上运输
land transport operator陆运经营者
land transport operator陆路运输行业
land-and-water coordinated transport水陆联运
landing troop transport两栖运输舰
land-use and transport optimization土地利用及交通最优选择
lang-range transport长程输送
light rail transport轻轨运输
littoral sediment transport沿岸输沙
littoral transport沿岸运输
littoral transport沿岸输移
littoral transport沿岸漂沙
littoral transport沿岸搬运
load and transport装运
load transport泥沙输送
local access and transport area本地接入和传送地区
longitudinal transport纵向迁移
maglev transport磁悬浮运输
main means of transport主段
main means of transport主要运输手段
man hours consumption of transport运输工时消耗
marine transport船舶运输
marine transport (输)
marine transport business海运业务
marketing of railway transport enterprise铁路运输企业市场营销
marketing strategy of railway passenger and freight transport铁路客货营销战略
membrane transport膜运载
membrane vesicle transport膜泡传输
middle transport volume中运量
minimizing transport cost节约运输费用
Ministry of Transport交通部
mode of transport输运方式
modern transport现代化运输
modern transport sector现代运输部门
moisture transport水分输送
molecular transport分子迁移〔输运〕
momentum transport动量输送
momentum transport动量输移
momentum-transport hypothesis动量输运假设
monorail transport system单轨运输系统
mortar transport灰浆运输
mortar transport灰浆输送
mortar transport灰浆运送
motor transport电机输送
motor transport battalion汽车运输营
motor transport conversion and computation chart汽车运输换算和计算表
motor transport depot汽车运输器材库
motor transport distance and time conversion chart汽车运输里程时间换算图表
motor transport facility汽车运输设备
motor transport maintenance汽车运输保养
multimodal transport复合运送
multimodal transport bill of lading复合运输提单
multimodal transport contract复合运送契约
negotiable multiple transport documents可转让复合运送单据
net output value of railway transport enterprise铁路运输业的净值
neutron transport中子输运
nitrogen transport processes氮的转移过程
ocean heat transport experiment海洋热量输送实验
ocean transport远洋运输
ocean transport department海运部
ocean transport statistics海运统计
offshore sediment transport离岸输沙
open transport network式传输网 (络)
open transport network开放式交通线网
operating cost of statistics of railway transport铁路运输成本运营统计
organism of water transport水运运输组织
organization of civil aviation transport民航运输组织
organization of rail transport铁路运输组织
original evidence of railway transport statistics运输统计原始凭证
osmotic water transport渗透水迁移
other income of passenger transport客运其他收入
outer transport area外运输区
overburden transport废石料运输
package transport成组运输
paid-up transport revenue已缴运输进款
passenger transport department客运局
passenger transport expense on per kilometer单元客运支出
passenger transport expenses客运支出
passenger transport turnover旅客运输周转量
percent of wagon loading of irrational transport to total wagon loadings accomplished不合理运输占总装车数百分率
planned transport计划运输
planning transport pipeline meterage拟建输送管道规格
plant and transport manager设备与运输经理
plant and transport manager设备与运输主任
pneumatic tape transport气动带传送
pneumatic transport风动输送
pneumatic transport气动输送
pneumatic transport气体输送
pneumatic transport气力输送
pneumatic transport气压输送
pneumatic transport device气力输送装置
pneumatic transport pipe空气输送管
pneumatic transport placer喷送器
pneumatic transport placer气压输送浇筑机
pneumatic transport placer压气运送设备
pneumatic transport pump气力运输泵
pneumatic transport pump气力输送泵
pneumatic transport system气力输送系统
polar transport极性运输
port transport港内运输
post transport邮政运输
postal transport charge receivable应收邮运运费
power consumption of transport运输动力消耗
pressure on transport交通运输紧张
primary heat transport system主回路系统
prior notification for hazardous waste transport危险废物运输的事先通告
program on long-range transport of pollutants over Europe欧洲污染物长途运输方案
public passenger transport公共旅客运输
public transport公共交通
public transport company公共交通公司
public transport information system公共交通信息系统
public transport junction公共交通枢纽
public transport line公共交通线路
public transport line facility公共交通线路设施
public transport line network distribution公共交通线路布局
public transport means公共交通工具
public transport network公共交通线路网
public transport parking place公共交通停车场
public transport planning公共交通规划
public transport priority公共交通优先
public transport service公共交通公司
public transport station公共交通车站
public transport stop公共交通车站
public transport yard and station arrangement公共交通场站布局
public-assisted transport公共运输
pulverized coal transport through pipes粉煤管道输送
pump transport system泵送系统
quick report of goods transport accident货运事故速报
quick transport快速运输
quick transport lever快速卷片拔杆
radiation transport and storage辐射储运
rail-guided transport system轨道运输系统
rail-water through goods transport plan水陆联运计划
rail-water through goods transport plan铁水货物联运计划
railway bureau transport profit路局运输利润
railway fast parcel transport agency铁路快运包裹代理业
railway freight transport statistics铁路货物运输统计
railway freight transport tariff system铁路货物运价体系
railway goods transport铁路货物运输
railway keep-price transport铁路保价运输
railway luggage and parcel transport statistics铁路行包运输统计
railway passenger transport tariff铁路旅客运输价格
railway service transport kilometers路用车辆公里【铁】
railway transport action receipts check铁路运输收入稽查
railway transport company铁路运输公司
railway transport density铁路运输密度
railway transport enterprise reform铁路运输企业改革
railway transport enterprise responsibility铁路运输企业责任
railway transport equipment statistics铁路运输设备统计
railway transport expense entry铁路运输支出科目
railway transport labor productivity铁路运输劳动生产率
railway transport labour productivity铁路运输劳动生产率
railway transport management system reform铁路运输管理体制改革
railway transport marketing铁路运输营销
railway transport operation income management铁路运输营业收入管理
railway transport rate铁路运输价格
railway transport rate index铁路运输价格指数
railway transport revenue铁路运输收入 (进款)
railway transport revenue account铁路运输进款科目
railway transport revenue accounting铁路运输进款会计
railway transport revenue accounting铁路运输进款会计核算
railway transport revenue financial statement铁路运输进款会计报表
railway transport revenue impropriate days calculation sheet运输进款占用天数计算表
railway transport revenue receipts铁路运输进款凭证
railway transport statistics铁路运输统计
railway transport statistics theories and methods铁路运输统计理论与方法
railway transport timber铁路运输木材
rate index of intermediate input in railway transport铁路运输中间的投入价格指数
rate of bed load transport底沙输移率
rate of bed load transport底砂搬运率
rate of bed load transport底质输送搬运率
rate of littoral transport沿岸泥沙输移率
rate of littoral transport漂砂率
rate of littoral transport沿岸漂沙率
rate of momentum transport冲量传递率
rate of momentum transport动量传递率
rate of sediment transport底质推移率
rate of sediment transport泥沙输移率
rate of transport输送率
reactive solute transport活性溶质运移
recurrence factor of public transport line公共交通线路重复系数
refrigerated transport冷藏运输
river pollutant transport河流污染物输移
river transport河流运输
river transport河流搬运 (作用)
river transport河道运输
safe international multimodal transport安全国际多式运输
saltation transport跃移质输送
saltation transport跃移质输移
scale of sediment transport输沙率比例
sea transport fleet海运船队
sea-going transport海上运输
secure hyper-text transport protocol安全超文本传输协议
sediment longitudinal transport沉积物纵向迁移
sediment longitudinal transport沉积物纵向移动
sediment transport底泥运移
sediment transport沉积物运移
sediment transport泥沙移动
sediment transport balance study输沙破坏研究
sediment transport budget泥沙输移量计算
sediment transport capacity泥沙输移能力
sediment transport capacity挟运能力
sediment transport capacity of flow水流挟沙能力
sediment transport competence泥沙输移能力
sediment transport competence挟运能力
sediment transport competency底泥运移能力
sediment transport competency泥沙输移能力
sediment transport competency输沙能力
sediment transport competency挟运能力
sediment transport concentration输沙浓度
sediment transport concentration沉渣载运浓度
sediment transport concentration输沙率
sediment transport curve泥沙输移曲线
sediment transport formula输沙公式
sediment transport process输沙过程
sediment transport process泥沙输移过程
sediment transport rate泥沙输移率
sediment transport through pipeline管道输沙
sedimentary transport沉积物搬运
sedimentary transport沉积物迁移
sedimentary transport沉积物运移
sedimentary transport curve沉积物迁移曲线
sedimentary transverse transport沉积物横向迁移
sedimentary transverse transport沉积物横向移动
sediment-contaminant transport model底泥污染物输移模型
semi-trailer for transport of excavating machines装运挖土机用的半拖车
servo-controlled transport device伺服控制传送装置
servo-controlled transport equipment伺服控制传送装置
servo-controlled transport unit伺服控制传送装置
shoreward mass transport向岸水团运动
shoreward mass transport向岸的大量运输
single-solute transport model单溶质运移模型
site transport现场运输
skipping transport跳跃运输
small coastal transport小型沿岸运输船
spatially varied transport rate沿程变流量输沙率
station-to-station transport站到站运输
steady-state transport稳态运输
super sonic transport超音速客机
supply and transport供应与运输
take transport income as transport revenue以运输进款作为运输收入
tape transport带传送
tape transport mechanism带传送机构
target cost management of railway transport enterprise铁路运输企业目标成本管理
technical transport专门运输工具
technical-economic index of transport运输技术经济指标
tectonic transport构造运移
terminal cost for transport运输的站场费用
the income and expense report of transport revenue运输收入进款收支报表
the labor expense of freight transport货运人员工资
the labor expense of passenger transport客运人员工资
the labour expense of freight transport货运人员工资
the labour expense of passenger transport客运人员工资
the rate of fulfilment for daily passenger transport plan日计划兑换率
the receipt of freight transport货运票据
the receipt of passenger transport客运票据
the tributary area of water transport水运腹地
thermal transport formula热传递公式
thermal transport property热传递性质
towboat transport拖驳运输
traction transport推移质
transboundary transport of pollutant越境污染物输移
transfer and transport迁移传递
tunneling transport平巷掘进运输
tunnelling transport平巷掘进运输
turbid layer transport浊层搬运
turbine transport涡轮发动机运输机
turboprop transport涡轮螺旋桨运输机
two-deck transport双层运输机
unbalanced sediment transport不平衡输沙
universal transport vehicles通用运输车辆
upward transport向上运输
urban public transport城市公共交通运行调度
urban public transport enterprise城市公共交通企业
urban public transport fare structure城市公共交通票价制
urban public transport passenger flow forecast城市公共交通客流预测
urban public transport passenger flow survey城市公共交通客流调査
urban public transport planning城市公共交通规划
urban public transport sign城市公共交通标志
urban public transport system公共系统
urban transport市内交通
urban transport市内运输
urban transport modes城市运输模式
urban-rural transport城乡运输
utilized efficiency of transport equipment运输设备利用率
value insured transport保价运输
value-added of railway transport铁路运输增值
vapor transport水气输送
vectorial transport向量运输
ventilated transport通风运输
vertical transport coefficient铅直输送系数
volume of goods transport货物运输量
volume of transport货物运输量
volume of transport交通运输量
volume transport体积运输
vorticity transport涡旋传递
vorticity transport涡度输送
vorticity transport涡旋输移
vorticity-transport hypothesis涡量输运假设
wage in railway transport enterprise based on efficiency铁路运输企业工效挂钩
wagon for the transport of milk牛奶运输车
wagon for the transport of spent nuclear fuel核废料运载车
wagon loadings not completed in monthly transport plan落空车数
water quality transport module水质输送模数
water transport水的输送航运
water transport水力输送
water transport水上运输
water transport水上货运
water transport水运
water transport engineering水运工程 (学)
water transport line水上运输线
water vapor transport水汽输送
water vapour transport水汽输送
water-base transport水上运输机
water-borne transport水路运输
water-borne transport水运
water-borne transport航运
wood transport by water木材水运
yearly goods transport plan年度货物运输计划
yearly sediment transport年输沙量
zero bed load transport零底质输移
zonal ozone transport臭氧纬向输送
zone transport method区域传输法
zone transport method区域输运法
zone transport refiner区域输运提纯器
zone transport refiner熔区传输精炼炉
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