
Terms for subject Desert science containing transports | all forms
aeolian transport风成搬运
ambient sand transport rate周围输沙速率
ancient aeolian transport古风成搬运
bedload transport推移质输沙
bulk transport容积搬运
Centre for Natural Resources, Energy and Transport能源和运输中心 (联合国)
Centre for Natural Resources, Energy and Transport自然资源
creep transport蠕移搬运
cross-dune transport of sand沙丘横向输沙 (针对线形沙丘而言)
direct transport直接搬运
direction of sand transport风沙移动方向
direction of sand transport输沙方向
electron transport电子转移
electron transport电子传递
energy transport能[量]输送
eolian transport风成搬运
fluvial transport流水搬运
fluvial transport河流搬运
horizontal transport rate水平输沙率
incoming rate of sand transport进入输沙速率
lacustrine transport湖泊搬运
longshore sediment transport沿岸流沙
low-level transport低层输送
low-level transport低层搬运
mass transport大宗运输
mechanism of sediment transport by wind风沙传输机制
mechanism of sediment transport by wind飞沙机制
net sand transport potential净输沙势
net trend of transport drift净输沙走向
particle transport颗粒传输
rainsplash transport雨水溅击搬运
rate of sand transport输沙率
relative rate of sand transport相对输沙率
reverse cholesterol transport逆向转运
saltating transport跳跃搬运
saltation transport跃移搬运
sand transport输沙
sand transport rate输沙速率
sediment transport风成沙搬运
sediment transport capacity输沙量
short-range transport短程输送
short-range transport短程搬运
sliding transport搬运
sliding transport挪动
slope transport坡地搬运
snow drift transport rate吹雪搬运比
total transport rate总输沙率
transport capacity搬运能力
transport mode搬运方式
transport rate输沙率
transport rate搬运速率
transport systems搬运系统
transport systems运输系统
transport systems输沙系统
vertical transport垂直输送
vorticity transport theory涡度输送理论
wind transport风搬运