
Terms for subject Transport containing transports | all forms
bedload transport底沙搬运
bulk transport批量运输
combined transport联运
combined transport contract联运合同
combined transport operator联运人
container transport集装箱运输
covered transport覆盖运输
crew transport船员运送
heavy equipment transport重型设备运输
inland water transport内陆水运
internal surface transport境内水陆运输
internal transport, storage and handling国内运输、贮存与处理
land transport陆运
multimodal transport operator多种方式联运经营人 (MTO)
multimodal transport operator多模式运输营运商
notice of circumstances preventing transport无法运货通知
overland transport陆路运输
road transport道路运输
semi-bulk transport半散装运输
surface transport水陆运输
through-transport contract联运合同
through-transport document联运文件
transport capacity运输能力
transport charge运输费用
transport container货运集装箱
transport document运输单据
transport for hire or reward租用或取酬运输
transport in own account自给性运输
transport in transit过境运输
transport mechanism运输机构
transport mechanism运输装置
transport tariff运输价目表
transport unit e.g. container, vehicle运输装置如集装箱、车辆
uncovered transport无担保运输
unit transport rate单位运输率
unitized transport成组货运