
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing transport | all forms | exact matches only
bag cargo transport袋装货物运输
barge carrier transport载驳船运输
barge transport company驳运公司
barrel cargo transport桶装货物运输
branch route transport支线运输
car transport vessel车辆运输船
cargo transport货物运输
cargo transport-quality货运质量
cargo transport-quality, damage, short, claim and claims settlement货运质量、货损、货差和索赔理赔
container and palletized goods transport集装箱和托盘货物运输
contract for pallet-cargo transport托盘货物运输合同
dangerous cargo transport危险品运输
data transport device数据传送设备
dry goods transport干货运输
emergency transport突击运输
frozen cargo transport冷冻货物运输
Guangzhou Maritime Transport Group Co., Ltd广州海运集团有限公司
Hebei Ocean Transport Co., Ltd河北远洋运输有限公司
international container transport corporation国际集装箱运输公司
intraregional transport区间运输
intra-regional transport区间运输
irrational transport不合理的运输
machine transport ship机械运输船
magnetic tape transport磁带传送
main routes transport干线运输
mechanical transport depot机械运输器材库
non-planned transport计戈外运输
package cargo transport包装货物运输
palletized goods transport托盘货物运输
palletized goods transport company托盘货物运输公司
planned transport计戈运输
planned transport capacity计戈运输
quay for material transport材料运输码头
reasonable transport合理运输
report of water-transport in水运调查报告
report of water-transport investigation水运调查报告
Rules for the Structure and Equipment of Bulk Transport Dangerous Chemicals Ships《散装运输危险化学品船舶构造与设备规范》
Rules for the Structure and Equipment of Bulk Transport Liquid Gas Ships《散装运输液化气体船舶构造与设备规范》
Rules for the Structure and Equipment of River Bulk Transport Dangerous Chemicals Ships《内河散装运输危险化学品船舶构造与设备规范》
Rules for the Structure and Equipment of River Bulk Transport Liquid Gas Ships《内河散装运输液化气船舶构造与设备规范》
senior transport consultant高级运输顾问
statistics of water-transport port水运统计
through transport of container联运集装箱
transport agreement运输协议
transport barge运输驳船
transport instruction运输指令
transport instruction运输扌旨令
transport lighter运输驳船
transport oiler运油船
transport on a special route investigation专线运输
transport tanker运油船
unitized goods transport成组货物运输
unreasonable transport不合理运输
water-transport plan水运计划
World Major Ship Transport Enterprises录二世界主要船舶运输企业
Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation, Taiwan台湾阳明海运股份有限公司
Yangming Marine Transport Corporation, Taiwan台湾阳明海运股份有限公司