
Terms for subject Environment containing transport | all forms | exact matches only
Ozone Transport Assessment Group臭氧迁移评估小组
public transport vehicle Vehicle for conveying large numbers of paying passengers from one place to another公共运输交通工具 (通过收费运输大量人员的交通工具。)
transport cost The outlay or expenditure involved in moving goods from one place to another运输成本 (货物从一个地方移到另一个地方所涉及的费用或支出。)
transport law Rules concerning the movement of goods or persons by sea, railway or road运输法 (有关货物或人员从海上、铁路或公路进行移动的法规。)
transport planning A programme of action to provide for present and future demands for movement of people and goods. Such a programme is preceded by a transport study and necessarily includes consideration of the various modes of transport运输计划 (为人员和货物移动的现有和未来的需求提供的行动方案。该方案实施之前应进行运输研究,且必须考虑到不同的运输方式。)
transport regulation A rule or order prescribed by government or management for the safe and orderly conveyance of persons, materials or commodities over land, water or through the air运输规章 (政府或管理规定的规章和命令,以便人员、原料或商品经由陆路、水路或空中完成安全有序的运输。)
transport system System of lines of movements or communication by road, rail, water or air运输系统 (经由公路、铁路、水路或空中的运动和交流活动。)