
Terms for subject Technology containing transmission coefficient | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
acoustic transmission coefficient透声系数
acoustic transmission coefficient传声系数
acoustic transmission coefficient透音系数
acoustical transmission coefficient透声系数
acoustical transmission coefficient传声系数
acoustical transmission coefficient透音系数
air-to air-heat transmission coefficient空气中热传导系数
apparent coefficient of heat transmission标称传热系数
apparent coefficient of heat transmission表观传热系数
apparent coefficient of heat transmission表现传热系数
coefficient heat transmission传递系数
coefficient of acoustic transmission传声系数
coefficient of acoustical transmission传声系数
coefficient of atmospheric transmission大气透明度
coefficient of atmospheric transmission大气透明度系数
coefficient of heat transmission热传导率
coefficient of heat transmission热传导系数
coefficient of heat transmission by convection对流换热系数
coefficient of heat transmission by convection对流传热系数
coefficient of load transmission荷载传递系数
coefficient of overall heat transmission总传热系数
coefficient of overall heat transmission传热系数
coefficient of over-all heat transmission总传热系数
coefficient of over-all heat transmission通过围护结构的总传热系数
coefficient of spectral transmission光谱传播系数
coefficient of thermal transmission热传导系数
coefficient of thermoosmotic transmission热渗系数
coefficient of transmission传递系数
coefficient of transmission传播系数
coefficient of transmission导水系数
displacement transmission coefficient位移传递系数
electroosmosis transmission coefficient电渗系数
electroosmotic transmission coefficient电渗透射系数
electroosmotic transmission of coefficient电渗传导系数
electroosmotic transmission of coefficient电渗传递系数
heat transmission coefficient传热系数
heating transmission coefficient传热系数
intensity transmission coefficient光强透射系数
light-transmission coefficient透光系数
optic transmission coefficient光传输系数
optic transmission coefficient光透射系数
optical transmission coefficient光传输系数
optical transmission coefficient光透射系数
overall heat transmission coefficient总传热系数
sound amplitude transmission coefficient声波振幅传输系数
sound intensity transmission coefficient声强透射系数
sound power transmission coefficient声功率传输系数
sound transmission coefficient传声系数
sound transmission coefficient透声系数
sound transmission coefficient声音传播系数
sound transmission coefficient透射系数
stress transmission coefficient应力传递系数
transmission coefficient传透系数
transmission coefficient穿透几率
transmission coefficient渗透系数
transmission coefficient转移系数
transmission coefficient of detection检波传输系数
transmission line reflection coefficient传输线反射系数