
Terms for subject International trade containing transit | all forms | exact matches only
accord free transit准许自由过境
air transit of goods货物空运过境
annex on customs transit过境关税附件
bus transit advertising公共汽车箱壁广告
calculation of transit period运送期限计算
cash in transit在途现金
cash in transit运送中现金
cash in transit policy在运现金保险单
cash in transit policy现金运送保险单
Convention and Statute on Freedom of Transit Barcelona Convention自由过境公约和法规巴塞罗那公约1921年
Convention on Transit Trade of Landlocked States内陆国家过境贸易公约
customary transit clause惯常的运输条款
customs transit document海关过境单据
damage in transit运输途中受损
damage in transit运输中受损
due course of transit适宜之运输
free transit自由通过
free transit自由过境
free transit zone自由转口区
free transit zone自由过境区
freedom of transit过境自由
freight in transit过境货物
goods damaged in transit在运输途中受损的货物
goods in transit运输途中的货物
goods in transit过境货物
goods in transit在运品
goods in transit by sea海运中的货物
goods shipped in transit发出商品
in transit途中
in transit在途中
in transit输送中
in transit运输途中
inland transit tax system厘金制度
International Air Services Transit Agreement国际航空过境协定1944 年 12 月7 日
inventory in transit运送中存货
inward transit内运过境
land transit insurance陆运保险
livestock transit insurance家畜运送险
livestock transit insurance活牲畜运输保险
lose in transit在途中丢失
mass transit大量客运
material in transit在途材料
material in transit在运材料
merchandise in transit转口商品
money in transit在途现金
multilateral transit system多边过境运输制度
notice to stop in transit航程中停止交货通知
outward transit外运过境
overland transit empty集装箱外地回空
overland transit full集装箱外地装箱回送
passage in transit途中经过
personal rapid transit快速客运
public transit公共运输
public transit公共交通
public transit facility公共交通设施
rapid transit高速运输
rapid transit捷运系统
result of friction in transit搬运中磨损的结果
right of disposal of the goods during transit运输途中处理货物的权利
right of transit过境权
risk in transit运输途中的风险
road transit公路运输
road transit公路列车
shock received during transit运输途中受震
shocks received during transit运输途中受震
Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures Annex E. 1 concerning Customs Transit关于海关手续简化和统一的国际公约及其有关海关过境的附件 E. 1
single transit document单程过境单据
stoppage in transit停止运货
stoppage in transit卖主停运权如发现买主无力付款,卖方有权通知承运人停止运送
stoppage in transit卖方中途截止货物权
structural of customs transit regimes海关过境制度的结构
tariff for the transit of goods过境商品运价
terminal transit集装箱区内调运
terminal transitTT集装箱装卸区内调运
terms in transit过境条件
through transit联运
through transit全程运输
Through Transit Club联运保赔协会
through-transit club联运协会
traffic in transit中转运输
transit abstract中转货物摘录
transit agreement过境协定
transit bond过境保结
transit cargo过境货物
transit clause运输条款
transit clause转运条款
transit company中转公司
transit corridor过境走廊
transit country过境国
transit declaration过境报关单
transit depot中转站
transit depot临时仓库
transit depot转运仓库
transit document过境证件
transit document过境单据
transit dues转口税
transit dues货物通过税
transit dues过境税
transit duties中转税
transit duties过境税
transit duties转口税
transit duty通行税
transit duty中转税
transit formalities过境手续
transit godown过路货栈
transit godown码头仓库
transit godown临时仓库
transit goods过境货物
transit improvement trade过境加工贸易
transit insurance内陆运输保险
transit interest邮程利息
transit interest中转利息
transit letter of credit转口信用状
transit letter of credit转口信用证
transit number银行代号
transit pass for imports进口过境单
transit passage过境通行
transit period运送期限
transit period转运期
transit receipt海关过境保结
transit regime过境制度
transit shed临时货棚
transit shed转运货棚
transit sheddepot堆栈
transit shipment过境运输
transit shipment转运
transit shipment中转
transit shipments过境运输
transit shipments转运
transit shipments过境商品
transit supply直达供应
transit tax通行税
transit tolls过境税
transit visa过境签证
transit warehouse中转仓库
transit zone过境区