
Terms for subject China containing transfers | all forms
a report on standardizing government transfer payments关于规范财政转移支付情况的报告
assets transfer资产转让
contract on transfer出让合同
contract on transfer of the right to use of state-owned land国有土地使用权出让合同
Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property禁止和防止非法进出口文化财产和非法转让其所有权的方法的公约
copyright transfer权利转让
custody and transfer of securities证券的存管和过户
domain name transfer转让域名
duplicate form for transfer of hazardous waste危险废物转移联单
during a period when any transfer of securities is prohibited在限制转让期限内
extended through transfer以岀让方式提供
formalities for the transfer转移手续
formalities for the transfer of certificates of property rights财产权证照转移手续
formalities for transfer of the property right财产权转移手续
general transfer payments to local governments地方一般转移支付
gratuitous transfer无偿划转
help transfer funds协助资金转移
illegally sell or transfer weapons or equipment of the armed forces非法出卖、转让军队武器装备
illegally transfer非法转让
illegally transfer at low prices非法低价出让
illegally transfer grasslands非法转让草原
illegally transfer or scalp land-use right非法转让、倒卖土地使用权
illegally transfer sea areas非法转让海域
inbound transfer转入
income derived from property transfer转让财产所得
job-transfer training转岗培训
letter of transfer信汇
minimum transfer price最低转让价格
movables the transfer of which is prohibited禁止转让的动产
obligatory rights transfer债权转移
outbound transfer转出
ownership transfer registration过户登记
procedure for the transfer of the ship船舶移交手续
procedures for the transfer移交手续
proceeds obtained from the transfer转让的价款
property transfer财产转让
Regulations on the Transfer of Cases Involving Crimes by Administrative Organizations行政执法机关移送涉嫌犯罪案件的规定
restricted transfer of限制转让
separately transfer分别转让
special transfer payment专项转移支付
system of government transfer payments财政转移支付制度
technical know-how transfer contract技术秘密转让合同
technological transfer contract技术转让合同
term of transfer转让期限
time of the transfer转让时
transfer against compensation有偿转让
transfer an entry or exit certificate转让入境、出境证件
transfer at a low price低价转让
transfer by agreement协议转让
transfer by endorsement以背书转让
transfer by unlawful means非法转让
transfer cases to a judicial organ移交司法机关
transfer charges转让费
transfer cheque转账支票
transfer code转移密码
transfer contract转让合同
transfer employment转移就业
transfer fishing license转让捕捞许可证
transfer gratis无偿转让
transfer hazardous waste via the territory过境转移危险废物
transfer in accordance with the law依法转让
transfer into another's account转账
transfer of assets转移财产
transfer of assets in bad faith恶意转移财产
transfer of assets under disguise变相转移财产
transfer of intellectual property right转让知识产权
transfer of land转让土地
transfer of land by unlawful means非法转让土地
transfer of obligations转移义务
transfer of obligatory rights债权转移
transfer sth. of one's own accord自行移送
transfer of payment财政转移支付
transfer of payments转移支付
transfer of right权利转让
transfer of rights权利变更
transfer of state-owned assets国有资产转让
transfer of the mortgaged property转让抵押物
transfer of the portions of funds转让基金份额
transfer of the real estate转让房地产
transfer of the right to contractual management of grasslands草原承包经营权转让
transfer of work工作交接
transfer or lease the coal production license转让或者出租煤炭生产许可证
transfer payment specially for compulsory education义务教育专项转移支付
transfer payments转移支付
transfer price转让价金
transfer property rights转移财产权
transfer the agency to another person转托他人代理
transfer the business operation of project supervision转让监理业务
transfer the case to the judicial organ移送司法机关
transfer the job intermediary permit转让职业中介许可证
transfer the obligations转移义务
transfer the property or thing of value frozen转移冻结的财物
transfer the right转让权利
transfer the stock right转让股权
transfer to移交给
transfer to a competent organ移送主管机关
transfer to reserve service转入预备役
transfer together with the case随案移送
two-way transfer双向转移
written transfer contract书面转让合同