
Terms containing trainee | all forms | exact matches only
avia.automated control and distribution of trainees受训人员自动控制与分配系统
spaceautomated control & distribution of trainees受训人员自动化控制与分配系统 (计算机管理受训人员训练用的)
tech.deck trainee见习水手
China, lawenroll students or other trainee招收学员
econ.expanses of trainees实习生费用
fin.expense of trainees实习生费用
lab.law.pre-employment trainee system预备工制度
consult.stipends of the trainees受训人员津贴
ed.trainee abroad留学生
busin.trainee book-keeper见习簿记员
tech.trainee cartographer见习制图员
avia.trainee guide受训人员指南
horse.rac.trainee jockey见习骑手
China, lawtrainee to acquire practical skills实用人才
busin.trainee turnover培训人员周转率