
Terms for subject Business containing trade industry | all forms | in specified order only
complex of industry and trade工贸联合体
complex of science, industry and trade科工贸联合体
comprehensive management of agriculture, industry and trade农、工、贸综合经营
coordinated enterprise of agriculture, industry and trade农工商联合企业
cottage industry and commercial trade家庭工商业
different trade industry不同的工商业
industry agriculture and trade must be combined to bring producers and sellers together工农贸结合、产销见面
intra-industry trade产业部门内贸易
joint operation of industry and trade工贸联营
joint operations of technology, industry and trade技工贸联营
terms of trade of agriculture vis-avis industry农产品对工业品的相对贸易条件指工农产品的相对交换比价和比率,并据此得出贸易条件有利或不利