
Terms for subject Drilling containing top | all forms | exact matches only
bench top pressurized consistometer台式压力稠化仪
burst top of fish鱼头胀开
bypass top of fish错过鱼头
bypass top of fish超过鱼头
casing head top套管头顶
cement top locator水泥顶面探测仪
damage top of fish鱼损
damage top of fish破坏鱼头
dress top of fish修整鱼头
driller's top司钻总进尺
flare top of fish鱼头胀开
gin pole top beam天车架顶梁
gin pole top beam天车人字架顶梁
hole top井口
integrated top drive system整体式顶部驱动系统
landing top套管柱顶部的悬挂部分
liner top sub尾管顶部接头
open-top tank敞顶罐
portable top drives轻便式顶部驱动
rotary top sub顶部接头
screw top容器的螺旋盖
screw top带螺纹的顶塞
slip top pin卡瓦板牙固定销子
stab-in top of fish插入鱼头
tag top of cement探水泥顶面深度
tag top of the fish探鱼头深度
tank top罐顶
tap top of the fish探鱼头
top and bottom顶和底
top cement水泥顶面
top cement plug上部水泥塞
top cement plug注水泥上胶塞
top center上定点
top centre上死点
top circle齿轮外圈
top dead centre上死点
top diameter顶部直径
top dimension井架顶部开口尺寸
top down由顶向下顺序
top drawing上视图
top drive assembly顶部驱动装置总成
top-drive drilling system顶部驱动钻井装置
top-drive hydraulic power head顶部驱动液马达动力水龙头
top-drive hydraulic power head液压动力顶部驱动
top-drive inside BOP valve顶部驱动钻杆内装防喷阀
top-drive link elevator顶部驱动吊卡
top-drive motor顶部驱动马达
top-drive pipe handler顶部驱动钻杆上、卸扣装置
top-drive power head顶部驱动水龙头
top-drive power sub顶部驱动动力接头
top-drive saver sub顶部驱动防溅接头
top-drive wire line accessory顶部驱动大绳附件
top-drive-motor cooling system顶部驱动马达冷却系统
top fill job上部挤水泥
top gear高速挡
top heavy重心靠上
top hole上部井眼
top hole drilling上部井眼钻进
top of cement水泥顶面
top of cement水泥顶部
top of cement plug水泥塞顶面
top of cement plug水泥塞顶部
top of fish鱼头
top of fish落鱼顶部
top of liner尾管顶
top of liner hanger尾管挂顶
top of liner hanger尾管挂顶端
top of oil horizon油层顶部
top of well井口
top out油罐结束进油
top out油罐液面与罐顶接触
top outside job上部挤水泥
top outside job井口管外灌水泥
top-packer method上胶塞注水泥固井法
top plate油罐的顶板
top plug上部旋塞
top plug上胶塞
top speed最高速
top the oil sand钻达油层顶部
top the oil sand钻开油层
top up回注到顶
top up充填到顶
top up cementing上部挤水泥
top wall断层上盘