
Terms for subject Technology containing tons | all forms | exact matches only
a ton by measurement一吨位置
American ton短吨 (美国)
American ton of refrigeration美制冷冻吨
assay ton检定吨
assay ton weight试金吨砝码
average fuel electric power consumption of locomotive per 10000-gross weight-ton-kilometer机车每万总重吨公里平均燃料电力消耗量
average time in transit per ton of freight每吨货物平均运送时间
basic freight rate per ton for a stay in port吨停泊基价
basic freight rate per ton for sailing吨航行基价
bur ton ing shifting guy system绳索升降装置
bur ton ing shifting guy system复滑车起重装置
cargo deadweight ton载货吨
cargo ton计费吨
conversion ton-kilometer换算吨公理
converted ton-kilometers换算周转量
converted ton kilometre cost换算吨公里成本
converted ton kilometre liquidated revenue换算吨公里清算收入
cost per ten thousand-gross weight-ton-kilometer每万总重吨公里成本
cost per ton-kilometre of goods货物吨公里成本
cubic ton立方吨
cubical ton立方吨
curve of tons per inch immersion英寸吨曲线
curve of tons per inch immersion每英寸吃水吨数曲线
deadweight ton吨位
deadweight ton空载排水吨
deadweight ton载重量
deadweight ton总载重吨位
deadweight ton总载重量
deadweight ton船的总载重吨位
deadweight ton车辆的自重吨
deadweight ton静荷载吨数
deadweight ton重量吨
displacement one hundred and fifty thousand tons排水十五万吨
displacement one hundred thousand tons排水十万吨
displacement ton排水吨
displacement 2000 tons排水两千吨
displacement 50000 tons排水五万吨
dry ton干吨 (美国)
equated ton kilometre换算吨公理
fluid ton流体吨
freight ton载货量
freight ton货运吨
freight ton计费吨
freight ton体积吨
freight ton载货吨 (位)
freight ton-kilometer货物吨公里
freight ton-kilometer货物周转量
fuel consumption per ten thousand gross ton-kilometers每万吨公里燃料消耗量
gross register ton总注册吨 (位)
gross register ton登记总吨位
gross register ton总登记吨 (位)
gross ton船的总吨数
gross ton长吨2240 磅或 1016 公斤
gross ton英吨
gross ton-kilometer总重吨公里
gross ton-kilometer总吨公理
gross ton-kilometer hauled牵引的总重吨公里
hamme ton silver龟裂花样银花涂料
hamme ton silver龟裂花纹银色涂料
handling tons操作量 (指装卸)
hold ton船舱容积
hoppus ton哈波士吨
just ton公正吨 (1英国公正吨= 1.0165 千克)
just ton短吨 (美国)
locomotive drawing dead weight-ton-kilometre机车牵引载重吨公里
locomotive gross ton kilometers机车总重吨公里
long ton长吨等于2240磅或1016千克
long ton长吨等于 2240 磅或 1016 千克
long ton Imperial ton长吨英吨 1. tn., Imp. tn.
long ton重吨
long ton长,重,大=2240磅
long ton英吨 (2240 磅)
measurement ton载货容积吨数
measurement ton载货体积单位
measurement ton丈量吨 (位)
measurement ton method容积吨法
meter-ton-second system米•吨•秒单位制
meter-ton-second units米•吨•秒单位制
metric ton公吨
metric ton千公斤
metric ton公吨=1000 千克
metric ton公吨 t. 或 mt. 或 M/T
metric ton公吨
metric ton per year年吨
metric tons per hour每小时公吨
metrical ton米制吨
metrical ton千公斤
metrical ton公吨
metrical ton per year年吨
metrical tons per hour每小时公吨
moved ton-kilometer运行吨公里
net freight ton-kilometers货物净重吨公里
net long ton净英吨
net registered ton登记净吨
net registered ton净吨
net ton美吨 (1 美吨=2000 磅)
net ton kilometer净吨公理
net ton kilometer per train kilometre平均列车净吨
net ton kilometer per train kilometre平均列车净重
net ton kilometers per kilometer of line净重货运密度
net ton kilometers per loaded car kilometers重车平均净重量
number of tons of freight carried运送货物吨数
number of tons of freight originated发送货物吨数
operational ton操作量 (指装卸)
operational ton操作吨 (指装卸)
overweight ton超重吨数
payable ton计费吨
per gross ton每一毛吨
per ten thousand converted ton-kilometer employed fixed assets cost每万换算吨公里占用固定资产原价
per ten thousand current funds finished converted ton-kilometre每万流动资金完成的换算吨公里
per ten thousand ton-kilometre included wage每万吨公里工资含量
per ton of dry matter produced生产每吨干物质
pgt per gross ton每毛吨
physical ton of handling装卸自然吨
procedure-tons by cargo-handling machines机械操作工序吨
procedure-tons of cargo-handling装卸工序吨
rating ton检定吨
ratio of development meters to ten thousands tons of mined ore万吨采掘比
ratio of operation tons to physical tons操作系数 (指装卸)
ratio of operational tons to physical tons操作系数 (指装卸)
ratio of operational tons to ports throughput装卸工作系数
refrigeration ton冷冻吨
refrigeration ton冷吨
revenue of per ton-kilometre吨/千米收入
revenue ton载货吨
scale ton比例吨 (50立方英尺=1比例吨)
serviceable ton-kilometers per wagon per day货车日产量
shipping ton载货吨
shipping ton计费吨
shipping ton货运吨
shipping ton运费吨
shipping ton船舶载重吨木材等,40英尺3;石料,16英尺³;焦炭,28蒲式耳
shipping ton体积吨
shipping ton装载吨 (等于40立方英尺)
ship's expenses per operation ton-day船舶营运吨天费用
ship's expenses per operational ton-day船舶营运吨天费用
short ton美吨 (1美吨=2000磅)
short ton每吨 (等于2000磅)
short ton短吨 (美国)
short ton短吨=2000磅
short ton短,轻,小=2000 磅
short ton短吨约等于907千克,907公斤
short ton短吨美吨 sh. tn., U. S. tn.
short ton小吨
spare ton容积吨
standard ton冷吨
statistic table of actual wagon loadings and tons of goods carried in comparison with those planned货运计划完成情况统计表
statistical table of actual wagon loadings and tons of goods carried in comparison with those planned货运计划完成情况统计表
tariff per ton-kilometre吨/公里运价
three-ton truck三吨载货汽车
ton comparable吨位丈量
ton-day of cargo in storage货物堆存吨天数
ton force吨力 (合9807牛顿)
ton-kilometers charged计费吨公里
ton-kilometers hauled运行吨公里
ton-kilometers of goods货物吨公里
ton-kilometers of transportation运行吨公里
ton-kilometers operated运营吨公里
ton mile吨/海里
ton of coal equivalent煤当量吨
ton of refrigeration冷藏吨重
ton of refrigeration冷冻吨
ton sea mile吨/海里
ton slates称重石板瓦
ton weight重量吨
tons carried货物运送吨数
tons conveyed货物发送吨数
tons conveyed货物运送吨数
tons deadweight载重吨
tons loaded of goods货物装载吨数
tons loaded per wagon货车静载重
tons of cargo delivered出库吨数
tons of dry material干土吨
tons of dry sludge solid干污泥固体吨数
tons of goods originated发送吨数
tons of goods received到达吨数
tons of goods received货物到达吨数
tons of goods transported货物运送吨数
tons offered of goods货物待运吨数
tons originated of goods货物起运吨数
tons per centimeter吃水吨数/厘米
tons per centimeter immersion每厘米吃水吨数
tons per day吨/日
tons per day日吨数
tons per day每日吨数
tons per hatch-hour舱时量
tons per inch每英寸排水吨数
tons per inch英寸吨
tons per ship-hour船时量
tons per square inch吨/平方英寸
tons per square inch吨平方英寸
tons per square inch每平方英寸的吨数
tons received of goods货物到达吨数
tons registered登记吨位【船】
tons transported货物运送吨数
tons unloaded of goods货物卸车吨数
total traffic ton-miles总运输吨哩
train gross ton kilometers列车叫重吨公里
train net ton-kilometre列车载重吨公里
transportation tons运输吨数
truck ton载重汽车吨位
unit cost per ton-kilometre吨/公里单位成本
unitized cargo tons成组吨
vessel ton容器吨
virtual ton kilometres hauled实际输送吨公里
virtual ton-kilometres worked实际工作吨公里
volumetrical ton体积吨
volumetrical ton容积吨