
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing tolerance | all forms | exact matches only
admissible tolerance允许公差
allowable tolerance允许公差
carload tolerance车载公差
close tolerance紧密容差
close tolerance小公差
close tolerance紧缩公差
close tolerance casting小余量铸造
close tolerance forging精密锻件
close-tolerance forging紧缩公差锻造
close tolerance forging精密锻造
crack tolerance裂纹容限
crosscutting tolerance横切公差
cut to tolerance定公差切割
dimensional tolerance of caster roll连铸机辊尺寸公差
finish rolling tolerance精轧公差
forging tolerance锻造公差
gauge tolerance厚度公差
lead tolerance螺距公差
leak tolerance漏损容许限度
manufacturing tolerance制造公差
margin tolerance公差范围
minus tolerance负偏差
mold with close dimensional tolerance高精度尺寸公差结晶器
off-tolerance偏离公差 (的)
out-of-tolerance超差 (超出公差范围)
out-of-square tolerance菱变公差
out-of-square tolerance脱方公差
plus tolerance正偏差
precision tolerance精确裕度
rolling tolerance轧制公差
rolling with minus tolerance负公差轧制 (【技】成品钢材按负偏差尺寸进行的轧制即负偏差轧制。其优点是:节约金属、增加产量、降低生产成本。)
rolling with minus tolerance负偏差轧制
size tolerance of finished steel product钢材尺寸公差 (【技】钢材有关标准中的允许正偏差和负偏差的绝对值之和称之为钢材的尺寸公差。)
smithing tolerance锻造公差
strip thickness tolerance带材厚度公差
sulphur tolerance含硫量允差
temperature tolerance温度容限
tighter forging tolerance严格锻造公差
tolerance between laboratories实验室间误差
tolerance interval容许范围
tolerance level容许级位
tolerance level容许限度
tolerance level容许含量
tolerance limit公差极限
tolerance of flows裂纹容限
tolerance on fit配合公差
tolerance on length长度公差
tolerance on size尺寸公差
tolerance standard for round steel圆钢公差标准
tolerance value公差值
total tolerance综合公差
water tolerance吸水量