
Terms for subject Economy containing to give | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
account to give算作支出
As we are unable to ship this kind of goods to the exact unit, please give us some latitude in handling it由于我们无法将这种商品装运得不多不少一点不差,请给我们一些处理的灵活幅度
Due to the instability of the present market price, we cannot give you a firm offer由于目前市场价格不稳定,我们不能给你方报实盘
failure to give note未通知
failure to give notice预先通知
give a impulse to...促进…
give a wide berth to对…敬而远之
give a wide berth to远离
give one's best wishes to祝愿某人 (sb.)
give one's best wishes to向某人致意 (sb.)
give bribes to向某人行贿 (sb.)
give effort to...使…生效
give full play to available and laten superiorities of发挥现有和潜在的优越性
give full play to favorable local conditions因地制宜,发挥优势
give sb. notice to quit通知某人离职
give precedence to优先考虑 (the order, 这份订单)
give publicity to宣传 (goods, policy, 商品、政策)
give publicity to goods宣传商品
give publicity to service宣传劳务
give us to understand我们了解 (that you deal in brushes of all kinds, 你们经营各种刷子)
I will give the documents to the accountant我会把单据交给会计
If our ability to dispose of large quantity of goods is proved, you should give us exclusive selling right for the commodities如证实我们有能力大量销售货物,你方应给我们此商品的独家经销权
If the contract is adjusted to be illegal or unconstitutional adj., we shall give up performing the contract如果该合同被断定为非法的或不符合宪法的,我们则应中止履行此合同
If your prices are fair we can place a large order with you but we request you to give us a substantial discount如果你方的价格公道,我方可向你方大量订购,但我方要求给我们较大的折扣
In view of the amount of this transaction being very large, we are prepared to give you 10% discount鉴于此笔交易金额很大,我方拟同意给你们九折优惠价
It is against the company policy to give more than 30 days' credit给予30天以上的信用期违反公司方针
The company represents that it will give preference to its creditors公司声称将向债权人提供优先权
The manager will give his employees a supplement to their premium if the company's sales surpass 30%如果公司的销售量超过30%,经理将给其雇员增加奖金
The seller guaranteed not to sell, give away or deliver the above-mentioned goods to any other buyer卖方保证决不出售、赠送或交付上述货物给任何其他买主
They don't give credence to the offer他们不相信这份报盘
They expect you to give this matter your immediate attention他们盼望你对此事立即办理
to give in pledge作为抵押
To give you detailed information of the goods, we enclose a brochure and a price list兹随函附寄说明书及价目单一份,给你方介绍该货详细情况
Unless they can give us an assurance that they will in future provide us with first class cotton seeds, we regret we shall have to go elsewhere除非他们保证以后供应一级棉籽,不然我们将向别处进货
We enclose a brochure and a price list to give you a general idea of the goods available for export兹随函附上小册子和价目单各一份,便于你方了解我公司出口货物的情况
We have to give up the chance of cooperation with you unless you revise your conditions除非你们修改条件,否则我们只得放弃与你们合作的机会
We have to give up the purchase due to your serious breach of the contract由于你方严重违约,我方不得不放弃购货
We trust that you will give special care to the packing of the goods我们相信贵方会特别注意货物的包装
Will you give precedence to our enquiry, once you are able to offer?一旦你方能报盘,你方能尽先办理我方的询盘吗?
Your complaint has been referred to the board of directors and the manager will soon give you a reply你的申诉已提交给董事会,经理会很快给你答复