
Terms containing to give | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
meas.inst.A rasp is a long metal tool with rough surfaces. It is used to rub solid objects and give them smooth surfaces锉刀是一种长形且表面粗糙的金属工具。它经常用来摩擦固体物品,从而使物体表面变得光滑
gen.abandon give oneself up to despair只会悲观失望
interntl.trade.account to give支出账目
fin.account to give支出帐目 (giving account)
econ.account to give算作支出
commer.account to give支岀账目 (与收入账目(account to receive) 相对)
commer.As soon as we're in a position to offer, we'll give precedence to your enquiries一俟可以报盘,我方将优先办理你方询盘
econ.As we are unable to ship this kind of goods to the exact unit, please give us some latitude in handling it由于我们无法将这种商品装运得不多不少一点不差,请给我们一些处理的灵活幅度
proj.manag.By having access to the source code, it gives them power they would otherwise not have通过有权使用源代码、这给了他们力量、否则他们不会获得这种力量
gen.Could I know who has found my bag and brought it here? I want to give my personal appreciation to him or her我能知道是谁发现并把它送来的吗?我想向他当面致谢
econ.Due to the instability of the present market price, we cannot give you a firm offer由于目前市场价格不稳定,我们不能给你方报实盘
expl.Due to the severe fire in his throat,the prime minister will not be able to give a speech at tomorrow's conference首相喉咙发炎、明天的会上他不能讲话
busin.failure to give not ice未通知
econ.failure to give note未通知
busin.failure to give notice未通知
econ.failure to give notice预先通知
China, polit.give a basic shape to the Chinese-style socialist legal system基本形成中国特色社会主义法律体系
gen.give a book toM 给 M —本书
sport.give a caution to给…一次警告
commer.give a check to the plan阻碍计划
gen.give a clue toM 提供关于M的线索
gen.give a false colour to歪曲
gen.give a false colour to曲解
China, polit.give a full and accurate expression to全面准确地体现
China, polit.give a full and accurate expression to and upholding the basic socialist economic system法律全面准确地体现社会主义基本经济制度
China, polit.give a full and accurate expression to and upholding the basic socialist economic system法律全面准确地体现坚持社会主义基本经济制度
gen.give a good example to树立榜样
gen.give a good example to做…榜样
gen.give a good polish toM 把 M 好好擦
China, polit.give a greater role to the market发挥市场机制的巨大作用
econ.give a impulse to...促进…
gen.give a present of M to把 M 作为礼物送给N (N)
commer.give a reference to提供…以供参考
gen.give a reference toM 提供M以资参考
gen.give a reference toM 表示M
gen.give a reference toM 指示M
gen.give a reference toM 提供M以供〔以资〕参考
gen.give a reference toM 提到M
fin.give a significant capital injection to international financial institutions向国际金融机构注人大量资金
gen.give a solemn warning toM 给 M—个严重警告
gen.give a stimulus to激励
gen.give a stimulus to促进
gen.give a stimulus to与…以刺激
sport.give a thorny problem to one's opponent使对方感到棘手
gen.give a thought toM 对M想〔考虑〕一下
econ.give a wide berth to对…敬而远之
econ.give a wide berth to远离
tech.give a wide berth to宽让
gen.give a wide berth toM 离〔避〕开 M
sport.give abnormal play to one's skill发挥失常
gen.give one's adhesion to对…予以支持
gen.give aid to给…以帮助
gen.give aid to帮助
China, lawgive aid to medical treatment医疗救助
gen.give air to发表意见
gen.give allegiance to忠诚于
gen.give an edge to加强
gen.give an edge to给…开刃
gen.give an example to树立榜样
gen.give an example to做…榜样
gen.give an eye to顺便照看 —下
gen.give an impact to对…起冲击的作用
gen.give an impetus to促进
gen.give an impetus to刺激
commer.give an impetus to trade促进贸易
gen.give an impulse to推动
gen.give an impulse to促进
gen.give an impulse to给…刺激
commer.give an impulse to the development of the friendly relations between the two countries促进两国友好关系的发展
gen.give an interview to接见
dipl.give one's assent to对…表示赞成
dipl.give one's assent to同意
dipl.give assistance to给…以帮助
dipl.give assistance to帮助
gen.give attention toM 注意 M
gen.give one's attention to关心
gen.give one's attention to注意
gen.give audience to接见
gen.give audience to倾听
gen.give audience to听取
China, lawgive away official secrets due to carelessness失密
sport.give best play to one's skill大显身手
econ.give one's best wishes to向某人致意 (sb.)
econ.give one's best wishes to祝愿某人 (sb.)
gen.give one's best wishes toM 向 M 致意
gen.give birth toM 产生 M
gen.give birth toM 造成 M
gen.give birth to产生
gen.give birth to引起
gen.give birth to产仔
China, lawgive birth to生育
gen.give birth to
China, lawgive birth to female babies生育女婴
gen.give body to使…具体化
gen.give body to实现
econ.give bribes to向某人行贿 (sb.)
gen.give chase toM 追赶〔击〕M
commer.give one's check to the bank teller把支票交银行出纳员兑换现金
tech.give clearance to the cutting edge铲齿
gen.give colour to给…润色
gen.give colour to使显得可信
gen.give confidence to对…表示信任
gen.give consideration to研究
China, polit.give consideration to the comments and suggestions of deputies吸收代表意见和建议
gen.give countenance to鼓励
gen.give countenance to支持
gen.give countenance to赞成
gen.give credit toM 赞扬 M
gen.give credit toM 信任 M 称赞 M
gen.give credit toM 相信 M
gen.give currency to散布
gen.give currency to传播
environ.give currency toM 散布 M
gen.give currency toM 传播 M
gen.give one's custom to成为…的常客
gen.give one's custom to经常光顾
China, polit.give deputies a bigger role to play进一步发挥代表作用
China, polit.give deputies a greater role to play进一步发挥代表作用
China, polit.give deputies a greater role to play充分发挥代表作用
China, lawgive due consideration to照顾
China, polit.give due consideration to统筹兼顾, 照顾
China, polit.give due consideration to the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, the current common interests of the people and the special interests of different groups in society统筹兼顾最广大人民的根本利益、现阶段群众的共同利益和不同群体的特殊利益
gen.give ear to倾听
gen.give ear to侧耳静听
gen.give ear to注意
gen.give effect to生效
gen.give effect to实行
gen.give effect to使实行起来
busin.give effect to付诸实施
gen.give effect to使生效
econ.give effort to...使…生效
gen.give emphasis to强调
gen.give emphasis to着重
commer.give emphasis to quality control强调质量管理
gen.give encouragement toM 对 M 予以鼓励
commer.give expression to表明〔达〕
commer.give expression to反映
commer.give expression to表明
commer.give expression to叙述
commer.give expression to陈述
gen.give one's eyes to为了…愿付出极大的代价
gen.give one's faith to担保〔发誓,答应〕
China, lawgive false testimony to protect the criminal作假证明包庇
China, polit.give feedback to反馈
Chinagive first place toM 把 M 放在首位
gen.give first rank to把…放在第一位
fin.give freer rein to market forces让市场力量发挥更大作用
sport.give full play to充分发挥
econ.give full play to available and laten superiorities of发挥现有和潜在的优越性
econ.give full play to favorable local conditions因地制宜,发挥优势
sport.give full play to one's abilities大显身手
China, polit.give full play to taxation as a regulatory instrument发挥税收调控作用
China, polit.give full play to the role充分发挥..... 的作用 (of)
China, polit.give full play to the role of发挥作用
fin.give full play to the role of monetary policy充分发挥货币政策的作用
China, polit.give full play to the role of the NPC special committees充分发挥专门委员会的作用
busin.give full scope to one's ability人尽其才
China, lawgive full scope to one's role充分发挥作用
China, polit.give full scope to the initiative and enthusiasm充分发挥主动性、积极性 (of)
China, polit.give full scope to the role充分发挥..... 的作用 (of)
China, polit.give full to democracy充分发扬民主
China, polit.give smb greater incentive to调动做某事的积极性 (smth)
China, polit.give smb greater incentive to进一步调动做某事的积极性 (smth)
tech.give guidance to the direction of investment引导投资方向
gen.give heed to提防
gen.give heed to留心
gen.give heed to注意
China, polit.give high priority to把.... 放在首位 (doing)
China, polit.give high priority to raising the overall ideological and political standards把思想政治建设放在首位 (of)
gen.give honour to对…致敬意
gen.give honour to尊敬
gen.give impetus to推进
gen.give in to this view接受这个观点〔意见〕
gen.give the inspiration to鼓舞
gen.give the inspiration to启发
gen.give instructions to + inf.指挥命令做某事
gen.give one's life toM 献身于M
gen.give one's mind to注意
gen.give one's mind to专心于
gen.give one's mite to贡献一份力量
gen.give one's mite to为…尽微薄之力
China, polit.give more play to deputies's role进一步发挥代表作用
China, polit.give more play to the characteristics and strengths of the system of people's congresses更好地发挥人民代表大会制度的特点和优势
China, polit.give more play to their role as a major force发挥生力军的作用 (in)
China, polit.give more preference to weak links向薄弱环节倾斜 (in)
tech.give more rein to market forces扩大市场作用
gen.give mouth to吐露
gen.give mouth to说出
gen.give my kind remembrance to请代向… 问好
gen.give nopreference toM 优先选择M
gen.give nopreference toM 偏爱M
sport.give normal play to one's skill发挥正常
agric.give notice to通知
econ.give sb. notice to quit通知某人离职
gen.give occasion to使…发生
gen.give occasion to引起
gen.give offence to得罪
gen.give offence to触怒
gen.give oneself up to埋头于
gen.give orders for the work to be started下令开始工作
gen.give M over to把M交出〔交给,移交〕N (N)
gen.give pause toM 使 M 犹豫〔踌躇〕
environ.give M permission to许可 M (+ inf., 做)
gen.give place toM 为M所取代〔代替〕
gen.give place toM 让位给M
gen.give play toM 发挥 M
China, lawgive play to发挥
gen.give free play toM 让M自由活动
fin.give play to the fundamental role of the market in resource allocation发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用
gen.give point toM 强调M
gen.give point toM 着重 M
sport.give point to让分给对方
gen.give point toM 给 M 增添力量〔论据〕
gen.give praise toM 表扬 M
expl.give precedence to让…优先
gen.give precedence toM 把M放在前
econ.give precedence to优先考虑 (the order, 这份订单)
gen.give precedence toM 承认M的优越性
gen.give preference toM 优先选择M
gen.give preference toM 偏爱M
China, polit.give preferential treatment to the families of military personnel优待军人家属
China, lawgive priority to优先
gen.give first priority toM 优先考虑 M
commer.give priority to给…以优先权
commer.give first priority toM 给 M 以优先权
China, lawgive priority to conservation把节约放在首位
China, polit.give priority to human development以人为本
China, polit.give priority to key areas突出重点
China, polit.give priority to paying off the debt优先化解债务
China, lawgive priority to reduction减量化优先
China, lawgive priority to safeguarding优先保障
sport.Give priority to the cultivation of the markets for physical fitness and amusement, competition demonstration, sports goods, network sports, sports publications and sports lottery重点培育健身娱乐、竞赛表演、体育用品、网络体育、体育书刊、体育彩票市场
China, lawgive priority to the protection保护为主
China, lawgive priority to the release优先放行
China, lawgive priority to the transport优先运输
gen.give prominence to the key points突出重点
China, lawgive publicity to予以公开
econ.give publicity to宣传 (goods, policy, 商品、政策)
gen.give publicity toM 公开〔布〕M
gen.give publicity toM 宣传 M
econ.give publicity to goods宣传商品
econ.give publicity to service宣传劳务
gen.give rein to对…放任
gen.give rein to充分发挥
gen.give one's respects to向…致意 (问候)
China, lawgive rewards to给予奖励
gen.give rise to导致
gen.give rise to使发生
gen.give rise to得出
gen.give rise to使发
gen.give rise to产生
gen.give rise to引起
gen.give rise to much controversy引起许多争论
gen.give sanction toM 认可 M
environ.give sanction toM 批准 M
gen.give satisfaction toM 使M满意〔满足〕
China, lawgive scope to发挥
gen.give scope toM 给 M 发挥的机会
gen.give shape toM 修整M
dril.give shape to...实现
dril.give shape to...修整
dril.give shape to...使..... 成形
gen.give shape toM 实现 M
gen.give shape toM 使M成形
gen.give short-shrift toM 漠视M
gen.give short-shrift toM 草率处理〔对待〕M
gen.give short-shrift toM 对M敷衍了事
gen.give short-shrift toM 对M漠然处之
China, polit.give special consideration to统筹兼顾, 照顾
gen.give speech to说出
tab.tenn.give spin to the ball加转
tab.tenn.give spin to the ball击球加转
gen.give strength to使坚固
gen.give strength to加强
gen.give support toM 支持〔援〕M
gen.give the bridle to使…自由活动
gen.give the cold shoulder to表示不欢迎
gen.give the cold shoulder toM 排斥 M
gen.give the cold shoulder to冷待
exhib.give the floor to同意...... 发言
gen.give the floor to给予发言权
sport.give the floor to sb请某人发言
gen.give the guy to sb.偷偷溜掉
gen.give the guy to sb.摆脱某人
commer.give the last finish to对…进行最后的精加工
commer.give the last finish to对某物进行最后精加工 (sth.)
gen.give the lie to揭穿…的虚假〔谎言〕
gen.give the reins to对…放任
gen.give the reins to充分发挥
gen.give the slip toM 让 M 逃掉
gen.give the slip toM 让 M 躲开
gen.give thickness to the nearest 1/10000 of an inch得出的厚度精确到万分之一英寸
gen.give M to把 M 给 N (N)
gen.give M to把M给〔次给〕N (N)
gen.give to the dogs扔掉
gen.give to the dogs放〔抛〕弃
gen.give to the public印行
gen.give to the public出版
gen.give to the world发表
gen.give to the world出版
econ.give us to understand我们了解 (that you deal in brushes of all kinds, 你们经营各种刷子)
environ.give M to understand that...通知 〔告诉〕M
gen.give undivided attention to专心致力于
chess.term.give up a chariot to save the marshal舍车保帅
archit.give up M to把 M 让〔传〕 给 N (N)
gen.give utterance to表明〔达〕
gen.give utterance to说〔讲〕出
China, lawgive visible expression to有形地表现
gen.give voice to吐露
gen.give voice to表现
gen.give voice to说出
dipl.give one's vote to投赞成…的票
tech.give wage increases to workers and staff members调整职工工资
gen.give way to despair绝望
gen.give way to despair断念
sport.give way to somebody输给某人
gen.give way to temptation受诱惑
fin.give way to the dollar让位于美元
gen.give weight to给予重视
gen.give...to know that使…了解
gen.give...to understand that使…了解
gen.Go up to the second floor, and you will see it sign-posted to the right. Give the doctor your registration card上二楼,右边挂有内科的牌子。把挂号卡给医生就行了
commer.have no authority to give the buyer a warranty不可向买方给予保证
gen.How much tip should I give to the longshoreman?我应该给装卸工人多少小费?
gen.I have to confiscate these fresh fruit. Give your declaration form to the attendant at the exit. And have a nice day我得没收这些新鲜水果。请把申报单交给出口的服务员。祝您旅途愉快!
gen.I see. So you were forced to give in, right?我明白了,你被迫给他钱了,是吗?
gen.I want to ask about the right of residency a foreigner has in another country. Could you give me some information about it?我想咨询关于外国入境者的居留权问题,您能给我讲讲这方面的知识吗?
gen.I was going to cash it at hotel, but one of my friends said that banks always give better exchange rates我本来打算在酒店兑换的,但是我一个朋友说银行的兑换率会更低一点
econ.I will give the documents to the accountant我会把单据交给会计
dentist.I will give you the extra gauze to take home, so please replace the gauze if bleeding does not stop我另外给您一些棉球带回家,如果当您回家后拔牙创口继续出血,请换新棉球咬紧
gen.I wish you a safe and fascinating journey home and please give my best wishes to your family祝你一路顺风,旅途愉快!替我给你的家人带去我最美好的祝福
station.I would like to buy a file holder. Can you give a recommendation?我想买个档案夹,你有推荐的吗?
gen.I would like to give him something special this year我今年想送给他一些特别的礼物
proj.manag.I'd like to call for this little video clip to give you some idea of, sort of, what we face我想在这里给大家放一小段视频剪辑、让大家对我们所面对的东西有一点了解
econ.If our ability to dispose of large quantity of goods is proved, you should give us exclusive selling right for the commodities如证实我们有能力大量销售货物,你方应给我们此商品的独家经销权
econ.If the contract is adjusted to be illegal or unconstitutional adj., we shall give up performing the contract如果该合同被断定为非法的或不符合宪法的,我们则应中止履行此合同
gen.If we refuse your application, we will give or send you a notice of refusal. This document will list the reasons for the refusal, and will explain your right to appeal如果您的申请被拒签,那么您将收到我们寄给您的拒签信。拒签信上会列明您被拒签的理由,并说明您是否拥有上诉权
busin.If you can go a little lower, I'd be able to give you an order on the spot如果您的价格再便宜些,我们马上下单
econ.If your prices are fair we can place a large order with you but we request you to give us a substantial discount如果你方的价格公道,我方可向你方大量订购,但我方要求给我们较大的折扣
dentist.I'll give you an anesthetic to relieve the pain, If you feel pain, please tell me我将给您注射点麻药来减轻疼痛
gen.I'm so sorry for the errors in the work. Please give me a couple of days to check it up again我对工作中的错误感到很抱歉,请给我几天时间再检查一遍
shipb.In order to conclude the business, we' ll agree to give you a 3% discount.为了成交,我们同意给你们3%的折扣。
econ.In view of the amount of this transaction being very large, we are prepared to give you 10% discount鉴于此笔交易金额很大,我方拟同意给你们九折优惠价
China, lawinvestment which may give rise to unlimited liability无限责任的投资
econ.It is against the company policy to give more than 30 days' credit给予30天以上的信用期违反公司方针
gen.It's very kind of you to give us much of your time非常感谢这段时间以来你给我们的帮助
China, lawmake sure to give way注意避让
gen.Most notably, potential overseas ticket sales nowadays determine whether or not a studio executive gives the go-ahead to a movie一部电影是否继续投资,海外票房潜力是好莱坞电影制作人考虑的主要因素
expl.My parents undertook yesterday to give me a present on the Christmas Day父母昨天答应圣诞节送给我一个礼物
gen.Please give me a non-stop ticket to New York请给我一张去纽约的直达票
gen.Please give this declaration card to that officer at the exit请将这张申报卡交给出口处的官员
China, lawpresent at the meeting to give the reply到会答复
China, lawreadily give credence to oral statements轻信 口 供
China, lawship that give rise to maritime lien产生优先权的船舶
expl.Some biology teachers have even undertaken to give lessons to their students by going closer to nature有些生物老师甚至想带学生走进自然上课
China, lawstop to give way to the pedestrians停车让行
commer.The agent has no authority to give the buyers a warranty with respect to the goods sold代理人无权对售岀的货物向买主作任何保证
econ.The company represents that it will give preference to its creditors公司声称将向债权人提供优先权
gen.The counterman scooped out Sumatran coffee beans, ground them, put the grounds in a filter in the cone and poured hot water over them to give me a sample of their product柜台服务员用勺子舀岀少许苏门答腊咖啡豆,磨成粉,倒入滴滤式咖啡壶的滤格,浇下热水,冲一杯咖啡供我品尝
gen.the cushions of air permit the tires to give slightly气垫使轮胎稍具弹性
commer.The government did not give sanction to the importation of wines政府没有批准进口酒类
sport.The indoor stadium shall be completely enclosed and covered. Lighting, heating and ventilation shall be provided to give satisfactory conditions for indoor competitions室内体育场应是四周有围墙、顶部有覆盖的体育场、应为室内比赛提供符合条件的照明、供暖和通风设备
econ.The manager will give his employees a supplement to their premium if the company's sales surpass 30%如果公司的销售量超过30%,经理将给其雇员增加奖金
proj.manag.The president will have to give the federal budget deficit and national debt a far more central place in his policy agenda总统将被迫在自己的政策议程中将联邦预算赤字和国家债务置于更核心的地位
econ.The seller guaranteed not to sell, give away or deliver the above-mentioned goods to any other buyer卖方保证决不出售、赠送或交付上述货物给任何其他买主
econ.They don't give credence to the offer他们不相信这份报盘
econ.They expect you to give this matter your immediate attention他们盼望你对此事立即办理
footwearThis gives her feet a little more room so her shoes don't start to pinch late in the day这让她的双脚有了多余的活动空间,到傍晚的时候就不会感到夹痛
tech.to give change找零钱
econ.to give in pledge作为抵押
tech.to give up halfway半途而废
tech.to give way to navigation退槽让航
econ.To give you detailed information of the goods, we enclose a brochure and a price list兹随函附寄说明书及价目单一份,给你方介绍该货详细情况
econ.Unless they can give us an assurance that they will in future provide us with first class cotton seeds, we regret we shall have to go elsewhere除非他们保证以后供应一级棉籽,不然我们将向别处进货
gen.We are going to give you a discount我们给您的饭菜打个折
el.We are very much interested in your electronic calculators and would you like to give us a copy of the newest catalog together with the prices?我方对你们的电子计算器很感兴趣,能给我们一份最新的产品目录及价目表吗?
shipb.We can work out the offer this evening and give it to you tomorrow morning.今天晚上我们算出来,明天上午交给贵方。
econ.We enclose a brochure and a price list to give you a general idea of the goods available for export兹随函附上小册子和价目单各一份,便于你方了解我公司出口货物的情况
commer.We expect you to give this matter your immediate attention我们期望你方立即办理此事
econ.We have to give up the chance of cooperation with you unless you revise your conditions除非你们修改条件,否则我们只得放弃与你们合作的机会
econ.We have to give up the purchase due to your serious breach of the contract由于你方严重违约,我方不得不放弃购货
shipb.We' ll agree to give you a 4% discount if you increase your order by 5000 pieces.如果贵方增订到 5000 件,我们就同意给4% 的折扣
shipb.We' ll give you a 2% discount as an exception to our usual practice.我们破例给你们2%的折扣
shipb.We shall be able to give you big orders if you will fully cooperate with us on products quality, price, delivery and payment.你方如能在产品质量、价格、交货和付款方面与我方全力合作,我方将向你方大量订货
econ.We trust that you will give special care to the packing of the goods我们相信贵方会特别注意货物的包装
China, polit.will never give up our efforts to achieve peaceful reunification争取和平统一的努力决不放弃
econ.Will you give precedence to our enquiry, once you are able to offer?一旦你方能报盘,你方能尽先办理我方的询盘吗?
busin.You know that time of delivery is very important to us. I hope you can give our request your special consideration交货时间对我们来说非常重要,希望你方能够重视
econ.Your complaint has been referred to the board of directors and the manager will soon give you a reply你的申诉已提交给董事会,经理会很快给你答复