
Terms for subject Aviation containing to | all forms | exact matches only
abort to orbit应急人轨
acceleration due to gravity重力加速度 (海平面为 9. 806 65米/秒)
achieved to date至今
advanced air-to-air system performance evaluation model先进的空对空系统性能评估模型
advanced air-to-surface missile先进的空对地导弹
advanced air-to-surface missile seeker先进空对面导弹引头
advanced air-to-surface missile seeker先进空地导弹导引头
advanced intercept air to air missile先进的空对空拦截导弹
advanced intercept air to air missile先进空空截击导弹
advanced long range air-to-air missile先进远程空对空导弹
advanced medium range air-to-air missile先进中距离空对空导弹
advanced processor technology for air-to-air missile空对空导弹先进处理器技术
advanced program-to-program communications先进程序间通信
advanced seeker technology for air-to-air missiles空对空导弹先进的导引头技术
advanced seeker technology for air-to-air missiles空对空导弹的先进导引头技术
advanced short range air-to-air missile先进短程空对空导弹
advanced short range air-to-air missile先进近距空对空导弹
advanced surface-to-air missile先进地对空导弹
advanced surface-to-air missile system先进面对空导弹系统
advanced surface to air ramjet先进地对空冲压式喷气发动机
aid to navigation导航设备 (系统、工具)
aids to navigation辅助导航
aids to navigation导航设施
aids to navigation radio control无线电导航控制设备
aids to navigation radio control导航无线电控制辅助设备
air bridge to Canada通往加拿大的空运线
air-to-air advanced missile先进的空对空导弹
air-to-air armament mission analysis空对空武器装备分析
air to air attack management空中空袭管理
air-to-air banner空射拖靶
air-to-air banner空中旗从空中放出的
air-to-air bomb空炸弹
air-to-air combat空战
air-to-air combat test空战试验
air-to-air dart空对空射击用的镞形靶
air-to-air defense suppression missile空对空防御抑制导弹
air-to-air eject launcher空中弹射式发射装置
air-to-air electrooptical fire control system空对空光电式火控系统
air-to-air guided missile空导弹
air-to-air guided weapon空空制导武器
air-to-air guided weapons空对空制导武器
air-to-air gunnery空对空射击术
air-to-air gunnery range空空射击空域
air-to-air heat exchanger空空热交换器
air-to-air identification空对空识别
air-to-air identification friend or foe system空对空敌友识别系统
air-to-air interrogation空对空询问
air-to-air interrogator空对空询问机
air-to-air interrogator control panel空对空询问控制板
air-to-air Mistral missile空对空密斯雀导弹
air-to-air recognition device空中识别装置
air-to-air refueling空中加油
air-to-air refueling area空中加油区
air-to-air refueling mission management system空中加油任务管理系统
air-to-air refuelling area空中加油区
air-to-air stores外挂空空武器
air-to-air system performance evaluation model空对空系统性能评估模型
air-to-air test vehicle〔英〕空对空试验用弹
air-to-air tracer-line snap-shoot symbology空示迹线快射瞄准符号
air to fuel ratio空气-燃料比
air-to-ground missile空对地导弹
air to ground空对地
air-to-ground engagement simulation空对地协同模拟
air-to-ground engagement system/air defense空对地协同系统/空中防御
air to ground guided missile空对地制导导弹
air to ground level空对地面
air-to-ground liaison code空对地联络代码
air-to-ground missile空地导弹
air to ground missile空对地导弹
air-to-ground ranging空对地测距
air-to-ground store外挂空对地武器
air to ground to air空对地对空
air-to-liquid heat exchanger空液热交换器
air-to-sea rescue空对海救援
air to surface空对地面
air-to-surface ballistic missile空对地弹道导弹
air-to-surface defense suppression missile空对地防御遏制雷达
air-to-surface guided missile导弹
air-to-surface guided weapon空对地制导武器
air-to-surface laser ranger空对地激光测距仪
air-to-surface missile地导弹
air-to-surface vessel搜索水面目标的机载雷达 (radar)
air-to-surface weapon空对地面武器
air-to-underwater guided missile空中对水下目标的导弹
air-to-underwater guided missile潜导弹
air-to-underwater missile空潜导弹
aircraft not operationally ready due to lack of equipment飞机因设备不全不能飞行
aircraft not operationally ready due to lack of maintenance飞机因维修不良不能飞行
aircraft not operationally ready due to lack of parts飞机因缺件不能飞行
alternate to〔客〕作…的备用
alternating nonreturn-to-zero交替非归零制
altimeter setting to indicate altitude above mean sea level设定高度表以指示高于平均海平面的高度
altitude with respect to sea level海平面高度
amplitude modulation-to-phase modulation conversion调幅/调相变换
analogy-to-digital computer模数计算机
antenna-to-antenna coupling analysis program天线-天线耦合分析计划
application of space techniques relating to aviation航天技术在航空领域的应用
application program-to-program communication应用程序与程序通信
assemble to order为订单装配
assemble to order集中订货
attach FL and GN to picture sheets联系旗形附注和通用附注和图页 (这是波音 APL 中常用缩写)
authority to proceed项目启动授权
authority to proceed/auxiliary tool production授权开始/辅助工装生产
authority to procurement授权采购
automatic approach to hover自动进场盘旋
automatic approach to hovering自动进入悬停
automatic command to line of sight自动调整瞄准线
automatic command to line of sight瞄准线自动控制
automatic ground to air communication system地对空自动通信系统
automatic ground-to-air communication system自动地空通信系统
automatic satellite/computer aid to navigation卫星/计算机辅助自动导航
aviation weathers and notice to airman system航空天气和航行通告系统
back-to-chest overloading背胸方向过载
balance character of non-return to zero under starting load冲击不回零性
bank-to-turn倾斜转弯 (一种控制技术)
be easy to don and remove便于佩戴及解脱
be hinged to通过铰接连接到....
be reluctant to do不情愿去做某事 (sth.)
bearing indicator and navigator to grounded operator地面调度员的方位指示器与导航仪
beyond visual range air-to-air missile超视距空对空导弹
binary to decimal decoder二进制至十进制译码器
bonded heater to impingement limits撞击极限加热器
bracket to enclose or surround托架
burning surface to port area ratio燃通面积比
burning surface to throat area ratio燃喉面积化
buy to fly采购质量与飞行质量之比
cabin-to-ambient pressure differential座舱与机外的压差
cable running parallel to a water supply pipe电缆与水管平行
carrier to tracking loop载波综合环路
centre to centre
ceramic-to-metal seal金属与陶瓷封接
ceramic-to-metal seal陶瓷金属封接
change to frequency调到…频率
changing to approach control改为进场进近控制
chest to back acceleration背到胸过载
chest to back acceleration胸到背加速度
chest-to-back G胸背方向过载
chirp-to-power ratio啁啾与功率比
climb to and maintain爬升后保持高度
climb well to right爬升到右方
close combat air-to-air missile格斗空空导弹
close to shoulder接近凸面
close to shoulder接近侧翼
command to line of sight瞄准线指令
command track and distance to go给定航线和待飞距离
committee on the application of aerospace technology to society美国国家航空航天局航空航天技术协会应用委员会
common to共有
compression glass-to-metal seal压缩玻璃金属封接
computer direct to telegraph计算机控制电报机
contribute to导致
correction angle due to parallax位差修正角
correction angle due to the force of gravity抬高角
correction angle due to windage jump侧偏修正角
correction from normal section to geodesic截面差改正
count routine applied to zero input零输人时的计数程序
course form a fixed waypoint to a DME distance由固定航路点至测距机距离的航道
course from a fixed waypoint to a changeover point从固定航路点到转换点的航道
course to a distance某距离航向
course to an altitude在某高度巡航
course to an intercept到切人点航道
current to voltage电流电压比
cut to length or change letter按长度切割或更改字
cut to size切割至尺寸
cut to size切至尺寸
cut to strip stick size按条料尺寸切割
cut to strip stock size按条料尺寸切割
cut to template依样板切割
cut to template按样板切割
day to day repeatability逐日重复性
descend so as to cross为了穿越而下降
descend so as to reach为了到达而下降
descend well to right of course降落至航道很右的地方
descent to and maintain下降到并保持
digital-to-analog control数/模控制
digital to analog converter数模转换器
digital-to-analogue converter数据-模拟转换器
digital-to-angle conversion数字-角度转换
digital-to-voice translator数字-语音转换器
direct analogue to digital input output system直接模拟数字输人输出系统
direct sea-to-air refueling海对空直接加油
direct to指向
direct to line直通线路
distance and time to the top of climb every 10 seconds每 10 秒爬升至顶部的距离和时间
diversion to production生产转移
DME with respect to time计时测距仪
double-to-single ion双单离子
electronic aids to navigation电子助航设备
emergency return to base紧急返回基地
empty weight to gross weight ratio空重与总重比
engineering drawing to automatic control tape工程图纸自动控制带
equal to or greater than等于或大于
equal to or less than等于或小于
equivalent mean time to failure等效平均故障时间
eye-to-wheel height轮视角高度
face to face面至面
failed to return未能返回
fails to respond没有响应
family of air-to-air missile空对空导弹系列
field closed to night operation机场夜航关闭
field closed to wheeled aircraft机场对轮式起落架飞机关闭
fly to point飞至目的地 (的)
foot-to-head acceleration由足至头的加速度
freedom to mix自由调配权 (在符合协议限制的条件下自由调配核武器库组成成分的权利)
front-to-tail layout鸭式布局
front-to-tail layout前尾式布局
future air-to-air missile未来空对空导弹
future air-to-air missile未来空空导弹
future surface-to-air未来地对空
future surface to air family未来面对空导弹系列
gas-pressures to rage vessel高压气瓶
glide return to landing site滑翔至着陆场
ground to air地空通信
ground to air地空联系
ground to air data link地对空数据链
ground-to-air data link地空数据链
ground-to-air datalink地对空数据链路
ground-to-air pilotless aircraft地对空无人驾驶飞机
ground-to-air pilotless aircraft地面起飞无人驾驶飞机
ground-to-air scanner surveillance地对空扫描器监视
ground to air to ground地对空对地
ground to air transmitter地对空发报机
ground-to-air-to-ground data terminal地一空-地数据终端
hazard of electromagnetic radiation to personnel电磁辐射对人体的危害
hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnance电磁辐射对武器的危险
heading to a course intercept〔客〕至航路切人点的航向
heading to a course intercept ventral inlet至航路切人点的航向机腹进气口 (飞机下部的进气口,离机头有一定距离。机头下部的进气口又称为 chin inlet (机头下部进气))
heading to a radial〔客〕至径向线的航向
heading to DME distance到测距机距离的航向
heading to DME distance〔客〕到测距机距离的航向
heel to heel尾部对尾部
height to diameter高度直径比
helicopter air-to-air combat直升机空战
helicopter ambulance service to emergencies直升机紧急救护 (美国)
high performance air-to-ground高性能空对地导弹
high-to-medium altitude air defense中高空防空
holding and approach-to-land等待和进场进近着陆
holding and approach-to-land等待与进近着陆
holding pattern to a fixed waypoint至固定航路点的等待航线
holding pattern to an altitude termination到某终端高度的等待航线
imminent to danger危险接近
immunity to interference抗扰性
index to science and technology conference proceedings科学技术会议录索引
integrating analog to digital converter集成模拟数字变换器
intent to launch准备发射
interim approval to operate临时批准作业
interlaboratory air-to-missile technology实验中的空对空导弹技术
It is impossible for a self-acting machine,unaided by an external agency,to convey heat from one body to another at a higher temperature不可能不付代价地把热量从一个低温物体传给另一个高温物体
Japanese Committee for Radio Aids to Navigation〔日〕日本无线电导航委员会
joint air-to-surface standoff missile空对地远程导弹
keep up-to-date drawing system保持更新图纸系统
keep-up-to-date document accountability system保持更新文件责任系统
keep-up-to-date drawing accountability system保持更新图纸责任系统
key to address transformation键-地址变换
launch to eject发射弹射
lift-to-drag ratio升阻比
line to neutral相电压
loan to value贷款与价值比率
long rage air-to-air missile远程空对空导弹
long range aid to air navigation“罗兰"远程导航系统
long range air-to-surface vessel远程空对面搜索雷达
long range surface-to-air guided weapon远程面对空制导武器
long range surface-to-air missile远程面对空导弹
magnetic bearing to facility向台磁方位
magnetic heading to a station〔客〕向台磁航向
make to order按订单生产
make to order为订单生产
make to stock按库存生产
make to stock为库存生产
manual time to repair修理工时
manual time to repair critical failures重大故障修理工时
mass-to-area ratio质量面积比
matched glass-to-metal seal匹配式玻璃金属封接
maximum drag speed due to precipitation尤其是泥浆产生最大阻力时的速度
maximum drag speed due to precipitation由降水
maximum drop to arm引信解除保险最大落下距离
maximum lift-to-drag最大升阻
maximum lift-to-drag ratio最大升阻比
maximum thrust-to-weight最大推力重量
mean cycles to failure平均疲劳破坏循环
mean life to first overhaul首次翻修前平均寿命
mean man-hours to repair修理平均工时
mean rounds to failure机炮发生故障的平均发弹数
mean time to catastrophic failure灾难性事故平均时间
mean time to checkout平均检查时间
mean time to dispatch alert平均发出警告前时间
mean time to exchange平均交换时间
mean time to failure故障平均发生时间
mean time to failure平均故障间隔时间
mean time to first failure平均首次故障时间
mean time to first system failure平均系统首次故障时间
mean time to maintenance平均维修前时间
mean time to maintenance alert平均维修警告前时间
mean time to removal平均拆卸时间
mean time to repair O平均修复时间基层级
mean time to repair I平均修复时间中继级
mean time to repair平均初次修理时间
mean time to repair修理前平均工作时间
mean time to restore平均故障修复时间
mean time to restore service平均恢复使用前时间
mean time to restore/restoration修复前平均时间
mean time to service平均维护时间
mean time to service平均维修时间
mean time to system failure至系统失效的平均时间
mean time to test平均试验时间
mean time to unscheduled removal至非计划拆卸的平均时间
mean time to unscheduled removal平均非计划拆卸前时间
mean-to-peak pressure平均到峰值压力
mean-maintenance-manhours to repair平均维修工时
medium range air to air missile中程空对空导弹
medium range air-to-air missile中距空空导弹
medium range air to surface missile中程空对地导弹
medium range surface-to-air missile中程地对空导弹
medium surface-to-air missile中程地空导弹
medium-range surface-to-air missile中程面对空导弹
megawatt air-to-ground illumination system兆瓦级空对地照明系统
megawatt air to ground illumination system兆瓦级空地照明系统
metal-to-metal seal金属-金属密封
miles to go待飞英里
military assistance to safety and traffic交通与安全军事援助
minimum pressure to fill充填最小压力
mobile air-to-ground intelligence system机动式空对地情报系统
mobile surface to air missile机动式地对空导弹
mobile surface-to-air missile机动式地空导弹
mobile surface to air missile system机动式地对空导弹系统
mobile surface to air weapon system移动式地对空武器系统
module-to-option knowledge map模块至选项经验图
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation口对口人工呼吸
multi-channel analog-to-digital data encoder多路模拟-数字数据编码器
multiple-kill air-to-air missile多重杀伤空-空导弹
national organization to insure a sound-controlled environment全国噪声环保组织
national organization to insure a sound-controlled environment全国确保无噪声环境组织 (美国)
navigational aid to bombing轰炸导航仪
no further to report无需进一步报告
Norwegian advanced surface-to-air missile system挪威先进地对空导弹系统
not according to routine不符合常规
not according to routine不按常规
not kept-to-date不需要换新
not to all毋需收发
not-to exceed不超过
not to scale未按比例
nozzle of length-to-diameter ratio喷嘴的长径比
nozzle-to-plate distance喷嘴板的距离
occupant exposure limits to crash hazards乘员危险坠撞下的耐受极限
orientation-to-impact forces冲击力的方向
origin to destination出发地至目标地
origin to destination始发地至目的地
panel on application of space techniques relating to aviation航天技术在航空领域的应用委员会
passenger air-to-ground telephone旅客空-地电话系统
permit to fly准许飞行
phased array tracking to intercept of target拦击目标相控跟踪
pilot to controller service飞行员对管制员的服务
power signal-to-noise ratio信号噪声功率比
power to noise ratio动力噪声率
power to weight ratio功重比
press to reset按压复位
press to reset按下复位
press to talk按键通话
press to talk按下发话
press to transmit按键发送 (发射)
pressure testing to failure method压力破坏试验方法
prior to sample approval样品批准前
prior-to-service program使用前大纲
probability is close to 1概率接近于 1
procedure turn to an intercept程序转弯至截获
process or-to-processor link处理器-处理器链接
processor-to-processor link处理器-处理器链接
ratio signal-to-noise ratio信噪比 (电路中选定一点的信号功率与噪声功率的比值。它通常表达为信号与噪声振幅的均方根之比,用以衡量数据源或数据传送链路的清楚度。信噪比越高,接收时的干扰越小)
ready to load准备加载
remote center air-to-ground空地遥控中心
remote controlled air-to-ground遥控空对地
remote controlled air-to-ground radio遥控空对地无线电台
request to engineering请求工程
request to send发送申请
request to send要求发送
request to update要求更新
research applied to national needs研究应用满足国家需要
research applied to national needs按国家要求研究应用
restoration of aircraft to combat efficiency飞机恢复战斗性能
safe return to base安全返回基地
self-propelled air-to-surface missile自推进空-面导弹
semi-automatic command to line of sight瞄准线半自动控制 (导弹制导方法,导弹发射后被控制进入射手视力范围内)
service to flight维修至飞行
ship-to-ship missile舰对舰导弹
ship-to-surface vessel船用海面搜寻器
short range aid to navigation肖兰〔近航仪〕
short range air to air missile近程空对空导弹
short range air-to-air missile近距空空导弹 (英国的试验性红外寻的导弹)
signal-to-background ratio信号背景比
signal to crosstalk ratio信号串话比
signal to multipath ratio信号多径比
signal-to-noise indicator信号噪声比指示器
signal-to-noise margin信号噪声裕度
signal-to-noise merit信号噪声指数
signal to noise ratio信号噪声比
signal-to-noise ratio信噪比 (电路中选定一点的信号功率与噪声功率的比值。它通常表达为信号与噪声振幅的均方根之比,用以衡量数据源或数据传送链路的清晰程度。信噪比越高,接收时的干扰越小)
signal to noise ratio随机杂波信杂比
signal-to-noise ratio for optics光信噪比
signal-to-noise ratio Video视频信噪比
single stage to orbit单级人轨
skid to turn侧滑转弯
special notice to aircraft and engine contractor给飞机与发动机承包商的特别通知
special to type test equipment型号专用测试设备
special to weapon专用武器
standard analog to digital system标准模拟数字系统
standard surface-to-surf ace missile标准面对面导弹
subject to captain's discretion由机长确定
subject to captain's discretion由机长酌定
sufficient to complete足以完成
switch to internal power
synchro-to-digital converter同步器数字信号转换器
synchronization of generator to working bus发电机与工作母线并车
synchronous nonreturn-to-zero同步非归零制
system approach to trains系统进场训练
tactical air-to-surface missile战术空对面导弹
tactical air-to-surface system战术空对面系统
tape to card磁带至插件板
target and background signal-to-noise evaluation目标和背景信号噪声比的鉴定
terrifically insensitive to ground effect radar地物效应极不敏感的雷达 (亦称"虎"式雷达)
testing air-to-air missile试验性空空导弹
the records pertaining to an end item as it was built已完成的相关终端项目的记录
throat to port area ratio喉通面积比
0. 6 to55 giga Hz frequency band0.6 到 1.55 千兆赫兹频带
to be added待加上
to be announced待通告
to be assigned待规定
to be assigned待指派
to be checked待检验
to be confirmed待证实
to be defined待定义
to be deleted待删除
to be development待研制
to be furnished待提供
to be furnished待完成
to be negotiated待商榷
to be negotiated待商讨
to be notified待通知
to be proposed待建议
to be proposed待提议
to be released待发放
to be reviewed待评审
to be revised待修改
to be revised待修订
to be scheduled待安排
to be scheduled待计划
to be specified待明确
to be verified待验证
to be verified待鉴定
to/from indication向/背台指示
to/from indicator向/背台指示器
to the second power平方
to the third power立方
training air-to-air missile训练用空空导弹
transition to war进人战时
true heading to a station向台真航向
turning quality problem to zero质量问题归零
underwater-to-air-to-underwater missile水下对天空对水下导弹
underwater-to surface missile水下对面导弹
underwater to underwater missile潜-潜导弹
underwater-to-underwater missile潜对潜导弹
underwater to underwater missile水下对水下导弹
underwater-to-underwater missile水下对水下导弹
UNIX to UNIX copy programUNIX 到
until cleared to land by the tower指挥塔准许后才能降落
upstream baffle-to-nozzle上游挡板的喷嘴
used to make用于制造
velocity never to exceed不允许超过的速度
velocity to height meter速度、高度表
velocity to height ratio速高比
vertical lift-to-drag垂直升力和阻力
voltage-to-digital converter电压-数字变换器
voltage to frequency converter电压-频率变换器
voltmeter analog-to-digital converter电压表模拟-数字转换器
volume to volume体积比
volume to volume容积比
wheel to rudder interconnect system驾驶盘至方向舵互联系统
with respect to ...关于…
with respect to ...相对于…
within visual range air to air missile视距内有效的空对空导弹
yawing moment due to ailerons偏转副翼产生的偏航力矩
yawing moment due to rolling velocity由滚转角速度引起的偏航力矩
year to date本年度到现在为止
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