
Terms containing time allowance | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.allowance for lost time时间损失津贴
busin.allowance for the preparation time of machine机器准备时间的宽限
corp.gov.allowance for the preparation time of the machine机器准备时间的宽限
busin.allowance for time时间损失津贴
footb.allowance for time lost允许补足的时间
footb.allowance for time lost扣除损失时间
consult.allowance time宽放时间
textileallowance time允差时间
textileallowance time允许时间
consult.allowance time剩余时间
econ.allowances for lost time时间损失津贴
busin.extra time allowance额外宽限时间
tech.high time allowance高空作业费
tech.high time allowance高空作业津贴
busin.maximum allowance cycle time最大可容许周期时间
manag.percentage allowance over standard time超过标准时间的宽限百分率
busin.percentage allowance over standard time超过标准时间宽限百比率
tech.percentage allowance over-standard time超过标准时间的宽限百分率
manag.personal time allowance个人私事放宽时间
textileply allowance time缝料铺放时间
commer.preparation time allowance准备时间限度
manag.preparation time allowance准备时间的限度
busin.preparation time allowance允许准备时间
manag.standard time allowance标准时间容量
econ.the time allowance时间宽容限度
econ.the time allowance时期的宽限
busin.time allowance宽限期
econ.time allowance日期的宽限
econ.time allowance时间宽容限度
sail.shipstime allowance赛时宽限
row.time allowance让步条件下比赛的时间宽限
row.time allowance让步条件下比赛的时间宽限
econ.time allowance宽限时间
auto.time allowance规定工时
auto.time allowance工时规定
commer.time allowance时间宽限
busin.time allowance日期宽限
tech.time allowance时间的宽限
tech.time allowance放宽时间
tech.time allowance工时定额
tech.time allowance for acceleration and deceleration加减速时分
manag.time study allowances时间研究宽限