
Terms for subject Drilling containing time | all forms | exact matches only
actual time of completion实际完成【井】时间
actual time of penetration实际钻进时间
bearing time recorder方位时间记录器
day work time summary日工作时间分类小结
depth-time curve深度-时间曲线
down-time report停工记录
drilling time recorder钻时记录仪
estimated time of arrival预计至U 达时间
for the time being暂且
mean time to catastrophic failure大故障前的平均时间
net time on bottom纯钻井时间
real time control实时控制
real-time downhole weight-on bit measurement井下钻压实时测量
real-time kinematics实时运动学
real-time pressure while drilling随钻实时压力
stratigraphic-time unit地质年代名称
thermal decay time log热衰减时间测井
thermal time decay time log热衰减时间测井
threshold limit values-time weighted average最高允许浓度一时间加权平均
time between overhaul大修周期
time circulation stopped泥浆循环停止时间
time closing延时闭合
time control drilling控时钻进
time control drilling吊打
time-depth curve时间-井深曲线
time distribution时效分析
time drilling轻压慢钻
time drilling吊打
time drilling吊打纠余钻进
time drilling慢钻
time lead时间提前
time log时间记录
time of arrival运到时间
time of setting凝固时间
time proof耐久的
time/slide drilling控时钻进
time/slide drilling吊打
time variant时间变化
time weighted average时限加权平均值
wellsite real-time analysis现场实时分析