
Terms for subject Space containing thousand | all forms | exact matches only
KGW thousands of pounds gross weight千磅总重 (此词不正规,建议少用)
Kips thousands of impulses per second Kirari闪光 (日本技术试验卫星)
KLIPS klips thousands of logical inferences per second千次逻辑推理/秒
kops thousands of operations per second千次运算/秒
KSI ksi thousands of pounds per square inch千磅/平方英寸 (这种缩写极不正规)
thousand astronomical unit千天文单位探测器 (美国一种预计将飞行一千个天文单位距离的行星际探测器)
thousand astronomical unit千天文单位探测器 (美国研制中的将飞行一千个天文单位距离的行星际探测器)
thousand astronomical units千天文单位