
Terms containing this agreement | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.A part of this agreement is composed of the terms of the underlying contract本协议中的一部分由基本合同的条款组成
econ.A telex shall be sent immediately to inform our agent upon the rendition of this agreement放弃本协议时,应立即发电传通知我方代理人
econ.After the expiration of 5 years he may cancel this agreement at any time在五年期满以后,他可以随时取消本协议
econ.All rights and obligations of the parties will be merged into this agreement双方的一切权利和义务均纳入本协议中
econ.All the other agreements between the two branches will be superseded by this general agreement after it is put in force总协议生效后将替代两分公司之间的一切其他协议
econ.All these terms and provisions are incorporated as part of this agreement所有这些条件和条款都列入本协议
econ.Both parties shall ensure the legality of the performance of this agreement双方应确保本协议执行的合法性
econ.Both versions of this agreement are equally binding to either party本协议的两种文本对双方具有同等约束力
econ.Delayed payment by Party B will not vitiate this agreement乙方推迟交款不会使本协议失效
econ.Each part shall be bound to the terms of this agreement各方均受本协议条款的约束
econ.Either of the parties may invoke the arbitration due to difference in interpreting this agreement如解释本协议发生分歧,双方中之任何一方均可请求仲裁
econ.Either party can terminate this agreement upon the occurrence of any of such emergencies遇到任何这种紧急情况时,缔约的任何一方可随时终止本协议
econ.Following shipments under this agreement will not be invalidated by such interruption of the initial one本协议项下以后几次发货不因首次发货中断而失效
econ.If a mate default is made by one party, the other party may terminate this agreement at once协议一方如果发生重大违约行为,另一方可立即终止本协议
econ.If both parties disagree on this problem, they could negotiate until the agreement is reached如果双方在这个问题上意见不一致,他们可进行协商直到达成协议
econ.If the parties fail to agree upon additional clauses, the dispute shall be determined in accordance with the general provisions of this agreement如果缔约双方对附则未能取得一致意见,将根据本协议总则来解决争论
econ.In case of any violation of any term of this agreement by either party, the other party may declare the agreement invalid双方中的任何一方如违反本协议的任何条款,另一方可宣布该协议无效
econ.In pursuance of this agreement, we have to transport the cargo to your company by air为了履行本协议,我方必须将这批货物空运到你公司
econ.In spite of involuntary breach committed by them this agreement terminated automatically尽管他们违约不是故意的,此协议仍自动终止
econ.In view of the fact that you delayed the payment again and again, we have to cancel this agreement考虑到你方一再推迟付款,我方不得不撤消合同
econ.It is stated clearly in this agreement that the first part cannot coerce the 2nd part into selling goods at a relatively low price本协议中很清楚地表明,甲方不能强迫乙方以相对低的价格出售货物
econ.Notice of acceptance of this agreement must be in writing本协议的接受必须用书面通知
econ.omit this clause from the agreement从协议中删除这一条款
econ.Party B agreed to grant said rights according to the terms recited in this agreement乙方同意根据本协议中陈述的条款转让上述权利
econ.Performance of this agreement is hindered by unexpected disturbance from outside本协议的履行由于来自外部的意外干扰而受到阻碍
econ.Should any term of this agreement be declared invalid adj., the remainder remain in full force如本协议中任何条款宣告无效,则其余条款仍充分有效
econ.So long as this agreement remains in force, you have to pay for all taxes只要本协议仍然有效,你方必须支付一切税款
econ.Some part of this agreement is held unenforceable adj., you had better reconsider it该协议的某些部分无法实施,你方最好重新考虑
econ.The above-mentioned stipulations will survive termination of this agreement上述各项规定在本协议终止后仍属有效
econ.The contractor shall duly execute this agreement and pay all fees unconditionally according to conditions set forth below根据下列规定条件,承包商应及时履行本协议并无条件地支付全部费用
econ.The contractor shall try his best not to fail to act in accordance with the provisions of this agreement承包商应尽力不使自己违反本合同的各项条款
econ.The creditor accepted this composition agreement and compromise该债权人接受了这种了结债务协议的安排及妥协
econ.The dealer should pay for the damage sustained by a breach of this agreement by himself零售商应支付由于他自己违反本协议所造成的损失的费用
econ.The first of such monthly installments shall be paid simultaneously with the fulfillment of this agreement按月分期摊付的第一笔款项须随同本协议的执行一起支付
econ.The first of such monthly installments shall be paid simultaneously with the fulfilment of this agreement按月分期摊付的第一笔款项须随同本协议的执行一起支付
econ.The interpretation of this agreement shall conform with the domestic laws of the country对本协议的解释应符合本国各项国内法律
econ.The invalidity of any part of this agreement will not necessarily lead to the termination of the agreement本协议中任何一部分的失效不一定会导致该协议中止
econ.The lessor hereby leases to the lessee and the lessee hereby hires and takes by lease from the lessor the house described herein under the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement出租人与承租人兹同意遵照合同所规定的条件,由出租人出租并由承租人承租本合同中所述的房屋
econ.The purpose of this agreement is to grant license with regard to improvements本协议目的在于转让有关改进措施的特许权
econ.The remainder of this agreements shall be declared invalid本协议的其余条款应宣告无效
econ.The right of the buyer under this Agreement shall not be assigned本协议所规定的买方的权利不得转让
econ.The rights and obligations of the remaining parties will not be affected by the withdrawal of a certain party from this agreement其余各方的权利和义务并不因某一方撤回本协议而受到影响
econ.The seller shall pay the penal sum of $1000 for any violation of this agreement如违反协议,卖方缴纳罚金 1000美元
econ.The tenant shall bear the cost of repairs to the building pursuant to the provisions of this agreement按照本协议的条款,租赁者应承担大楼的修缮费
econ.The term of this agreement shall be indefinite本协议是无限期的
commer.this agreement本协议
econ.This agreement comes into force immediately after both sides signed it本协议一经双方签字立即生效
commer.This agreement is drawn up in Chinese and English, both versions of equal effect本协议用中英文写成,两种文本具有同等效力
econ.This agreement shall automatically terminate upon the bankruptcy or insolvency of any party任何一方破产或无力偿付时,本协议将自行宣告终止
econ.This agreement shall be cancelled by mutual consent本协议经双方同意可以取消
econ.This agreement shall be govern-ed by the laws of the Peopled Republic of China本协议应受中华人民共和国法律的管辖
econ.This Agreement shall commence upon signature by both sides and may be terminated on July 1st next year本协议经双方签字即开始生效,至次年7 月1日终止
econ.This agreement shall inure from the day it was signed本协议从签署那一天起生效
econ.This agreement should be assigned to the successor of the second party本协议应转让给乙方继承人
econ.This Agreement will be invalid if any erasure appears in any portion of it如此协议的任何部分被删除,此协议无效
econ.This is an integrated agreement between the owner and the architect这是业主与建筑师之间的综合协议
econ.This is our rock-bottom price. Whether the agreement can be reached or not rests with you这是我方最低价格。协议能否达成取决于你方
China, polit.under this agreement根据本协定
econ.Under this agreement, all of rights, privileges, powers and immunities shall belong to the creditors' committee按照本协议,一切权利、特权、权力和豁免权属于债权人委员会
econ.Upon execution of this agreement, the United, States Steel Corporation agrees to pay to the Oriental Hotel Ltd. $5000 as advance royalties本协议一经执行,美国钢铁公司同意付给东方饭店有限公司 5000美元作预付租金
econ.We appoint you as our sole agent for our products for the two years in your local market computed from the date when this agency agreement comes into effect我方指定你方为当地市场上我方产品的独家代理,为期两年,从本代理协议生效之日起计算
econ.We are not interested in renewing this agreement when it expires我们无意在协议期满时续订协议
econ.We are sorry we have to repudiate this agreement due to your breach of said warranty由于你方违反上述保证书,我方只得撤销此协议
econ.We shall talk in good faith to amend this agreement我们要在相互信任的气氛中进行谈判以修订本协议
econ.We think this clause in the agreement should be revoked我们认为协议中此项条款应取消
econ.We would like to remind you of respecting this clause in the agreement我们想提醒你要重视合同的此项条款
econ.Withholding tax imposed by the government shall not be included in the prices set forth in this agreement政府征收的预和赋税不应包括在本协议规定的价格之内