
Terms for subject Finances containing theory | all forms | exact matches only
advance-decline theory涨跌理论
agio theory折扣理论
agio theory折扣说
agio theory of interest利息贴水论
arbitrage pricing theory套利定价理论 (一种风险资产的定价理论)
asset pricing theory资产定价理论
bank run theory银行挤兑论
behavior portfolio theory行为组合理论
business entity theory营业个体理论
capital structure theory资本结构理论
capital theory资本理论
clean surplus theory包括主义利润说之一
clean surplus theory净盈余理论
clean surplus theory单纯公积学说
compensatory fiscal theory补偿财政理论
consolidated statement: reciprocal and circuit affiliations, the entity theory个体主义
consolidated statement: reciprocal and circuit affiliations, the entity theory汇编报表:相互投资结合与循环投资结合
cost of production theory生产费用论
credit theory of business cycle经济周期信贷理论
credit theory of money货币信用论
demand theory需求论
demand-pull theory of inflation需求拉动型通货膨胀理论
dependency theory依附理论
disproportionality theory of crisis比例失调危机论
Dow Theory道氏理论 (泛指查尔斯•亨利•道 (Charles Henry Dow)对股票市场的看法)
Dow theory on long-term trend of stock market道氏股市长期趋势理论
Dow Theory on medium-term trend of stock market道氏股市中期趋势理论
Dow Theory on short-term trend of stock market道氏股市短期趋势理论
Elliot Wave Theory艾略特波浪理论 (美国证券分析家拉尔夫•纳尔逊•艾略特 (R. N. Elliott)发明的一种分析工具,它可以在趋势确立之时预测趋势何时结束)
equilibrium exchange rate theory均衡汇率理论
equity theory权益理论
excessive savings theory过度储蓄论
exchange rate determination theory汇率决定理论
exchange rate target zone theory汇率目标区理论
expected income theory预期收人理论
finance theory金融理论
financial accelerator theory金融加速器理论
financial accounting theory财务会计理论
financial asset pricing theory金融资产定价理论
financial business cycle theory金融经济周期理论
financial crisis theory金融危机理论
financial development theory金融发展理论
financial market microstructure theory金融市场微观结构理论
financial structure theory金融结构理论
forward exchange rate theory远期汇率理论
fraud-on-the-market theory市场欺诈理论
fund theory基金理论以资金为会计主体的理论
fundamental trend theory基本趋势理论
gap theory缺口理论
Grubel's theory of international bank business格鲁贝尔的国际银行业务理论
hedging theory套期保值理论
indifference theory of dividend股利无差异理论
insurance theory保险说法国狄亚尔倡导的一种赋税理论
international financial accounting theory国际财务会计理论
international reserve theory国际储备理论
introduction to accounting theory会计理论介绍
irrelevance theory of dividend股利无关论
issue equity theory发行份额理论
Keynesian long-term friendship theory凯恩斯长期好友理论
lender of last resort theory最终贷款人理论
limits arbitrage theory有限套利理论
liquidity premium theory流动性溢价理论
loanable funds theory可贷资金理论
loanable funds theory of interest可贷资金利息论
long cycle theory长周期论
market segmentation theory市场细分理论
market segmentation theory of term structure of interest rates利率期限结构市场分割理论
micro-economic theory微观经济理论
modern capital market theory现代资本市场理论
modern exchange rate determination theory现代汇率决定理论
modern portfolio theory现代投资组合理论
monetary equilibrium theory货币均衡论
monetary theory of business cycle货币经济周期论
monetary theory of interest货币利息论
monetary theory of trade cycle贸易周期的货币理论
monetization of economy theory经济货币化理论
money and general equilibrium theory货币和一般均衡理论
money balance theory货币差额论
money dual theory货币二重理论
money growth theory货币成长理论
money substitute theory货币替代理论
money supply theory of interest rates货币供求利率论
money veil theory货币二重理论
monopoly-price theory垄断价格论
neoclassical monetary theory新古典货币论
non-monetary over-investment theory非货币投资过度论
odd-lot theory零股理论
odd-lot theory零手理论
option pricing theory期权定价理论
portfolio management theory投资组合管理理论
portfolio selection theory投资组合选择理论
precautionary saving theory预防性储蓄理论
preference habit theory偏好习性理论
proprietorship theory业主权理论
prospect theory前景理论
pure expectation theory纯粹预期理论
quantity theory of money and price货币与价格数量说
random walk theory随机漫步理论
real capital theory实际资本理论
regret theory遗憾理论
relative theory相对理论
rural finance theory农村金融理论
secondary trend theory次要趋势理论
shift ability theory转换能力理论
short-interest theory空头余额理论
significant banking theory银行体系关键论
speculative foam theory投机泡沫理论
standard financial theory标准金融理论
supply-side theory供应方理论
theory according to law依法论
theory according to productive forces依生产力论
theory of absolute advantage绝对优势论
theory of accumulation process累积过程理论
theory of asset demand资产需求理论
theory of asset preference资产偏好论
theory of asset valuation资产估价论
theory of auditing审计论
theory of authority and responsibility权责论
theory of bad inflation通货膨胀有害论
theory of balance growth平衡增长理论
theory of balance of payments国际收支论
theory of balance of trade贸易差额论
theory of big push大推进理论
theory of bull and bear market牛市和熊市理论
theory of business cycle经济周期论
theory of capital budgeting资本预算编制论
theory of capital value资本价值论
theory of center and periphery中心-外围理论
theory of comparative advantage比较优势论
theory of constant return收益不变论
theory of consumer's behavior消费者行为理论
theory of consumer's choice消费者选择理论
theory of consumer's preference消费者偏好理论
theory of consumption function消费函数论
theory of contemporary trade cycle现代贸易周期论
theory of cost parity成本平价论
theory of customs union关税同盟论
theory of cycle growth周期性增长理论
theory of day-to-day trends日常趋势理论
theory of decreasing asset price资产价格下降论
theory of decreasing return收益递减论
theory of demand preference similarity需求偏好相似论
theory of dominance-dependence支配一依附论
theory of economic expansion经济扩张论
theory of economic growth stage经济发展阶段论
theory of economic integration经济一体化论
theory of engine for growth增长引擎论
theory of excess demand of inflation需求过多引起通货膨胀论
theory of exchange rate汇率论
theory of factor price要素价格理论
theory of financial deepening金融深化论
theory of financial hindered economic development金融阻滞经济发展论
theory of financial medium金融中介论
theory of financial repression金融抑制论
theory of financial risk measurement金融风险测度理论
theory of financial structure金融结构理论
theory of flexibility弹性论
theory of floating fear浮动恐惧论
theory of free-issue money自由发行货币理论
theory of gap缺口理论
theory of good inflation通货膨胀有益论
theory of growth rate增长率理论
theory of imperfect competition market不完全竞争市场理论
theory of inflation induced by monopoly垄断引起通货膨胀论
theory of inflationary policy通货膨胀政策论
theory of interest-rate parity利率平价理论 (该理论认为,一个货币的升值或贬值,都应该随着利率的改变而被抵消)
theory of international bank business国际银行业务理论
theory of international banking business国际银行业务理论
theory of international equilibrium国际收支平衡理论
theory of international trade国家贸易理论
theory of intra-industry trade行业内贸易论
theory of lapse of monetary policy货币政策失误论
theory of limits arbitrage有限套利理论
theory of liquidity流动性论
theory of liquidity preference流动性偏好论
theory of loanable funds可贷资金理论
theory of loanable funds interest可贷资金利息论
theory of marginal-cost pricing边际成本定价理论
theory of market behavior市场行为理论
theory of monetary and economic crisis货币经济危机论
theory of monetary economy货币经济理论
theory of money creation货币创造理论
theory of money function货币职能论
theory of moral hazard道德风险理论
theory of neutral inflation通货膨胀中性论
theory of neutral monetary policy中性货币政策论
theory of note of credit信用券理论
theory of opportunity cost机会成本理论
theory of optimum economic growth最佳经济增长理论
theory of optimum reserves适度储备论
theory of option pricing期权定价理论
theory of over-investment过度投资论
theory of pay支付论
theory of population trap人口陷阱论
theory of portfolio selection投资组合选择理论
theory of price价格学说
theory of price价格论
theory of price index物价指数论
theory of price parity物价平价论
theory of property rights产权理论
theory of protective trade保护贸易论
theory of psychological factor deciding exchange rate心理因素决定汇率论
theory of public expenditure公共支出论
theory of public finance公共财政论
theory of public finance财政论
theory of purchasing power parity购买力平价理论 (研究和比较各国货币之间购买力关系的理论,该理论认为货币汇率应该以每个国家之间的相对物价为标准)
theory of rate of growth增长率论
theory of rational bubbles理性泡沫论
theory of rational expectations合理预期理论
theory of real interest实际利息论
theory of real interet rate实际利率理论
theory of receipts and payments收支论
theory of reciprocal demand相互需求论
theory of reciprocity in credit信贷互利论
theory of reciprocity in debt and credit借贷互利论
theory of reproduction再生产论
theory of sample auditing抽样审计理论
theory of socialist economy社会主义经济理论
theory of square roots平方根理论
theory of stable monetary policy稳定货币政策论
theory of stock crash股市风潮理论
theory of stock market and rational expectations股市与理性预期理论
theory of stock present value股票现值论
theory of stock price cycles股价周期循环理论
theory of structural inflation机构性通货膨胀论
theory of term structure of interest rate利率期限结构理论
theory of vicious circle of poverty贫困恶性循环论
theory on managing currency in circulation管理通货论
theory on neutrality of money货币中性论
theory on non-neutrality of money货币非中性论
theory on super-protectionism超保护贸易主义论
traditional theory of capital structure传统资本结构理论
underinvestment theory投资不足论
wage-push theory of inflation工资推动型通货膨胀理论
wave theory波浪理论 (即"艾略特理论")
zero-sum game theory零和博弈理论