
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing theory | all forms | exact matches only
animal-plant theory动植物混合论
anticlinal theory背斜理论
asymptotic wave theory渐近波动理论
biogenic theory油气生物成因学说
Bohr theory玻尔理论
Buckley-Leverett immiscible displacement theory巴克利一莱弗里特非混相驱理论
business fluctuation theory经济起伏理论
business fluctuation theory经济波动理论
chaos theory浑沌理论
consumer demand theory消费需求理论
degradation theory降解说
diatom theory硅藻说
diatom-saprocol theory硅藻硬腐泥生油
differential accumulation theory差异聚集原理
drilling theory钻井理论
elastic migration theory弹性波偏移理论
elastic potential theory弹性势理论
ensemble theory系综理论
epeirophoresis theory大陆漂移说
equal wear theory等磨损理论
error theory误差理论
full elastic migration theory全弹性偏移理论
fund theory基金理论
Gassmann theory加斯曼理论
general equilibrium theory综合平衡理论
Griffith theory for rock brittle failure岩石脆性破坏的格里菲斯准则
infinitesimal strain theory无穷小应变理论
inorganic origin theory无机成因论
inorganic theory无机生成理论
inverse ray theory逆射线原理
kerogen degradation theory干酪根降解论
land-plant theory陆生植物生油说
Langmuir theory朗缪尔学说
large scale system theory大系统理论
linear control theory线性控制理论
logging theory测井理论
macro-equilibrium theory宏观平衡理论
magneto-ionic theory磁离子理论
miniature whipstock theory小型斜向器理论
miniature whipstock theory小定向器理论
multiple statistical decision theory多重统计决策理论
multiplet theory of catalysis多位催化理论
nonlinear control theory非线性控制理论
normal mode theory简正波理论
normative decision theory规范式决策论
one-dimensional inverse theory一维反演理论
one-point separation theory一点分离理论
organic origin theory有机成因论
oscillation theory颤动说
pendulum theory钟摆原理
pendulum theory摆锤原理
plant theory植物论
preferred chip formation theory优先破碎地层理论
pyrogenetic theory高温成因论
recapitulation theory重演说
recapitulation theory重演律
seaweed theory海藻成油说
secondary oil generation theory再生油学说
serpentinization theory蛇纹石化生油论
statistical decision theory统计决策理论
theory of continental drift大陆漂移说
theory of fault-block tectonics断块构造说
theory of granularity颗粒级配理论
theory of high packing紧密堆积理论
theory of polycycle多旋回说
tidal resonance theory月地协调说
trichromatic theory of vision视觉三色原理
volcanic theory火山生油说
whipstock theory造斜理论