
Terms for subject Chemistry containing the | all forms | exact matches only
abuse of the machine机器维护不良
according to the international practice接照国际惯例
address of the plant厂址
apparatuses for analyzing the properties of a solution溶液性质分析器
bimolecular elimination through the conjugate base双分子共轭碱消除
break the mold揭模
coiling of the molecule分子缠结
cross hairs of the eye piece目镜上的十字线
Don't touch and use everything in the laboratory, especially chemical reagents进入实验室请勿随意乱动实验室物品,特别是化学试剂
dyed in the mass纺前染色
electrode of the first kind第一类电极
electrode of the second kind第二类电极
elements of the boron group硼族元素
elements of the carbon group tang碳族元素
elements of the nitrogen group dang氮族元素
error of the first kind第一类错误
error of the second kind第二类错误
extent of the error偏心范围
facility for the analysis of chemical thermodynamics化学热力学分析装置
filling the hole灌井
flocculation in the magnetic field磁场絮凝
general arrangement of the apparatus设备的总平面布置
half of the sites phenomenon半位点现象
He is trying to learn every detail about just how the catalyst is making the oxygen他正试图搞清楚这种催化剂到底是如何制出氧气的
heat resistance of the scale垢层热阻
heating in the open敞口加热
internal transport within the adsorbent particle吸附剂粒子内的传递
International Committee for the Classification of Rubber Information国际橡胶资料分类委员会
Journal of the American Chemical Society美国化学学会杂志
Journal of the American Chemical Society美国化学会志
Journal of the Chemical Society英国化学学会杂志
Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry化学工业协会杂志
Keep out of the sun离开阳光
Ketoalcohol tautomerism isomerism in the peptide chain肽链中的酮醇互变异构现象 (phenomenon)
Lagrange equation of the first kind第一类拉格朗日方程
lay the pipeline铺设管道
the layout of the equipments设备布置图
logarithm of reciprocal of the pressure of reducing hydrogenrH 值
logarithm of reciprocal of the pressure of reducing hydrogen氢压指数
logarithm of the reciprocal of the dissociation constant of an electrolyte电解质电离常数倒数的对数
maximum of the first kind第一类极大
maximum of the second kind第二类极大
migration of the double bond双键移位
models of activity coefficient for the liquid phase液相活度系数模型
Number of miles driven after removing carbon deposits from the engine除发动机积炭后行驶英里数
off-the-road tyre工程机械轮胎
on-the-run zan在运转中
over the counter非处方药
overall volumetric masstransfer coefficient based on the dispersed phase分散相总体积传质系数
per the standard按标准
perpetuum mobile of the first kind第一类永动机
perpetuum mobile of the second kind第二类永动机
Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国药典
pick up the heat热的回收利用
pick up the suction抽真空
pressure vessels for the chemical industry化工压力容器
protective coatings for the radiation防辐射线涂料
remedy of the trouble排除故障
single electrode potential on the hydrogen scale按氢标度计算的单电极电位
single electrode potential on the hydrogen scale单堪极电势氢标度
sum of the squares of errors误差平方和
support of the catalyst催化剂载体
symbol indicating substitution on the nitrogen atom氮原子被取代的符号
take off the fractions取岀馏分
the 14 Bravais lattices14 种布拉威点格
The concentration of acid in these products is so low that our digestive systems are easily capable of coping with it with no harm to us这些产品的酸浓度非常低,我们消化系统很容易将其处理掉,不会对身体造成任何伤害
The country possesses rich mineral resources这个国家有丰富的矿产资源
the 32 crystallographic point groups32 种晶体学点群
the 230 crystallographic space groups230 种晶体学空间群
The material is resistant to the effects of heat and alkali这种材料耐热,防碱
The methanol can be burned for power generation, used as a vehicle fuel instead of oil甲醇可以用于燃烧发电,可替代燃油用作机动车的燃料
the principle of corresponding states对比态原理
the pure rate of interest纯粹利率
The Sulphur Institute美国硫磺研究院
to switch the feed转换进料
trim the top of column塔顶回流
unimolecular elimination through the conjugate单分子共轭碱消除
Water is a compound containing the elements of hydrogen and oxygen水是含有氢元素和氧元素的化合物
work over the beam架上操作