
Terms for subject Sports containing the | all forms | exact matches only
ability to read the game纵观全局能力
active elements of the musculoskeletal system肌肉骨骼系统的主动成分
advance to the best ones进入前列
advance to the next round进人下一赛次
advance to the next round出线
advertisement by the field场边广告
All aquathon athletes must wear the swimming cap provided by the organizer before entering the water水陆二项的运动员下水比赛前必须佩戴本举办方提供的泳帽
American Athletic Association for the Deaf美国聋哑人运动协会
An appeal to the Jury of Appeal must be made within 30 minutes of the official announcement of the decision made by the Referee凡上交仲裁组的申诉均应在正式宣告裁判长的裁决之后 30 分钟内提出
area of the court场地面积
Athletic field, sports equipment and facilities are the indispensable material basis for the school sports building体育场地和体育器材、设施是学校体育建设不可缺少的物质基础
attack at the first opportunity主动进攻
attack directly the gate直接攻门 (woodball)
attack the ball with headshuttlecock 以头攻球
attack the hurdle动词词组攻栏
attack the weak points of one's opponent攻击对方弱点
attain eligibility for the next round出线
begin to come into the lead开始领先
beginning of the match比赛开始
bend the knee屈膝
biceps of the arm肱二头肌
biceps of the thigh股二头肌
bird's eye view of the Olympic Green【奥】奥林匹克公园鸟瞰图
blow off the floor战胜对手
blow the game open旗开得胜
blow the whistle裁判员鸣哨
blow the whistle吹哨
blow up the muscle增加肌肉力量
bounce the ball拍球
brave the hardship勇于拼搏
breach the rules in service发球违例
break the breaks走运
break the breaks碰到好运气
break the deadlock打破僵局
break the finishing tapes冲破底线
break the world record打破世界纪录
break through the defense突破防守
breast tape at the same time同时撞线
breast the tape撞线
breast the tape动词词组胸撞线
Britain's Iron man Daley Thompson won the decathlon and became only the second man ever to retain his Olympic title英国"铁人"汤普森赢得男子十项全能金牌、成为第二位卫冕奥林匹克"铁人"美名的运动员
By the end of the race Robert had lapped Jimmy罗伯特超过吉米一圈
By the end of the race Robert had lapped Jimmy.在比赛即将结束时
cancel the result取消比赛成绩
Carl Lewis anchored the U.S. 4×100m relay team卡尔・刘易斯在奥运会 4×100 米接力赛跑中担任美国队第四棒运动员
Carl Lewis outleaped world champion Mike Powell in the men's long jump在男子跳远比赛中、 刘易斯比世界冠军鲍威尔跳得更远
Carl Lewis was the world champion in the men's long jump and the world record holder at 8. 72 metres刘易斯曾是男子跳远世界冠军和 8.72 米世界纪录的保持者
carry forward the Olympic Spirit发扬奥林匹克精神
carry off the palm得胜
carry off the palm夺魁
carry off the palm居首位
carry off the palm夺冠
carry the baton动词词组持棒
carry the baton手持接力棒
carry the day获胜
carry the day得胜
carrying the patient by a stretcher担架运送病人
carrying the patient in the arms双臂抱运法
carrying the patient on a chair坐椅运送法
Centenary of the Founding of the International Olympic Committee国际奥委会成立一百周年纪念
Centennial Anniversary of the Olympic Games百年奥运纪念
Chen Yueling won China's first ever gold medal in Olympic Games track and field competition with a victory in the women's 10-kilometer walk final in Barcelona on August 3rd. She clocked 44 minutes 32 seconds8 月 3 日、陈跃玲在巴塞罗那奥运会女子 10 公里竞走决赛中夺魁、成绩是 44 分 32 秒、她为中国夺得第一块奥运会田径比赛金牌
Chinese athlete Liu Xiang finished first in the men's 110m hurdles final in 12.91 seconds, breaking the Olympic record and equalling the world record. He won a gold medal for China at the 28th Olympic Games中国田径运动员刘翔在男子110米跨栏决赛中以 12 秒91的成绩打破奥运会纪录、平世界纪录、在第 28 届奥运会田径比赛中他为中国获得一块金牌
Chinese athletes won thirty two gold medals at the 28th Olympic Games中国运动员在第 28 届奥运会上获得 32 枚金牌
Chinese woman high jumper Zheng Fengrong jumped over 1.77 metres, breaking the then world record of 1.76 metres set by the American athlete MacDaniel中国女子跳高运动员郑凤荣越过了 1.77 米、打破了当时美国运动员麦克丹尼尔创造的 1.76 米的世界纪录
circle the trunk上体环绕
clear the bench替补队员全部上场
clear the bench替补全部上场
climbing the rope拔河爬绳犯规
comfortably perched at the top稳居首位
coordination of the body身体协调
count the seconds读秒
count the votes点票
couple of the rolling friction滚动摩擦力偶
couple of the twisting friction旋转摩擦力偶
crack the defence突破防守
crown of the head头顶
cut the cards签牌
cut the cards倒牌
cut the deficit缩小差距
dash all of the opponent's gold medal hopes使对手无望夺冠
decide by the toss of a coin用投币方式决定
decide the champion決出第一名
decide the outcome of a game决定胜负
decide the winner决出胜者
declare the meeting open宣布开会
decompression of the patella髌骨骨髓减压术
demonstration of the movement动作示范
Devers of the United States was leading up to the final hurdle, over which she tripped and fell美国的德弗斯一路领先、直到她跨越最后一个栏架时、绊倒在地上
deviation from the course偏离比赛路线
deviation from the obstacle避开障碍
disobey the umpire's orders不服从裁判
disorder of small joints in the cuboid region骰骨区小关节紊乱症
displace the body躲闪身体
display one's skill to the full大显身手
dorsiflexion of the ankle joint脚尖上跷
draw back the javelin动词词组引枪注释:draw back 系短语动词 phrasal verb 原意是拉回,收回
draw on each other's merits and raise the level together取长补短,共同提高
draw the first blood先得一分
draw the game打成平局
drop out of the competition退出比赛
drop out of the competition不参加比赛
drop the baton掉棒
drop the flag落旗竞赛开始〔结束〕的信号
drop the flag落旗 (竞赛开始或结束的信号)
drop the flag发出信号开始或结束
drop the handkerchief丢手帕
Each competitor is allowed 3 trials in the finals决赛时、每名参赛选手允许有 3 次试跳、投掷等机会
eject from the game逐出比赛
electromyogram of the left anterior tibial muscle随意收缩时的左前胫骨肌肌电图 (voluntary effort)
electromyogram of the left biceps femoris muscle随意收缩时的左股二头肌肌电图 (voluntary effort)
electromyogram of the neurogenic grant spike神经元性肌收缩的肌电图
electromyogram of the right anterior tibial muscle右胫骨前肌肌电图
emptying of the stomach胃排空
Endurance is one of the basic components of general athletic ability.耐力是一般运动能力的基本成分之一
Ensure that the activity is age- appropriate and provide protective equipment such as helmets and knee pads确保活动适合个人年龄并提供护具,例如头盔和护膝
Except the javelin, there is no run-up in throwing events which take place inside a throwing circle除标枪外、在投掷圈内进行的投掷项目不用助跑
extensor of the back背伸肌
extensors of the foot伸足肌群
face the puck对抗
face the wind迎风
finals in the Olympic events奥运会项目决赛
fitness for the masses大众健身
fitness for the people大众健身
fitness for the public大众健身
flag of the game会旗
flash in the pan昙花一现
flash in the pan昙花一现的人物
forage for the ball抄球
forage for the ball抢截球
force the gamepaddleball 冒险快速得分
force the pace赛跑时加快速度使对手很快疲劳
forward the ball往前传球
gaze at the screen盯着荧屏
gaze on the line注意看线
General Administration of Sport of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国国家体育总局
get back into the game伺机反攻
get down to the ground落地
get into the form进入竞技状态
get into the shape进入竞技状态
get on the Internet上网
get the advantage占优势
get the advantage again又领先
get the ball得球
get the best of超过
get the best of占优势
get the best of打败
get the best of占上风
get the best of胜过
get the jump on somebody抢在…之前
get the jump on somebody比…… 占先
get the signature得到签名
glued to the screen盯着荧屏
High jumper Zhu Jiɑnhuɑ broke the world men's high jump record twice in 1983 by clearing 2.37 and 2.38 metres跳高运动员朱建华在 1983 年先后创造了 2.37 米和 2.38 米两次男子跳高世界纪录
hit the bar踢杆
hit the front领先
hit the front and never look back一路领先
hit the front and stay there一路领先
hit the headlines成名
hit the headlines成为头条新闻
hit the target命中
hit the target击中
hit the wall肌肉疲乏至极
hit the wall体能耗尽
hit the wall〈俚〉撞墙
hold no terror for the opponent威胁不大
hold the audience in awe令观众吃惊
hold the cup捧杯
hold the lead保持领先地位
hold the Olympic Games举办奥运会
hold the post of担任…职务
hold the sleeve抓住袖子
hold up the game拖延比赛
Holding discus flat in the palm, the thrower spins 540 degrees and launches it铁饼运动员将铁饼平放在手掌里身体旋转540°、然后将铁饼掷出
How do you stay motivated to stick to your diet when the scales still haven't budged?当体重计上的数字还是老样子时,你怎样激励自己继续减肥呢?
If a competitor after the command On your marks "disturbs other competitors in the race through sound or otherwise,it may be considered a false start"在"各就位" 口令下达后、如果一名运动员通过声音或其他方式干扰参加这次比赛的其他运动员、这一行动应视为起跑犯规
If a competitor is pushed or forced by another person to run outside the lane, and if no material advantage is gained, the competitor shall not be disqualified如果一名运动员被另一名运动员推出或被迫跑出他的分道、但未从中获得实际的利益、这名运动员将不应被取消比赛资格
If dropped, the baton must be recovered by the runner who dropped it如发生掉棒、必须由掉棒运动员捡起
If the tie still remains...如成绩仍相等…
If the wind velocity measured in the direction of running jumping behind the competitor averages more than 2 metres per second, the record will not be accepted如果在跑进方向跳跃方向上测量的顺风平均风速超过 2 米/秒、则所创纪录不予承认 (注释:从后面吹来的风通常用 the following wind,规则条文用 the wind behind the competitor,意即顺风)
If two or more competitors are tied, the winner is the one with the fewest misses during competition如果两名或更多的选手成绩相同、则在比赛中失败次数最少者获胜
If we let the fastest runner No. 8 set the pace, the other runners will be left behind如果我们让跑得最快的 8 号运动员定步速、其他队员就会被抛在后面了
inclination in the running direction跑道前后倾斜度
interfere with the play干扰比赛
inversion of the ankle joint足内翻
It is essential to taper off training during the final week to 10 days before a big competition重大比赛的前一周至 10 日内、必须逐渐减少训练量
It is the duty of any Member or officer of a Member to assist the IAAF in carrying out out-of-competition testing协助国际田联进行赛外兴奋剂检查是任何会员协会或其官员的责任
It is this discipline that has won him two world records in the past year, in shot put and javelin, and he hopes to add another for discus next year过去数年间,长期的训练令他获得了铅球与标枪两项世界纪录,他希望明年还能创造铁饼项目的纪录
jack-in-the-box spectator激动得跳起来的观众
jack-in-the-box spectator激动欢跳的观众
James Easton, an IOC member from the United States, runs a sporting goods manufacturing company that has provided equipment for such Olympic sports as softball, hockey, archery and cycling美国人詹姆士・伊斯顿是国际奥委会成员,经营着一家体育用品制造公司,为垒球、曲棍球、射箭和自行车等奥运项目提供设备
join the national team加盟国家队
Joyner Kersee won the gold medal in the women's long jump in Seoul in 1988乔伊纳・克西在 1988 年汉城现改名首尔奥运会上赢得了女子跳远金牌
Junior Men and Women: Any athlete of 18 or 19 years on 31st December in the year of the competition青年男子和女子组:凡比赛当年 12 月 31 日为 18 或 19 周岁者
keep the direction保持方向
keep the goal守门
keep the opponent off balance使对手失去平衡
keep the opponents at bay使对手陷入困境
keep the shuttlecock in the air【键】斗键
key to the offense进攻的主力队员
kill the ball裁判员宣布死球
kill the clock磨时间
kill the morale使士气低落
kinetics of the human body人体动力学
Kiptanui, the 3000 metres steeplechase world champion, ran unchallenged for the last three laps, building up a huge lead3000 米障碍赛世界冠年基普坦努伊在最后三圈大大领先于其他选手、无人能与之匹敌
know the trick of the trade在行
lead the pace速度领先
lead the race在比赛中领先
Light of Asian Games, the亚运之光
light reaching the film胶片感光
lnternational Sports Organization for the Disabled国际残疾人运动组织
logo of the organizing association比赛主办协会标志
lose the game输掉比赛
lose the match to败给
lose the match to负于
maintain the lead保持领先地位
make a feint to the east but attack in the west声东击西
make a protest against the wrong decision对错误的裁决提出抗议
make full use of the time争分夺秒
make headlines in the paper受到媒体重视
make headlines in the paper成为报纸的头条
make it to the next round出线
make the break造成对方失误
make the draw抽签
make the final vote最后投票
make the grade取得成功
make the headlines成名
make the most of one's strength and the opponent's weakness以长克短
make the top eight进入前八名
man behind the racket拿拍子打球的球员
man of the time风云人物
manager of the meeting大会主任
Ma's Army, the中国马家军
master the basic skills掌握基本功
mathematical model of the body人体数学模型
method of passing the baton接棒方法
moment of the first order质点的一阶力矩
Moutawakel, a dark horse from Morocco, stole the limelight from super stars like Carl Lewis and Daley Thompson with a surprise winning in the women's 400 metres hurdles.女子 400 米跨栏大爆冷门、跳出一匹黑马—摩洛哥选手莫塔华克尔夺得这项比赛冠军、她抢走了田径巨星刘易斯和汤普森不少镜头
move in the court【犍】场上的移动
move the ball移动球 (woodball)
move to the inner lane切人内道
movement in the third dimension第三因次中的动作
name matches the reality名实相符
name matches the reality名符其实
narrow the gap缩小差距
National Archery Association of the United States美国 全国射箭协会
National Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice美国 全国步枪射击促进会
national representative team of the Association国家协会代表队
National Urban Games of the People's Republic of China中国全国城市运动会
negative reaction to the drug test药检呈阴性
new star in the ball-playing world球坛新秀
nip in the bud消灭于萌芽状态
nip in the bud防止
nip in the bud防患于未然
observe the discipline遵守纪律
OCOG Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games奥运会组委会
OCOG Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games奥林匹克运动会组织委员会
officials of the meeting运动会工作人员
organization and administration of the Olympic Games奥运会组织管理
organizer of the meeting大会组织者
outcome of the game比赛结果
overtake on the outside从外侧超越
pace the race掌握比赛速度
pack the defence压缩对方的防守面
pattern of the match比赛样式
pattern of the match比赛格式
plan of the course路线图
play against the wind顶风踢
play for the championship争夺冠军
play in the final参加决赛
play in the finals参加决赛
play off the ceiling球击到天花板 (squash)
play off the walls球击到四壁 (squash)
play the anthem奏国歌
play the field把赌注下在热门马以外的所有马上
play the field广下赌注
play the game行动光明正大
play the game遵守比赛规则
play the song of the meet奏会歌
play to the gallery讨好观众
play to the gallery比赛中好表现自己
play with the wind顺风踢
pressure of the carotid artery颈动脉压
pressure of the radial artery挠动脉压
prevent the normal progress of the game影响比赛正常进行
prevent the normal progress of the game影响比赛进行
principal transformation of the endpoint stiffness matrix末端点刚度矩阵的主转换
prior to the event赛前
race against the watch计时赛
raise the bar动词词组升高横杆
raise the bar to...将横杆升至……
raise the center of gravity提高重心
reading the game比赛中通观全局
recover the baton捡棒
recover the baton捡回接力棒
Referee for events outside the Stadium外场裁判长
Referee is responsible for enforcing the rules and disqualifying offenders, deciding on questions of interpretations of the rules and certifying record performances裁判长负责比赛规则的实施、取消犯规运动员的比赛资格、对规则中有争议的问题进行解释并作出决定、批准有正式纪录的比赛成绩
release of delayed paralysis of ulnar nerve of the elbow肘尺神经延迟性麻痹松解术
release of lateral fascia of the knee膝外侧筋膜松解术
repel the opponent's attack挫败对方的进攻
resist the pressure顶住压力
rest on the laurel安于已得荣誉
restring the racket给拍子重新装弦
resume the game继续比赛
resume the game恢复比赛
retire from the event退出比赛
retrieve the baton捡棒
retrieve the baton捡回接力棒
retrograde osteoarthropathy of the lumbar vertebrae腰椎退行性骨关节病
reverse the game's result扭转比赛结果[局面]
reverse the situation扭转局面
reverse the tide扭转局面
reverse the tide转败为胜
reverse the tide扭转局势
rhythm of the movement运动节奏
rights attached to the Olympic Identity and Accreditation Card奥运会身份注册卡附带权利
rights over the Olympic Games奥运会产权
rights to the Olympic symbol, flag, motto and anthem奥林匹克标志、旗、格言、会歌的知识产权
Ring The Bottle嘉年华游戏向爆樽
rotation of the vertebral column脊柱回旋
round off the results圆满完成成绩
round-the city race环城赛跑
rules against the use of drugs禁用兴奋剂规则
rules of the competition竞赛规程
rules of the game commission比赛规则委员会
Rules of the Games Commission比赛规则委员会
scramble for the crown夺冠
scramble for the title夺冠
sell the dummy佯攻
send out the signal发出信号开始或结束
send to the loser's pool打败
set the pace定步速
set the stage for筹备
shaking manipulation with the hands双手抖法
shift the center of gravity变换重心
shift the position改变位置
Shoot The Cans嘉年华游戏百发百中
sit in the wrong way不对号入座
size up the opponent's tactics探虚实
size up the opponent's tussle摸清对方战术
Some middle-and long-distance runners prefer to take the lead at the start一些中长跑运动员喜欢在起跑时带头
Some of the runners are lagging behind一些运动员落后了 (注释:lag behind/drop behind/fall behind 均为短语动词,一般情况下,可交替使用)
Sports Association of Asia, Pacific Ocean and Oceania, the亚洲太平洋大洋洲体育总会
Sports Center in Beijing Northern Suburbs, the北京北郊体育中心
Sports equipment designed to make American football safer encouraged more reckless moves and ended up making the sport more dangerous than unpadded, unhelmeted rugby美式橄榄球的护具本是保护球员的,现在反而鼓励球员更不顾后果横冲直撞,从而导致美式橄榄球比不用护垫与头盔的英式橄榄球更危险
sports for the disabled残疾人体育
sports game for the disabled残疾人运动会
sports giant in the world世界体育强国
spread the defence拉开对方的防守面防区
spread the defense拉开防守面
squeeze the abdomen压腹
stationary floating on the water水上静漂运动
stem the tide挽回败局
stitch in the side肋部刺
strengthen the education of sportsmanship and discipline加强赛风赛纪教育
stretch the lead扩大领先
strong Chinese team, the中国劲旅
submit the appeal in written form提交书面申诉
submit the application递交报名表
swing of the arm挥臂
swing of the body身体旋转
swing of the racket挥拍
swing-up of the leg撑竿跳高摆腿
syndrome of the third lumbar vertebra transverse process第三腰椎横突综合征
take it on the chin失利
take over the baton接棒
take the bun得第一名
take the bun得第一
take the crown夺冠
take the edge off挫对方锐气
take the edge off挫某人气势
take the edge off somebody挫其锐气
take the fancy of迎 〔投〕合…的爱好
take the fancy of吸引
take the fancy of使喜爱
take the fence登记赌账的人赖账
take the field出场
take the heat在分组赛中获胜
take the heat在预赛中获胜
take the opponent by surprise攻其不备
take the opponent by surprise使对手猝不及防
take the right of serving取得发球权
take the second set by a big margin轻取第二局
take the sling out of somebody挫某人气势
take the spotlight大出风头
take the spotlight大显身手
take the sting put of somebody挫其锐气
take the strain拔河拉紧
take to the cleaners全胜
taper off the amount of training, taper off the volume of training逐渐减少训练量
tempo of the game比赛节奏
terms of the dynamic equations运动方程的项
The ability of the runner to achieve second wind depends chiefly on his physical condition.赛跑运动员获得"第二次呼吸"的能力取决于他的身体状况
the acceleration of heartbeat心跳加快
the acceleration of pace步伐加速
the additional round附加赛
The advertising of tobacco alcohol products is prohibited禁止香烟酒类广告
The Amateur International Boxing Association国际业余拳协会
The athlete developed the muscles in his legs by running这位运动员通过跑步发展了腿部的肌肉
The athlete is out of training这位运动员训练得不好
The athlete shows a great interest in the training session.这个运动员对训练课表现出极大的兴趣
The athlete was well trained这位运动员训练得很好/接受过很好的训练
The athletes are going to the sports field to have their training classes这些运动员正在去运动场地上训练课
The athletes of men's 400 metres race round one heat two, assemble here please!男子 400 米预赛第 2 组运动员、请在这里集合!
The athletic meeting was rained out运动会因雨延期举行
the athletics competitions of the Olympic Games奥运会田径比赛
The average wind velocity shall not exceed plus 2 metres per second平均风速不超过 2 米/秒
The basic athletic skills are common to all other sports田径竞赛的基本技术对其他运动具有普遍意义 (注释:1. athletics 田径运动 Br. E.(英国英语)track and field 田径运动 Am. E.(美国英语) 2. athletics 是田径运动的总称,可用作单数也可用作复数。)
The basic athletic skills are common to all sports.田径运动的基本技术对其他运动项目均具有普遍意义 (注释:1. track and field 是复合名词,它是田径运动的总称,使用动词时,通常用单数。2. track and field 田径运动, Am. E.(美国英语)athletics 田径运动,Br. E.(英国英语))
The baton must be carried by hand throughout the race运动员必须手持接力棒
The baton must be carried by hand throughout the race.在整个赛跑过程中
The baton shall be passed in the take-over zone必须在接力区内传递接力棒
The coach has a lot of experience in training runners这位教练员在训练赛跑运动员方面有丰富的经验
The development of male 110-meter hurdle race technique is closely related with the reform of the hurdle, scientific progress and fierce competition男子 110 米栏跨栏技术的发展和改进与栏架变革、科技进步及竞争激烈密切相关
The discus throw shall be made from within the circle铁饼必须从投掷圈内掷出
The discus thrower released the discus properly这位铁饼运动员以正确的方法将铁饼掷出
The discus thrower spins around one and a half times to gain momentum and releases the discus这位铁饼运动员手持铁饼身体旋转一圈半以便获得足够的力量或动量将铁饼掷出去
The explosive force is determined by the combination of force and speed爆发力大小取决于力量与速度的结合
The field events include jumping events high jumpˌ long jump、triple jump、and pole vault and throwing events shot put, hammer, discus and javelin throw田赛项目包括跳跃项目跳高、跳远、三级跳远、撑竿跳高等和投掷项目铅球、链球、铁饼、标枪等
The final workout should take place three days before a big competition最后一次训练课应在重大比赛 3 天前进行
The following Age Groups shall apply to IAAF Competitions下列年龄组适用于国际田联的比赛
The former pole-vault champion shares a moving story about a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart上届的撑竿跳冠军和我们分享了动人的故事,故事的主角是一个瘦小但却热爱足球的小伙子
The fourth runner of the relay team shall be a fast runner with strong finishing power接力赛跑队第四名队员要求速度快、终点冲刺能力强
The high jumper crossed over 1.93 metres, breaking the national record of 1.92 metres held by herself and equalling the Asian record这位跳高运动员越过 1.93 米横杆、不仅刷新了她本人保持的 1.92 米的全国纪录、而且平了亚洲纪录
The high jumper failed to clear the bar on any of his her three attempts and was eliminated这位跳高运动员 3 次试跳均未过杆、最后被淘汰
The high jumper strictly followed the coach's instructions in training这位跳高运动员严格按照教练员的指导进行训练
The high jumper trains the hardest in his group这位跳高运动员在他的小组里训练最刻苦
The hurdles can be knocked down, but both legs must clear them运动员可以碰倒栏架、但双腿必须越过栏架
The IAAF identified a need for all these athletics events to be coordinated国际田联认为有必要协调许多单独举行的田径比赛项目
The IAAF shall organize World Championships in Athletics in odd-numbered years国际田联在奇数年组织世界田径锦标赛
The IAAF was re-named the International Association of Athletics Federations at the 43rd Congress in Edmonton in 20012001 年在埃德蒙顿召开的第 43 届代表大会上、国际业余田径联合会改名为国际田径协会联合会。 注释:国际田联新的英文名称 International Association of Athletics Federations (缩写:IAAF)国际田联原文英文名称 International Amateur Athletic Federation(缩写: IAAF)变更后的国际田联英文全称虽有变化,但英文缩写 IAAF 不变
The IAAF World Youth Championships in Athletics started in 1999 and received great support1999 年开始举办的国际田联世界青年田径锦标赛、 获得大力支持
The indoor stadium shall be completely enclosed and covered. Lighting, heating and ventilation shall be provided to give satisfactory conditions for indoor competitions室内体育场应是四周有围墙、顶部有覆盖的体育场、应为室内比赛提供符合条件的照明、供暖和通风设备
The javelin throw is not valid这次掷标枪无效
The javelin throw is valid这次掷标枪有效
The javelin thrower released the javelin improperly这位标枪运动员以不正确的方法将标枪掷出 (注释:release 的原意是释放、放出,用于投掷项目可作为投出、掷出解)
the last leg最后一段
The main hall has the competition court, the warm-up area and some auxiliary rooms as well as the entrances for athletes, technical officials, VIPs and media workers大厅里有竞赛场地、热身区域和一些辅助房间以及运动员、技术官员、贵宾和媒体工作人员的入口通道
The marathon race is mainly run on the streets roads of the host city. However, the final lap always takes place in the stadium马拉松赛跑主要是在举办城市的大街上公路上进行、但最后一圈总是在运动场跑道上进行
The marathon race was a close contest with Kodama Taisuke of Japan finishing first in 2 hours, 7 minutes and 23 seconds. Ito of Japan finished second and was followed by two Tanzanians这届马拉松赛跑竞争激烈、日本选手儿玉寿介以2小时7分23秒夺得第一名、日本的伊藤是第二名、第三、四名是坦桑尼亚选手
The marathon runner fell down with exhaustion这位马拉松赛跑运动员因体力衰竭倒下了
The most exciting race was 10,000-metre race最激动人心的比赛是 10000 米比赛
the movements of Carl Lewis' approach and take-off卡尔・刘易斯的助跑和起跳动作
The number bibs shall be worn visibly on the breast and back号码布应分别佩戴在胸前和后背的明显位置
The number of spikes exceed limit 11鞋钉数量超标标准数应不超过11枚
The Olympic Games奥林匹克运动会
The Olympic Partnership Programme奥林匹克合作伙伴计划
The optimum angle of delivery is...最理想的出手角度是…
The optimum angle of release is...最理想的出手角度是…
The pole vaulter bettered the world's record by five inches这名撑竿跳高运动员以5英寸之多超过了世界纪录
The pole vaulter used a metal pole fiber glass pole这位撑竿跳高运动员使用的是金属竿玻璃纤维竿
The pole vaulter used his own pole.这位撑竿跳高运动员使用自备竿
The second runner starts to run before his teammate reaches the passing zone第二棒运动员在他的队友到达接力区前就开始跑动 (注释:目前接力区最常见的用法是 take-over zone)
the semi-final round复赛
The sports shoes have functions of absorbing shock and protecting ankles, and are quite suitable to be used as professional sports shoes such as basketball shoes, tennis shoes本运动鞋既可缓震又可护踝,非常适于作篮球鞋、网球鞋等专业的运动鞋
The standard distances for men and women shall be 15km, 20km, Half-Marathon, 25km, 30km, Marathon 42.195 km, 100km and Road Relay公路赛跑男女公路赛跑标准比赛距离应为 15 公里、20 公里、半程马拉松、25 公里、30 公里、马拉松42. 195 公里、100 公里和公路接力赛跑
The technique of baton passing decides the outcome of most relay races传接棒技术好坏对大多数接力赛跑的成绩起到决定性作用
the third leg第三段
The thrower must not step over the scratch line, if he is to have his throw qualify for measurement为了使投掷符合丈量条件、运动员的脚不能踩过起掷线
The two other tying athletes A and B shall have a 3rd jump-off另两名运动员 A 和 B 成绩相等获得了第三次试跳机会以决定名次
the two tying athletes两名成绩相等的运动员 (注释:tying 是 tie 的现在分词,作定语用)
The tying competitors shall be placed in the next round or, if that is not practicable, lots shall be drawn to determine who shall be placed in the next round成绩相等的运动员均应进人下一赛次、如实际条件不允许、则应抽签决定进人下一赛次的人选 (注释:1. 抽签英文为 draw lots,有时英文 lots 可省略; 2. 抽签决定道次、比赛顺序等,竞赛规则中英文常用被动语态如: the order of lanes, the order of competitions etc. shall be draw)
The visual pass is a baton pass in a relay race in which the outgoing runner watches the incoming runner until the pass in completed视接法是接力赛跑时的一种传接棒方法—接棒人注视着传棒人直到整个传接棒动作的完成
the world record for the 3000 metres race3000 米赛跑世界纪录
the world record for the pole vault撑竿跳高世界纪录
tie for the first place并列第一
tie or take the lead比分咬得很紧平分或领先
tie the opponents into knots使对手陷入困境
tie the score扳成平局
tighten the screw上紧螺丝
touching the toes手触脚动作
tracting-pulling manipulation of the limb肢体拔牵法
tracting-pulling manipulation of the lumbar vertebrae腰椎拔牵法
trough for catching the ball挡球槽
try to ascertain the opponent's strength探虚实
try to find out the opponent's strength探虚实
try to get through the group试图超前
twister of the trunk扭转躯干的肌肉
two ticks shy of the world record差点破世界纪录
up the wind顶风
up the wind顶着风
up to the standard符合[达到]标准
up-to-the-minute report快报
vicinity of the field of play比赛场地附近
victory in the offing稳操胜券
volume of the circulatory blood循环血量
walk off the court退场表示抗议等
walk off the court退场以示抗议
walk over the course轻而易举地获胜
warn the partner提醒同伴
whittle down the gap缩小差距
Who jumped the gun?谁抢跑?
width of the base of support步宽
withdraw from the competition退出比赛 (race)
within the framework of the law在规则允许范围内
without the referee's permission未经裁判员许可
worthy of the name名符其实的
Yan Hong and Xu Yongjiu, two Chinese women walkers, broke the world record for the women's 5000-metre track walking with a time of 21 minutes 40.3 seconds and 21 minutes 41 seconds respectively at an international walking competition held in Norway中国女子竞走运动员阎红、徐永久在挪威举行的国际竞走比赛中、分别以 21 分 40 秒 3 和 21 分 41 秒的成绩打破 5000 米场地竞走世界纪录
zero in on the goal对准球门
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