
Terms for subject Agriculture containing tertiary | all forms | exact matches only
balanced tertiary trisomic平衡三级三体生物
hydrogen bond and tRNA tertiary structure氢键与 tRNA 三级结构
tertiary alcohol叔醇 (R₃COH)
tertiary amine叔胺 (R₃N)
tertiary bark三生[树]皮
tertiary branching三次分枝 (ramificatio tertiaria)
tertiary butyl alcohol叔丁基醇(CH₃)₂CH・CH₂OH
tertiary butyl alcohol第三丁[基]醇
tertiary butyl alcohol for dehydration脱水用第三丁 [基]醇
tertiary butyl alcohol in permanent preparation永久制片用第三丁 [基]醇
tertiary butyl parabenzoate第三丁基对苯甲酸
tertiary butyl parabenzoate in electron microscopy电子显微镜检术用第三丁基对苯甲酸
tertiary centromere三次着丝粒
tertiary chromosome三级染色体
tertiary constriction三级缢痕
tertiary electrode第三类电极
tertiary head三次穗 (spica tertiaria)
tertiary interaction三级相互作用
tertiary monosomic三级单体生物
tertiary mutant三次突变体
tertiary mutant三次突变型
tertiary mycelium三生菌丝
tertiary pinna三级羽片 (pinna tertiaria)
Tertiary plant第三纪植物 (planta tertiaria)
tertiary protein structure蛋白质三级结构
Tertiary relics第三纪残遗种 (relica tertiaria)
tertiary rice shoot稻第三次分蘖
tertiary rice tiller稻第三次分蘖
tertiary root三生根 (radix tertiarius)
tertiary seed farm三级种子田
tertiary seeds三级种子
tertiary sex ratio第三性比
tertiary soil第三纪土壤
tertiary spiral三生螺纹 (spiralis tertiarius)
tertiary split三次分裂 (fidus tertiarius)
tertiary structure of protein蛋白质的三级结构
tertiary system soil第三系土壤
tertiary three-dimensional structure三级三向结构
tertiary tiller三次分蘖
tertiary tillering三次分蘖[现象]
tertiary treatment of sewage污水[第]三级处理
tertiary trisomic三级三体生物
tertiary trisomy三级三体性
tertiary wall三生壁 (paries tertiarius)