
Terms containing terms cash | all forms | in specified order only
fin.cash discount term现金折扣条件
tech.cash term付现条件
securit.cash term付现条款
busin.cash terms付现条件
fin.cash terms现金支付条件
busin.cash terms付现条件
proj.manag.in absolute cash terms按绝对现金数值计算
securit.in absolute cash terms按绝对现金数值
econ.long-term cash flow budget长期现金流动预算
econ.medium-term cash flow budget中期现金流通预算
securit.near-term contract and cash price近期合约与现货价格
commer.on cash terms按现金付款方式
commer.on payment terms of cash against documents按凭单付现条件
econ.short-term cash flow budget短期现金流转预算
interntl.trade.term cash现金支付
textileterm cash需用现金支付
econ.term cash须用现金支付
fin.terms cash须用现金支付
interntl.trade.terms cash需用现金支付
busin.terms cash现金支付
interntl.trade.terms net cash相当时日内支付现金