
Terms for subject Securities containing term | all forms | exact matches only
adjustable loan term调整贷款期限
adjustable loan term调整贷款条款
amortization of discount on long term investment长期投资折价摊还
amortization of premium on long term investment长期投资溢价摊还
arm's short term trading index短期正常交易指数
be reelected upon expiration of term of office任期结束后再次当选董事长,董事等
be reelected upon expiration of term of office连任
behavior of pursuing short term interests利益短期化的投资行为
bill for a term承兑期票
cash term付现条款
consolidation of short-term debts合并短期债务
consolidation of short-term debts整顿短期债务
continuously offered long-term securities连续报价长期证券
continuously offered longer-term security连续报价的长期证券由世界银行发行的3~30年期美元报价债券
current maturity of long-term debts即将到期的长期债务
decrease of long term investment减少长期投资
derivative medium term note衍生中期债券
disturbance term干扰项技术分析
effective term of takeover offer收购要约有效期
enterprise short-term bond企业短期债券
enterprise short-term bond企业短期融资券
enterprise short-term note企业短期票据
Euro median-term note欧洲中期票据
Euro-term loan欧元定期贷款
Euro-medium long term credit欧洲中长期信贷
Euro-medium-term note欧洲中期债券
exploding term sheet爆发式排他性协议
exploding term sheet爆发式条款清单
fixed-term advance定期垫款
fixed term reverse mortgage定期反向抵押
foreign short-term claims国外短期债权
forward exchange for short term短期外汇期货
general long-term debt一般长期债务
generic term普通条款
hold for long term长期持有
illustrative term sheet条款说明书
implied term非明文条款
implied term暗含条款
in general term一般条款
increase of long term investment增加长期投资
indeterminate term liability不定期负债
indeterminate term liability未决定期限的负债
intermediate term credit中期放款
intermediate term financing中期融资
intermediate-term lenders中期放款人
intermediate term market outlook中期市场前景
international flow of short-term capital国际短期资本流量
international long-term capital movement国际长期资本转移
international short-term capital movement国际短期资本流动
Japanese long-term prime rate日本长期贷款优惠利率
lattice-type models of term structure期限结构的网络模型
linked long-term business长期关联业务
liquidity of the term structure期限结构的流动性
liquidity theory of the term structure期限结构变现清偿原理
listed companies in the long-term trading suspension period长期停牌公司
loan term贷款期限
long term agreement长期协议
long-term anomaly长期异常收益
long term anticipation security长期预期证券
long term assets长期资产
long term bonds长期债券
long-term business assets长期业务资产
long-term business fund长期业务基金
long-term business liability长期业务负债
long term capital长期资金
long term capital balance长期资本收支差额
long term capital gain or loss长期资本损益
long term capital movement长期资本变化
long term capital transaction长期资本交易
long term compensation长期酬劳
long term compensation长期补偿
long-term convergence/divergence长期趋同/变异
long-term corporate bond长期企业债券
long-term corporate debt长期公司债务
long term credit长期信贷
long term credit长期贷款
long term credit bank长期信贷银行
long term credit delivery长期信贷交割
long term creditor长期债权人
long term debt长期债务
long term debt /capitalization长期债务/总资本比率
long-term debt instrument长期债务工具
long term debt ratio长期债务比率
long term debt to equity ratio长期债务股权比率
long term draft长期汇票
long-term equity anticipation securities长期普通股预测证券
long-term equity anticipation security长期股权预期证券
long term financial plan长期融资计划
long term financing长期融资
long term fixed rate bond长期固定利率债券
long-term fixed rate debt长期固定利率票据
long-term fixed-rate notes长期固定利率债券/票据
long term forward contract长期远期合约
long term fund长期基金
long term fund长期资金
long term gain长期收益
long term gain长期收人
long term goal长期目标
long term government bond长期公债
long-term incentive mechanism长期激励机制
long-term institutional equity长期机构证券
long term interest free loan长期无息贷款
long-term interest rate options长期利率期权
long-term interest rates长期利率
long-term investment horizons长期投资远景
long-term investment strategy长期投资战略
long term investor长期投资者
long-term lender长期放款者
long term lending长期放款
long term liability长期负债
long term loss长期损失
long term market outlook长期市场展望
long term money market长期金融市场
long term money market长期货币市场
long-term mortgage financing长期抵押融资
long-term mortgage lender长期抵押贷款放款者
long term note receivable应收长期票据
long term obligation长期负债
long-term performance长期业绩
long-term performance长线业绩
long-term prime rate长期最低利率
long-term prime rate长期优惠利率
long-term quilts长期优质债券
long-term results of value investing价值投资的长期结果
long term security长期证券
long-term shareholding loyalty incentive长期持股优惠
long term solvency长期偿付能力
long-term strategy长期策略
long-term vs. day trading长线与日交易
loss carried forward following/from the last term上期结转损失
loss carried forward following/from the last term前期结转损失
loss carried forward to the next term损失结转到下期
market index target-term security目标条款市场指数证券
market index target term security目标条款市场指数证券
mean of financing medium term operation中期资金融通手段
mean term存续期
mean term平均期限
median term notes中期票据
medium and long term loans中长期贷款
medium long term credit中长期信贷
medium-term bond中期债券2 ~ 10年之间到期的债务票据
medium-term finance中期融资
medium term gilts中期债券
medium term guarantee program中期担保计划
medium term investment cycle中期投资周期
medium-term investor中期投资者
medium term lending中期信贷
medium term liability中期债务
medium term moving average中期变化平均线
medium term note中期票据
medium-term program中期计划
medium term security中期证券
mid to long term international commercial loan中长期国际商业贷款
multiple long-term strategy多重长期战略
multiple long-term strategy经过考验的长期策略
near-term contract近期合约
near-term contract and cash price近期合约与现货价格
near term securities短期证券
near term securities短期有价证券
near term trend近期趋势
net long-term debt长期债务净额
nominal term名义条款
offset to long-term debt长期债务抵偿
offset to long-term debt长期借款抵消
one-factor model of term structure期限结构单因素模型
other long-term debts/liabilities其他长期债务
private short term capital movement私人短期资本活动
privately placed unsecured term debt私募非担保定期债务
public unsecured term debt上市非担保定期债务
random error term随机误差条款
redemption premium on long term debt长期债务赎回溢价
reserve for retirement of long term debt长期负债偿还准备
revolving credit and term loan facility周期性信贷和定期贷款便利
scramble for short-term funding争抢短期资金
secured short term financing担保短期融资
secured term loan担保条款贷款
senior term debt优先条款债务
serve consecutive term连续任职
serve consecutive term连任
short-term auction rate短期拍卖率
short-term balance短期余额
short-term borrowing短期贷款
short-term borrowing between banks银行间拆借
short-term business loan短期经营贷款
short-term capital gain&loss短期资本损益
short-term capital movement短期资本变化
short-term claims against U. S. gold可以兑换美国黄金的短期债券
short-term credit company短期信用公司
short-term credit company短期信贷公司
short-term credit instrument短期信用工具
short term debt短期债务
short-term debt instrument短期债务工具
short-term discretion短期自由裁量权
short-term discretion短暂酌情处理权
short-term draft短期汇票
short term earning asset短期获取的资产
short-term finance market短期融资市场
short-term financing短期筹资
short-term fixed income短期固定收人
short-term floating-rate debt短期浮动利率债务
short-term funds market短期资金市场
short-term funds market短期拆借市场
short-term government bond短期政府债券
short-term government security短期政府证券
short term high quality fund短期优质基金一种共同基金
short-term indexed liability transaction短期指数化债务交易
short-term indicator of economic condition短期经济状况指标
short-term interest free loan短期无息贷款
short-term interest rate options短期利率期权
short-term investment management plan短期投资管理计划
short-term investment pool短期投资池
short-term investment service短期投资服务
short-term investor短期投资者
short-term lender短期放贷者
short-term loan market短期信贷市场
short-term money market rate短期货币市场利率
short-term mortgage短期抵押
short-term moving average短期平均变化
short-term nonliquid claim短期非流动债权
short-term note短期期票
short-term note issuance facility短期票据发行机构
short-term obligation短期债券
short-term price短期价格
short-term public loan短期公共贷款
short-term registration短期注册
short-term reserves短期准备金
short-term revolving letter of credit短期循环信用证
short-term security短期证券
short-term solvency ratio短期偿债能力比率
short-term strategy短期策略
short-term trade短线交易
short-term trade短期交易
short-term trading by the directors and senior management董事高管短线交易公司股票
short-term trading index短线交易指数
short-term trading oscillator短期交易振荡指标
short-term trust短期信托
straight-term mortgage loan固定至期抵押贷款
substituting for intermediate term bonds取代中期债券
super long-term bond高级长期债券
take the initiative in making middle and long term investment自主进行中长期投资
Term Auction Facility定期贷款拍卖
term bond payable定期应付债券
term credit定期信贷
term disclosure report定期披露报告
term federal fund联邦定期基金
term issue定期发行
term loan定期放贷
term loan分期偿还贷款
term mortgage定期抵押贷款
term of bill汇票期限
term of bridge loan过渡贷款条款
term of credit信贷条款
term of credit信贷期限
term of discount票据贴现期限
term of offering发行条款
term of the shares offer股票发行期限
term of the shares offer募股起止期限
term out负债期限转换
term preferred share期限优先股
term premium定期溢价
term repo定期回购
Term Securities Lending Facility定期证券借贷工具美联储创建流动性注资工具
term security lending facility定期证券借贷工具
term settlement定期结算
term sheet合同细则
term sheet投资条件清单
term sheet排他性协议
term sheet定期报表
term sheet条款清单
term sight bill定期票据
term structure期限构成
term structure model期限结构模式
term to maturity到期期限
term transfer期限转换
term transfer credit转期信贷
term trust定期信托
termination of term到期终止
top-rate short-term corporate bonds最高评级的短期公司债券
tracing short-term rate跟踪短期利率
tracking short-term interest rate跟踪短期利率
ultra short term bond fund超短期债券基金
volatility term structure波动期限结构