
Terms for subject Economy containing term | all forms | exact matches only
a disturbance term失调项目
a disturbance term干扰期间
a like term同类项
a replicable long-term cred it delivery system可重复使用的长期信贷发放系统
a short-term bond短期债券
a short-term note短期票据
A subsequent enforcement of such a term should be considered at once应立即考虑该条款随后的实施问题
a term bill期票
a term bill定期汇票
a term bond定期债券
According to the long-term agreement, we meet semiannually and talk about the price根据长期协议,我们每半年碰一次头讨论价格
adjustment of production, in term of consumer preferences以消费者偏好表示的生产的调整
aggregative short-term investment technique积极的短期投资法
alternate term plan更替项目计划
amend the term of L/C修改信用证条款
amortization short-term investment短期投资摊销
at term到期
collateral term附带条款
completed job method of accounting for long term contract长期合同完工会计 (核算法)
comprehensive short-term guarantee短期信贷综合担保
conference term航行公会条件
convertible term insurance转换保险
current maturity of long term debt本年内到期的长期负债
current term net profit本期净收益
deficit for the current term近期亏欠
deficit for the current term本期赤字
deposit on long-term leases长期租赁预收款
descriptive term说明项
disruptive short-term movement破坏性的短期波动
equilibrating long-term capital起均衡作用的长期投资
equilibrating movements of short term capital短期投资的均衡动态
error term误差额
extended fixed term延长的定期合同
external short term liabilities对外短期负债
financial institution for long-term credit长期信贷金融机构
financing term筹资契约
fixed term定期
fixed-term bill of exchange定期汇票
FOB Liner Terms班轮交货条件
FOB Liner Terms班轮条件
for a term of five years期限五年
freight prepaid term运费付讫预付 条件
general delivery term一般交货条件
general long-term debt and interest group of accounts普通长期债务本息账类
general term普通项
general term交货一般条款
generic term一般用语
high concessional term高度减让条件
In case of any violation of any term of this agreement by either party, the other party may declare the agreement invalid双方中的任何一方如违反本协议的任何条款,另一方可宣布该协议无效
intermediate-term credit中期信贷
intermediate term credit中期贷款
intermediate term credit中期信用
intermediate-term loan中期贷款
International Chamber of Commerce Terms国际商会贸易术语解释通则
International Chamber of Commerce Terms国际商会贸易术语解释通则
International Commercial Terms国际贸易条件
international transfer of short-term fund短期资金的国际流动
international transfer of short term funds短期资金的国际流动
It is to our common interest to agree on this term在这一条款上达成协议对我们双方都有利
last term后项
last term末项
last term前期
license term执照有效期
license term许可证有效期
limited-term employee限期雇员
long and medium-term liabilities长期和中期负债
long-term agreement长期协定
long-term arrangement长期安排
long-term capital长期资本
long-term capital balance长期资本收支差额
long-term cash flow budget长期现金流动预算
long-term changes长期变动
long-term commercial paper长期证券
long-term commitment of economic aid长期承诺经济援助
long-term consideration长远考虑
long term contract长期合同
long-term contract accounting长期合同会计
long-term credit长期信用
long-term credits长期信贷
long term disability长期报废
long term disability长期不能工作
long-term economic trend长期经济趋势
long term energy assessment长远能源评价
long-term equilibrium长期均衡
long-term farm loans农业长期贷款
long-term financing by direct investment长期直接投资资助
long-term fixed commitment长期固定托付
long-term fluctuation长期变动
long-term food aid policy长期食品援助政策
long-term food problems长期食品问题
long-term fund长期资本
long-term goal长期目标
long term insurance长期保险
long-term interest-free loan长期无息贷款
long-term investment长期投资
long-term investments长期投资
long-term labourer长工
long-term liability长期负债
long-term liability长期的债务
long-term loan长期借款
long-term loan长期公债
long-term loan长期放款
long-term loan长期贷款
long-term manpower demand长期性人力需求
long-term notes长期票据
long-term paper长期证券
long-term plan长期规划
long-term planning长远计划
long term program长期规划
long term programme长期规划
long-term rate of interest长期利率
long-term requisite anticipation securities美国长期必需的预支证券
long-term stability长期稳定
long-term transaction长期交易
long-term trend长期动向
long-term usage长期使用
long-term warranty长期保单
long-term yield project对长期产量有影响的项目
marketable short-term短期出售的资产
medium term bonds中期债券
medium term capital中期资本一般在五年以内
medium-term cash flow budget中期现金流通预算
medium-term credit中期贷款
medium-term debt中期债务
medium-term emergency中期紧急事件
medium term expenditure framework中期支出框架
medium-term farm improvement loan农场改良中期贷款
medium-term loan中期放款
medium-term multiple currency loan中期多种货币放款
medium-term notes中期票据
medium-term outline plan中期计划纲要
medium-term plan中期规划
medium-term security中期证券
medium-term type中型
medium-term weight中等重量
mid-term food aid中期食物援助
mid-term review中期审査
monetary gain and loss on long term debt长期债务的货币损益
money borrowed for long term长期借款
movement of international short term capital国际短期资本流动
National Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks国家中期​​支出框架
near term短期
near-term decision近期决策
near-term market trends近期市场动向
net short-term gain短期净收益 (得利)
net short-term gain短期净利所得
offical short-term capital movement官方短期资本流动
official short-term credit官方短期信用
one year renewable term一年一续保险
one year renewable term一年一续的条件
one year renewable term一年一度的条件
one year renewable term一年一续保险条件
Party A leases to Party B the premises for the term of 3 years from the date hereof at the yearly rental of RMB ¥5000自即日起,甲方租给乙方该房产,为期3年,年租金为人民币5000元
payment term支付期限
penal term处罚条款
private short-term capital movement私人资本短期流动
product sale long-term commitment产品销售的长期保证
public accounting term会计师事务所
quasi-equity in shape of long-term loan准股权长期贷款
refinancing institutions for longer term financing长期融资的再融通机构
renewal term insurance定期保险展期
secured short-term financing担保短期信贷
set a term to给…定限期〔限度〕
set a term to制止
set a term to限制
set a term to对…加以限制
set a term to设定期限
shoot term balance短期平衡表
short-term bill短期证券
short term bill短期汇票
short-term bill短期票据
short-term bond短期债券
short-term capital gain or loss短期资本收支益损
short-term capital movement短期资本运动
short-term capital movements短期资本流动
short-term cash flow budget短期现金流转预算
short-term claim on foreigners国外短期债券
short-term credit market短期信用市场
short-term debenture短期公司信用债券
short-term debt短期负债
short-term debt短期债款
short-term debt 3 months to 1 year短期债务1-3年
short-term deposits短期存款
short-term earning assets短期获利资产
short-term food aid policy短期食物援助政策
short-term fund短期资本
short term funds短期资金
short-term funds短期基金
short-term hunger短期饥饿
short-term hunger暂时性粮食不安全
short-term instability短期不稳定
short-term insurance短期保险
short-term interest rates短期利率
short-term lending market短期贷放市场
short-term liabilities短期债务
short-term loan短期贷款
short-term loans短期贷款
short-term nonliquid claims短期非流动债权
short-term note短期票据
short-term obligations短期债务
short-term plan短期计划
short-term project短期计划
short-term project短线工程
short-term project短期方
short term receivables短期定期储蓄
short-term relief短期资金
short-term storage短期储备
short-term time deposit短期定期储蓄
short-term treasury bill短期库券
short term treasury bond短期国库券
short-term trend短期动向
short-term warranty短期保单
short-term yield project短期内能提高产量的项目
short-term yield project短期收益项目
short-and-medium-term equipment loan中短期设备贷款
Should any term of this agreement be declared invalid adj., the remainder remain in full force如本协议中任何条款宣告无效,则其余条款仍充分有效
shrot-term investment短期投资
technical term技术术语
term annuity定期年金
term cash须用现金支付
term-end settlements of accounts期末决算
term finance定期筹资
term insurance定期险
term-limit pricing限时作【计,定】价
term loan定期借款
term of a bill票据期限
term of contract合同条款
term of discount贴现条件
term of guaranteed service保修期限
term of guaranteed service服务条件
term of insurance payment保险费偿还期
term of payment支付条件
term of payment付款期限
term of residence驻期期限
term of residence驻在期限
term policy定期人寿保险契约
term stability长期稳定性
term time法定支付期苏格兰
term time法定支付
term time学期
term to maturity curve期限曲线
term transformation期限转换
term value定期贷款
the adjustment at term-end期末调整
the bargain on term期货交易
The company got a long-term loan from the bank at a high rate of interest该公司从银行获得一笔长期高息贷款
The duplicator is leased to the company for the term of two years from the date hereof at the monthly rental of 100 dollars自即日起,该公司租用这台复印机,为期2年,月租金100美元
The first of May, 1996 will be the exact date of commencement of the term of this Contract1996 年 5 月 1日将是本合同开始生效的确切日期
The letter of guarantee will arrive in the short term保证书近期到达
the medium term debt中期债
the mid-term credit中期信贷
the prescription term时效
the prescription term规定的时限
the reduction in long-term debt长期负债减少
the same term相同的条件
the same term同期
the short-term capital balance短期资本收支差额
the stabilizing short-term capital movement稳定性的短期资本流动
the term annuity定期年金
The term "man-hour "means work done by one man in one hour术语"工时"指一个人在一小时内完成的工作量
The term of office, of the second directors shall expire at the conclusion of the second general meeting of shareholders第二届董事们的任期将于第二届股东大会结束时满期
The term of this agreement shall be indefinite本协议是无限期的
trade term进出口交换比率
trade term贸易条件
We are glad to inform you that the board of directors passed a resolution to reach a long-term agreement with China National Silk Corporation我们高兴地告诉你方,董事会已通过一项与中国丝绸公司达成长期协定的决议
We elected a director to fill a vacancy before the expired term of the predecessor in office在前任董事任期完毕之前,我们就事先为填补空位而选出了一位董事
We have a loan for a term of ten years from the bank我方从银行取得一项为期十年的贷款
We hope that we can establish business relations with you on a long-term basis我们希望能与你们建立长期的业务关系
We regret that we cannot accept payment on D/A term in lieu of L/C我们歉难同意用承兑交单代替凭信用证付款
We would like to remit consideration of the long-term agreement till recent problems are solved我们要推迟考虑长期协议,直到目前的问题得到解决
yearly renewable term每年续约
yield on long-term government bond长期政府债券所得
yields on long term government bonds长期政府债券所得