
Terms for subject Textile industry containing term | all forms | exact matches only
cost and freight berth term成本,运费泊位交货条件
deficit in long-term capital长期资金亏损
deposit for a fixed term长期存款
fixed term deposit定期存款
generic term族名
generic term通称
generic term通用术语
generic term属名
indefinite term不确定期限
indefinite term无限期
intermediate term credit中期信贷
International Chamber of Commerce Terms国际商会国际贸易术语解释通则
international trade claim term国际贸易索赔条款
liner term班轮条款
long-term agreement棉制品长期合作协定
long-term arrangement长期协议
long-term arrangement长期协定
long-term assets固定资产
long-term assets长期资产
long-term bank draft远期银行汇票
long-term bank draft远期汇票
long-term bank loan长期银行借款
long-term bill长期票据
long-term compensation长期补偿
long-term contract长期契约
long-term credit远期信用证
long-term credit长期信贷
long-term credit长期贷款
long-term credit facility长期信用贷款
long-term credit market长期信用市场
long-term credit market长期信贷市场
long-term credit sales长期赊销
long-term debenture长期债券
long-term debt长期借款
long-term debt产期债务
long-term denier uniformity纤度长片段均匀性
long-term deposits长期存款
long-term dumping长期性倾销
long-term forecast远期预测
long-term forward contract长期期货合同
long-term gain长期收益
long-term gain长期收入
long-term indebtedness长期债务
long-term interest长远利益
long-term interest产期权益
long-term L/C远期信用证
long-term loan长期借贷
long-term market outlook长期市场前景
long-term mortgage长期抵押
long-term note长期票据
long-term obligation长期责任
long-term obligation长期义务
long-term obligation长期债务
long-term of years长期租借权
long-term plan长远规划
long-term planning of foreign trade对外贸易长期规划
long-term policy长期保单
long-term policy长期政策
long-term prime rate长期贷款优惠利率
long-term requirement长期需求量
long-term requirement长期需求
long-term reserve长期准备金
long-term reserve长期储备
long-term tenancy长期租约
long-term test长期试验
long-term trade长期贸易
loss for the current term本期损失,本期亏损
medium-term debt中期负债
medium-term investment中期投资
medium-term liabilities中期债务
medium-term liabilities中期负债
medium-term securities中期证券
middle and long-term program中长期规划
middle-long term credit中长期信贷
middle-long term credit中长期贷款
middle-long term credit中长期信用
middle-long term investment中长期投资
middle-long term lease中长期租赁
more or less term宽容条款
more or less term增减条款
more or less term溢短装条款
mortgage term抵押期
near-term securities短期证券
net profit of the term本期纯利,本期净利润
on term定期付款
on term定期
pattern making term制板术语
prescription term时效期
prescription term规定时限
primary lease term第一租期
proprietary term专利商标名
reduction in long-term debt长期负债减少
settlement term结算期
settlement term偿付条款
settlement term支付条款
settlement term决算期
short-term advance短期垫款
short-term autoleveler短片段自调匀整器
short-term bank credit短期银行信贷
short-term bill短期汇票
short-term budget短期预算
short-term capital balance短期资本收支差额
short-term capital gain or loss短期资本收支损益
short-term commercial loan短期商业贷款
short-term control短期管理
short-term control短期控制
short-term credit短期信用证
short-term credit短期贷款
short-term credit短期信用
short-term evenness短片段均匀度
short-term exchange loan短期外汇贷款
short-term financial statement短期财务报表
short-term forecast近期预测
short-term foreign capital短期外资
short-term funds短期资金
short-term irregularity短片段不匀率
short-term lending短期贷款
short-term lending market短期贷款市场
short-term liabilities短期负债
short-term loan短期放款
short-term loan market短期借贷市场
short-term money market短期货币市场
short-term money market短期资金市场
short-term money rate短期利率
short-term notes短期借据
short-term on foreigners对外国人的短期债权
short-term policy短期保单
short-term policy短期政策
short-term public bond短期公债
short-term public loan短期公债
short-term rate of interest短期利率
short-term requirements短期需求量
short-term stock短期存货
short-term storage短期储存
short-term treasury bond短期国库券
short-term yield短期收益率
short-term yield短期生息率
term assurance定期人寿保险
term bond定期债务
term bond定期债券
term cash需用现金支付
term catalog专业图书展览目录
term credit定期信用
term day结账日
term day开庭日
term day支付日
term draft定期汇票
term-end account期末账额
Term Eurodollar定期欧洲美元
Term Fed Fund定期联邦基金
term sight bill远期票据
term sight bill定期的见票即付汇票
term sight bill定期汇票
term time法定支付期
trade term行话
trade term行业用语
yield of long-term bond长期债券收益