
Terms for subject Agriculture containing temporary | all forms | exact matches only
maximum permissible period of temporary storage暂时贮藏[的]最大容许期
perched temporary ground water上层暂时地下水
temporary abating暂时减弱
temporary abating临时平静
temporary arrest暂时滞留
temporary carriers暂时载体
temporary carriers暂时带菌者
temporary change暂时改变
temporary check dam临时谷坊
temporary diploid暂时二倍体
temporary disk临时盘 (T disk)
temporary disk暂时磁盘 (T disk)
temporary disk暂时盘 (T disk)
temporary DNA-RNA hybrid暂时 DNA-RNA 杂交物
temporary DNA-RNA hybrid暂时 DNA-RNA 杂种
temporary dominant species暂时优势种
temporary fault暂时故障
temporary grasses短期性禾草
temporary grassland播种牧场轮作短期草地
temporary habitant暂时生境
temporary labourer临时工
temporary modification短期饰变
temporary mutual-aid team临时互助组
temporary parasitism暂时寄生[性]
temporary pasture临时性牧场
temporary pasture一年生牧草
temporary pasture短期牧场
temporary plant association短期植物群系
temporary plant community短期植物群落
temporary preparation临时标本
temporary quadrat临时样方
temporary resistance暂时抗[病]性
temporary sample plot短期标本区
temporary sandhill移动沙丘
temporary skeleton branch临时性骨干枝
temporary snow accumulation短期积雪
temporary stage短期阶段
temporary storage暂时贮藏
temporary stress暂时胁迫
temporary submerged paddy soil暂时淹育水稻土
temporary succession短期演替
temporary symbol暂时符号
temporary teeth乳齿
temporary transplanting假植
temporary type短期型
temporary utilization暂时利用
temporary ventilated storage临时通风贮藏
temporary warming暂时温暖
temporary wet treatment临时湿拌种子消毒
temporary wet treatment临时湿处理
temporary withering暂时凋萎
temporary working space临时工作空间
The ditcher is a device used for digging temporary ditches or trenches with vertical slopes开沟机是以垂直角度挖掘临时沟渠或战壕的一种机器