
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing temporary | all forms | exact matches only
barrier-building temporary seal technology屏蔽暂堵技术
jacket with temporary buoyancy附加浮筒式导管架
percentage temporary thickening loss暂时稠化损失百分数
temporary abandonment临时放弃
temporary access road临时便道
temporary anchorage临时锚地
temporary base level临时基准面
temporary blocking agent暂堵剂
temporary bridge plug暂时性桥塞
temporary cessation of production临时停产
temporary credit临时信贷
temporary drain临时排水沟
temporary easement临时建筑物
temporary fix临时调整
temporary fuel临时燃料
temporary gel diverting agent暂时凝胶堵塞剂
temporary guide base临时导向基盘
temporary guide base井口导向盘
temporary guide structure临时导向架
temporary hard water暂时硬水
temporary lake临时湖
temporary loan暂时借款
temporary location中间单元
temporary mooring system临时系泊系统
temporary plankton临时浮游生物
temporary plankton半浮游生物
temporary plugging agent暂堵剂
temporary poisoning暂时中毒
temporary rust preventive临时防锈剂
temporary repair临时检修
temporary safe refuge临时避难所
temporary shutdown临时停产
temporary storage tanker临时储油轮
temporary stream暂时河
temporary viscosity loss暂时性黏度损失
temporary well abandonment cap临时弃井井盖
temporary wellhead临时井口 (控制头等)