
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing techniques | all forms
adaptive control technique自适应控制技术
agglomeration technique烧结方法
agglomeration technique造块设备
agglomeration technique造块技术
agglomeration technique烧结技术
agglomeration technique造块方法
AI technique人工智能技术
alloy diffusion technique合金扩散技术
application of AI technique to blast furnace operation人工智能技术在高炉操作中的应用
artificial intelligence technique人工智能技术
ascending chromatographic technique上行色层分析法
back hand technique反手焊法
ball technique造球设备
ball technique造球技术
balling technique造球技术
bedding technique炉底分层铺料技术
bedding technique布料技术
bio-oxidation technique生物氧化技术
brazing technique钎焊
brazing technique铜焊
breakthrough technique临界点法
bricking technique砌炉技术
brickmaking technique制砖技术
bright field diffraction contrast technique场衍射衬映技术
bright field diffraction contrast technique场衍射反衬技术
brittle boundary technique脆性边界表面渗碳法’
calcination technique煅烧技术
canned extrusion technique包套挤压法
carbon film technique碳膜法
carbon reduction technique碳还原法
carbon replica techniques碳复型制作方法
carbon replica techniques碳复型技术
chemical engineering technique化工技术
chlorination technique氯化法
chlorination technique氯化技术
closed-die explosive forming technique闭模爆炸成形工艺
closed-die technique闭模模锻工艺
co-injection technique复合喷吹技术
cold-pressing-sintering technique冷压烧结技术
combination purification-reduction technique净化还原联合法
combined-blowing technique复吹技术
consumable arc-melting technique自耗电极电弧熔炼法
continuous casting direct rolling technique连铸-直接轧制技术
conventional forming technique习用成形工艺
conventional forming technique传统成形工艺
cooling technique by laminar flow层流冷却技术
cooling technique by water curtain水幕冷却技术
correlation technique相关技术
crystal pulling technique拉单晶技术
cut-and-try laboratory technique试验室尝试法
Czochralski crystal pulling technique丘克拉尔斯基拉单晶法
Debye-Scherrer technique德拜-谢乐 X 射线衍射法
Debye-Scherrer technique德拜-谢乐X射线衍射
deoxidation technique脱氧工艺
die spinning technique旋压技术
die spinning technique旋压工艺
direct contact technique直接接触爆炸成形工艺 (板件的)
direct magnetic pulse forming technique电磁脉冲直接成型工艺
direct oxygen determination technique直接定氧技术
direct-view X-ray technique直观 X 射线照相术
dislocation etch-pit technique位错蚀坑技术
distributing technique布料技术
double-probe technique双探头装置
double-probe technique双探针技术
dry-hearth technique干炉床熔炼技术
dust-recycling technique粉尘回收利用技术
edge drop control technique边部减薄控制技术
electromagnetic processing technique电磁处理技术
electron bombardment technique电子轰击法
electron diffraction technique电子衍射法
element of continuous casting technique连铸技术要素
elution analysis technique洗提分析技术
encapsulation technique密封技术
experimental technique实验技术
film disposal technique膜处置技术
film technique薄膜技术
fire assay preconcentration spark technique火试金预富集-火花法
fire assay preconcentration spark technique火试金预富集-火花技术
firing technique焙烧设备
firing technique烧成技术
firing technique焙烧技术
flame gunning repair technique火焰喷补技术
flame gunning technique for converter lining转炉衬火焰喷补技术
flash smelting technique闪速熔炼技术
flat bead technique平焊道工艺
floating charge technique浮置充电法
floating crucible technique浮置坩埚技术
floating zone electron bombardment technique悬浮区域电子轰击法
floating zone melting technique浮区熔炼技术
floating zone technique悬浮区域熔炼技术
fluidization technique沸腾技术
fluidization technique流态化技术
fluidized bed technique流态化床技术
fluidized bed technique沸腾层技术
fluidized bed technique化床技术
fluidized solid technique固体流态化技术
fluidized solids technique固体流态化技术
fluidized technique沸腾技术
fluidized technique流态化技术
forehand technique气焊前进法
forehand technique顺手焊接法
forming technique成形技术
free forming technique自由成形工艺
freeze-melt technique冻熔技术
frontal analysis technique离子交换情况分析技术
fundamental technique基础工艺
fundamental technique基本技术
furnace protection technique护炉技术
furnace self lining technique炉子自衬技术
gas doping technique气相掺杂技术
gaseous reduction technique气体还原法
hammer-hardening technique锤锻锤击硬化法
handling technique操作技术
heading technique顶锻技术
heading technique顶锻工艺
heating technique加热技术
high - temperature and high-pressure technique高温高压技术
high temperature X-ray technique高温X射线照相技术
high vacuum technique高真空技术
high-vacuum technique高真空技术
horizontal pulling technique水平拉晶技术
hydrogen reduction technique氢还原工艺方法
imprinting technique图案花纹压印工艺
information technique strategy信息技术策略
infrared scanning technique红外线扫描技术
instrument technique仪表技术
ion-exchange technique离子交换技术
ionic-membrane technique离子膜技术
iron-tapping technique出铁技术
IR-UT secondary refining techniqueIR-UT 炉外精炼技术
Jacquet polishing technique雅凯电解抛光法
Jean Rist technique琼-里斯特夹杂检测
Kyropoulos crystal pulling technique基罗波罗斯拉单晶法
laser-beam technique激光束技术
leftward technique左向焊接法
levitation melting technique悬浮熔炼工艺
linear polarization technique线性极化技术
liquid-liquid technique液-液萃取技术
long campaign technique of BF高炉长寿技术
looperless rolling technique无活套轧制技术
loss in weight technique失重法
magnetic crack-detection technique磁力无损检测技术 (The tubes are examined for surface defects by visual and magnetic crack-detection techniques. 使用肉眼和磁力无损检测技术对钢管表面缺陷进行检查。)
magnetic powder technique磁粉探伤技术
magnetic puller technique磁力拉晶法
magnetic forming technique磁力成形技术
magnetoacoustic technique磁声技术
measuring and testing techniques测试技术
measuring technique测试法
measuring technique测定法
metallographic techniques金相技术
metallurgical testing technique冶金测试技术
microbeam technique微光束方法
microwave technique微波技术
mold electromagnetic flow control technique结晶器电磁控流技术
mold thermal monitoring technique结晶器热监控技术
mortar injection technique喷补技术
multimedia technique in measuring and control system for continuous casting连铸测控系统中的多媒体技术
neutron diffraction technique中子衍射法
new spray-roasting technique新喷雾焙烧技术
newly developed technique新研发的技术
no-meniscus casting technique无弯月面浇注技术
open-die explosive forming technique开式模爆炸成形工艺
open-die technique开式模模锻工艺
operation technique操作技术
operation technique of modern blast furnace现代高炉操作技术
optical technique光学技术
oxide replica technique氧化膜复型检验法
pedestal technique台基拉晶法
pedestal technique基座拉晶技术
pellet technique球团技术
pellet technique球粒法
pelletizing technique球团工艺
pelletizing technique球团技术
plug cushion technique塞垫技术
point counting technique点计数技术
point counting technique尖端计数技术
point-to-plane technique点面法
polish-and-etch technique抛光和浸蚀技术
polish-and-etch technique抛光浸蚀法
pollution prevention abatement technique污染防治技术
postheat technique焊后热处理工艺
powder diffraction technique粉末衍射法
powder metallurgical technique粉末冶金技术
powder metallurgical technique粉末冶金工艺
powder metallurgy technique粉末冶金技术
powder rolling technique粉末轧制技术
powder-rolling technique粉末轧制技术
prediffused technique预扩散方法
process control technique过程控制技术
process technique工艺技术
process technique生产工艺
pulling technique拉单晶技术
pulse KCl tracer injection technique脉冲氯化钾示踪剂注人技术
pulse technique脉冲法
quick tapping technique快速出钢技术
radioautograph technique自射线照相技术
random geometry technique不规则形状技术
rapid residual steel discharge technique残钢快速排放技术
Rawdon and Lorenz technique罗顿-洛伦兹铜合金显微组织腐蚀
replica technique复型制作方法
replica technique复制技术
research technique研究方法
resonant technique共振技术
revamping technique of BF高炉改建技术
rightward technique右向焊接法
Rist technique里斯特夹杂检测法
Rist technique里斯特夹杂检测
sampling technique取样技术
scarfing technique火焰清理工艺
secondary refining technique二次精炼技术 (With the advent of secondary refining techniques and the drive toward steels of significantly improved properties and quality, the tundish has become a tertiary refiner. 随着二次精炼技术的出现和大幅度提高钢的性能和质量的推动,中间包已变成了三次精炼器。)
shape control technique板形控制技术
shape control technique for cold strip mill冷带钢轧机板形控制技术
shape control technique for cold strip mill带钢冷轧机板形控制技术
shape measurement technique形状测量技术
shaving technique毛刺等的修整方法
shaving technique修整方法
shear wave birefringence technique切变波双折射技术
simulation technique仿真技术
single crystal growth technique单晶生长技术
single-zone floating-zone technique单熔区浮区熔炼技术
sintering technique烧结工艺
sintering technique烧结技术
slag splashing technique【钢】 溅渣护炉技术 (【技】转炉出钢后用高速氮气射流冲击残留在转炉内的高熔点炉渣,使之溅起并附着在转炉炉衬表面形成保护层,以提高炉衬寿命的一种技术。: Slag splashing technique has been used successfully in many basic oxygen furnaces (BOFs) to enhance the campaign life. 为了提高炉龄,许多氧气顶吹转炉现已成功使用了溅渣护炉技术。)
slag-free tapping technique无渣出钢技术
slip-line technique滑移线法
smelting technique冶炼技术
smelting technique with high scrap rate高废钢比熔炼技术
smithing technique自由锻工艺
smithing technique无型锤锻工艺
smithing technique自由锤锻工艺
solution technique溶液法
space technique航天技术
space technique空间技术
spectroscopic technique分光技术
spectroscopic technique分光法
split rolling technique切分轧制技术 (【技】在热轧机上,利用特殊的轧辊孔型和导卫装置中的切分轮或者其他切分装置,将一根轧件沿纵向切成两根或两根以上轧件,进而轧制出两根或两根以上成品材的轧制技术。)
staining technique染色技术
steel level control technique钢水面控制技术
stirring technique with bottom blowing gas into EAF电弧炉底吹气体搅拌技术
subculturing technique接种技术
subculturing technique移植技术
submerged injection technique浸入式喷吹技术
surface passivation technique表面钝化技术
surface scarfing technique表面火焰清理工艺
surface treatment technique表面处理技术 (One of the latest surface treatment techniques is laser surface hardening which has the big advantage that selected areas can be hardened without treating the whole part. 激光表面硬化是最新发明的表面处理技术之一。其最大优点是不必对整个部件,而只对所选定的区域进行硬化处理。)
T welding techniqueT 形钢焊接技术 (用带钢焊接 T 形钢的方法)
tapping technique出钢【铁】技术
technique for controlling liquid level in mold结晶器液面控制技术
technique for retaining slab temperature板坯保温技术
technique of gating浇口技术
technique of mould reciprocation结晶器往复移动法
tensile magnification technique拉力放大技术
tenuous wire technique细丝制造技术
tenuous wire technique细丝技术
thermal grooving technique热刻槽技术
thermal monitoring technique of mold结晶器热监控技术
thin film technique复型制造方法
thin film technique薄膜制备技术
through-transmission technique透射技术
time lapse technique慢转速拍摄
time lapse technique普通转速放映法
time lapse technique时间推移法
top-blowing steelmaking technique顶吹炼钢工艺
top-blowing technique顶吹技术
top-blowing technique氧气顶吹炼钢工艺
top-blowing technique顶吹炼钢工艺
torsion technique扭转法
tracer technique示踪原子法
ultrasonic spectroscopy technique超声波光谱技术
ultrasonic technique超声波检验技术
upper-bound approach technique上部边界趋近法
vacuum distillation refining technique真空蒸馏精炼技术
vapour-deposition technique气相沉积法
Verneuil crystal growing technique韦纳伊拉单晶法
Verneuil crystal growing technique韦纳伊单晶生长法
vertical pulling technique垂直拉晶技
video technique视频技术
water jet technique水射流技术
water jet technique流体喷射技术
weaving technique横向摆动焊接法
welding technique焊接技术
work roll shifting technique工作辊横移技术
X-ray techniqueX 射线技术