
Terms for subject Ice hockey containing team | all forms | exact matches only
emergency goalkeeper of team A主队第三守门员
emergency goalkeeper of team A主队紧急守门员
emergency goalkeeper of team B客队第三守门员
emergency goalkeeper of team B客队紧急守门员
goalkeeper of team A主队守门员
goalkeeper of team B客队守门员
goalkeeper team A主队守门员
goalkeeper team A, the first主队第一守门员
goalkeeper team A, the second主队第二守门员
goalkeeper team B客队守门员
goalkeeper team B, the first客队第一守门员
goalkeeper team B, the second客队第二守门员
shorthanded goals for team A: team B主队与客队的少打多的射中次数比
shot on goal team A: team B主队与客队的有效射门次数比
team official球队工作人员
team shirt队服.