
Terms containing take -up | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.collapse to take up their natural angle of repose坍到其自然休止角
econ.Either party shall not take up responsibility for any damage caused by the public enemy according to the agreement根据协议,任何一方对社会公敌引起的任何损毁都不承担责任
econ.In special economic zone foreign citizens and overseas Chinese are encouraged to open factories or take up various economic undertaking with investment政府 鼓励外国公民和华侨在经济特区投资设厂,兴办各项经济事业
commer.take up a berth停泊
securit.take up a bill赎票、赎单
commer.take up a bill赎单
busin.take up a bill承兑汇票
busin.take up a bill赎票
econ.take up a bill付清账单
securit.take up a bill兑付汇票
commer.take up a collection募集资金
gen.take up a collection for为…募捐
China, polit.take up a matter with向... 交涉
busin.take up a post就职
econ.take up an appointment就任
gen.take up an occupation就业
gen.take up arms武装起义
gen.take up arms拿起武器
busin.take up bill付清账单
interntl.trade.take up bill承兑汇票
interntl.trade.take up bill赎票
busin.take up bill赎单
gen.take up consideration从事研究
gen.take up considerations从事研究
securit.take up fee认购费
China, lawtake up in disguised forms变相占用
econ.take up one's indenture服务期满
econ.take up one's indenture学徒期满
gen.take up little room占地很少
securit.take up loan on securities抵押有价证券获得贷款
econ.take up loan on securities以有价债券为抵押获得贷款
interntl.trade.take up loan on securities抵押有价证券
interntl.trade.take up loan on securities以有价证券作为抵押获得贷款
securit.take up loan on securities用证券做担保
busin.take up one's note at the bank when due按期结清银行支票
busin.take up one's old occupation复业重操旧业
archit.take up one's abode住进
archit.take up one's abode与...... 同住
archit.take up one's abode定居
busin.take up one's indenture服务期满
China, lawtake up position任职
w.polo.take up positions站好位置
gen.take up one's residence择定住所 (in)
gen.take up one's residence居住 (in)
gen.take up one's residence住人 〔进〕… (in)
busin.take up securities认购有价证券
securit.take up securities认购证券
met.take up stand钢丝绳机的收线架
gen.take up the gauntlet护卫
gen.take up the gauntlet应战
China, lawtake up the job again重新执业
gen.take up the running
gen.take up the running领先
gen.take up the running采取主动
gen.take up the running开头
gen.take up the threads接下去讲
gen.take up to 200 tons of steel需要达 200 吨钢
archit.take up water (分)
inf.take up with和…相交
inf.take up with对…发生兴趣
inf.take up with致力于
inf.take up with信奉
inf.take up with忍受
inf.take up with采用
econ.We would request you to take up this matter with the issuing bank at once so that we may effect shipment by the direct steamer scheduled to arrive here about...我方要求你方立即向开证行交涉此事,以便我方能装上约于…日到达此地的直达班轮
commer.We'll take up the matter with the party concerned我方将向有关方提出这一问题