
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing suspended | all forms | exact matches only
concentration of suspended load含沙浓度
concentration of suspended load含沙量
Gradation curves for suspended load and bed load悬移质、推移质颗粒级配曲线图
ratio of bed load discharge to suspended load discharge推悬比
suspended ceiling吊顶
suspended colloid悬浮胶体
suspended hydrogenerator悬式水轮发电机
suspended load悬浮质
suspended load悬移质
suspended load discharge悬移质输沙率
suspended load measurement悬移质测验
suspended load sampler悬移质采样器
suspended load transport悬移质输送
suspended load transport悬浮质输送
suspended mater悬浮物质
suspended matter悬移质
suspended matter悬浮物
suspended medium悬浮介质
suspended net dam悬网坝
suspended sediment悬浮泥沙
suspended sediment concentration悬移质含沙量
suspended sediment concentration悬移质浓度
suspended sediment discharge悬移质输沙率
suspended seepage control structure悬挂式防渗结构
suspended silt悬浮泥沙
suspended solid material悬浮固体物
suspended substance悬浮物
total suspended solids总悬浮颗粒物
transport capacity of suspended load悬移质挟沙能力
transport capacity of suspended load悬移质输沙能力