
Terms containing striking | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a striking price协定价格
econ.a striking price定约价格
met.absorbed striking energy吸收冲击功
met.absorbed striking energy吸收的冲击能量
tech.absorbed striking energy被吸收的冲击能
el.arc striking起弧
weld.arc striking and stabilising voltage引弧及稳弧电压
weld.arc striking device引弧装置
shipb.arc striking mark电焊打火痕迹
tech.arc striking mechanism电弧触发器
weld.arc striking time引弧时间
met.arc-striking voltage电弧点火电压
met.arc-striking voltage起弧电压
weld.arc striking voltage引弧电压
tech.arch striking拆除拱架
el.back striking回燃
auto.box striking plate锁扣盒板
auto.box striking plate锁扣盒
railw.buffer plate striking block缓冲板冲击座
expl.capture that pass without striking a blow不动一刀一枪就占领了那个关口
sport, bask.clenched fist striking open palm握拳击掌裁判员"撞人"手势
sport, bask.clenched-fist striking open-palm握拳击掌
proj.manag.Competitors must finish the race with both transponders intact and will finish the race by striking a touch pad anchored at the finish line参赛者到达终点时、要触及固定在终点的触垫、同时两个收发器都必须保持原样
el.mach.corona striking电晕放电
sport.delay striking at the right time适时延迟击球 (squash)
sport., med.digital-striking manipulation点击法
met.dust cleaning by striking振打清灰
met.effect of jet striking narrow face流股撞击窄面效应 (For narrow mold, once inclusions enter the lower flow zone created by the effect of the jet striking the narrow face, it is unlikely that they would rise by buoyancy to the free surface. 对于窄结晶器而言,只要夹杂物一进人由于流股撞击结晶器窄面效应而形成的向下流动区,它就不可能依靠浮力再上升到钢水自由面。)
gen.form a striking contrast to和…成显著对比〔鲜明对照〕
spacefrom space-to-ground reentry striking weapon从空间对地再入打击武器
met.hammer striking head落锤锤头
tech.hammer striking mechanism打锤机构
mil., air.def.joint advanced striking technology联合先进攻击技术
mil., air.def.joint striking fighter联合攻击战斗机
wushu.kicking, striking, throwing and grasping踢打摔拿
spacemissile striking power导弹打击能力
tab.tenn.order of striking out接发球次序
tab.tenn.order of striking out击球次序
gen.present a striking contrast to和…成显著对比〔鲜明对照〕
hockey.puck striking an official球击中触及裁判员
ecol.rainwater striking erosion滴溅侵蚀
mil., air.def.reconnaissance of striking effects打击效果侦察
wushu.side striking侧击
el.spark striking产生火花
el.spark striking火花放电
met.splash striking溅渣冲击 (This is because as the lance height was increased, the point of impact of the gas jets on the slag surface moved toward the wall, leading to reduced splash striking the top and increased splash striking near the bottom. 这是由于随着枪位的升高,气体流股冲击渣面的冲击点移向炉墙,导致减少了对炉顶的溅渣冲击,提高了对炉底附近的溅渣冲击。)
footb.striking action踢球动作
tech.striking and forged tool锻打工具
golf.striking angle击球角度
shoot.striking angle着角
shoot.striking angle命中角
shoot.striking angle弹着角
tech.striking angle冲击角
tech.striking angle入射角
archit.striking angle人射角
tech.striking angle转动角
tech.striking angle转角
textilestriking arm支架臂
textilestriking arm冲击臂
box.striking bag
box.striking bag梨形吊球
box.striking ball
met.striking blade舌片
met.striking blade簧片
tech.striking blade簧舌
railw.striking block冲击座
tech.striking block冲头
railw.striking block wearing plate冲击座摩擦板
auto.striking blow敲击展延
tech.striking board样板
tech.striking board刮板
tech.striking board刮平板
auto.striking car车辆碰撞试验撞障碍车
agric.striking characteristics显著特征
hockey.striking circle射门区
hockey.striking circle击球圈
el.mach.striking coil起弧线圈
busin.striking contract订约
amer.striking contrast显著的对比
met.striking current击穿电流
met.striking current起弧电流
el.striking current放电电流
tech.striking current起弧〔击穿,着火〕电流
tech.striking distance放电距离
tech.striking distance起弧距离
tech.striking distance击穿距离
met.striking distance放电间隙
met.striking distance闪击距离
met.striking edge冲击边
tech.striking edge冲击试验机的撞摆
spacestriking effect evaluation打击效果判定
expl.striking end冲击端
auto.striking end焊条引弧端
met.striking end引弧端
tech.striking end焊条引弧端
railw.striking end of an electrode焊条引弧端
railw.striking end of electrode焊条引弧端
tech.striking end of shank钻头连接端
met.striking energy冲击能量
auto.striking energy冲击功能量
tech.striking energy冲击能 (量)
met.striking energy冲击能
met.striking energy撞击能
tech.striking energy放电能量
gymn.striking error显著错误
expl.striking face冲击面
tenn.striking face击球面
met.striking face打击面
met.striking face碰撞面
tech.striking face承冲面
auto.striking face box spannerwrench工具冲击式端面套筒扳手
met.striking film开始的电镀膜
footb.striking foot踢球脚
met.striking force打击力
met.striking force撞击力
tab.tenn.striking force击球力量
tab.tenn.striking force击球发力
tech.striking force冲击力
tech.striking formwork拆除模板
tech.striking gear打击传动装置
tech.striking gear拨动装置
tech.striking gear皮带拨杆
box.striking gloves搏击手套
telecom.striking hammer击打锤
tech.striking hammer打印锤
tech.striking hammer重型锤
tech.striking hammer打眼锤
box.striking hand后面手
box.striking hand基本姿势中放在后边的手
weightlift.striking hand后面的手
box.striking hand后臂
auto.striking horn声响报警装置触发喇叭
textilestriking jack平袜机推片
tech.striking job拆模作业
tech.striking knife三棱刮刀
archit.striking knifing三棱刮刀
textilestriking lever制动杆
met.striking lever变速杆
met.striking lever操纵杆
auto.striking lever操纵移动
sport., med.striking mass显著的质量
tech.striking mechanism打点机构
tech.striking network pattern of white color显著的白色网状图案
tech.striking network pattern of white colour显著的白色网状图案
tech.striking of an arc电弧引燃
el.mach.striking of arc闪弧
bridg.constr.striking of arch拆除拱架
bridg.constr.striking of center拆拱架
tech.striking of centers拆除模架
tech.striking of cutting插枝成活
horticult.striking of cuttings插枝成活
bridg.constr.striking of shuttering拆模
tech.striking of shuttering拆模 (板)
tech.striking of the floor form拆除楼板模板 (work)
tech.striking off整平
tech.striking off抹平
tech.striking off用靠尺刮平
tech.striking off勾缝
tech.striking off刮砂
bridg.constr.striking off刮平
gen.striking off嵌缝
archit.striking-off lines勾划线
tech.striking off lines嵌缝线
tech.striking off lines划深痕线
tech.striking off lines勾画线
tech.striking off lines刮平线
textilestriking out绒头织物起绒整理
securit.striking out取消
securit.striking out除名
bridg.constr.striking part of hammer锤的打击部分
plast.striking pendulum冲击摆锤
plast.striking pendulum锤摆
plast.striking pendulum apparatus冲摆设备
textilestriking performance吸液范围
textilestriking performance染料吸收程度
tech.striking period拆除脚手架的时间
tech.striking period拆模周期
tech.striking period拆模时间
tech.striking pin三棱刮皮刀
tech.striking plate拆除支架板
met.striking plate刮料板
met.striking plate刮板
met.striking plate平料板
met.striking plate【团】刮料板
textilestriking plate拉舍尔经编机压纱板
tech.striking plate护舷的防冲板
tech.striking plate门锁碰板
agric.striking plate撞击齿板
tech.striking plate门鼻子
archit.striking plate门窗锁的锁舌片
tech.striking plate金属门轴窝
tech.striking plate锁舌片
tech.striking plate门锁舌片
anim.husb.striking point炼乳的浓缩终点
anim.husb.striking point出料终点
tech.striking point熔断点
tech.striking point划弧线的中心
met.striking potential引弧电位
tech.striking potential闪击电势
tech.striking potential着火〔放电,起弧〕电位
auto.striking potential着火放电,触发,起弧电位
tech.striking potential闪击位
el.striking potential起弧[放电;引燃]电位[电压]
tech.striking potential起弧电位
tech.striking potential着火电位
archer.striking power弓的冲力
met.striking press压印机
fin.striking price履约价格
textilestriking price协定价格
fin.striking price敲定价格 (英语与"exercise price"同义,指期权 (options) 或期货 (futures)合约内指定在到期日或行使日持有人可以这个价格买人或卖出相关股份的价格)
IMF.striking price行权价
IMF.striking price执行价格
IMF.striking price约定价格
oilstriking price执行价
IMF.striking price期权合同的价格
IMF.striking price交割价格
busin.striking price合同价格指买卖合同规定的价格
fin.striking price行使价格
tech.striking price定约价
nautic., tech.Striking price under International Commodity Agreement国际商品协定下的协定价格
busin.striking proof明显证据
agric.striking root生根
shipb.striking ship-bottom暾船底
shipb.striking ship-bottom礅船底
hockey.striking side of the stick棍头正面
met.striking solution金属快速电镀电解液
telecom.striking speed击打速度
tab.tenn.striking spot on the ball击球部位
tech.striking stile装锁边梃
agric.striking success显著成就
textilestriking suit引人注目的成套衣服
textilestriking suits引人注目的成套衣服
auto.striking surface冲击试验击面
met.striking surface电弧触发面
tab.tenn.striking surface拍击球面
hockey.striking surface击球面
tech.striking surface承击面
wushu.striking surface of the fist拳面
tech.striking technique击打手法
judo.striking technique打技
nurs.striking technique击打法
judo.striking technique打技
tech.striking temperature玻璃显色温度
auto.striking test试验台冲击试验
auto.striking the arc焊接引弧
tech.striking the arc引弧 (电焊)
footb.striking the post撞门柱
tech.striking time拆模时间
archit.striking times拆模时间
tech.striking tool刮刀
tech.striking tool修光工具
auto.striking tool冲击工具
tech.striking tool撞击工具
met.striking velocity冲击速度
met.striking velocity撞击速度
spacestriking velocity打击速度
spacestriking velocity冲撞速度
met.striking velocity弹着速度
mil.striking velocity弹着命中速度
avia.striking velocity接地速度
spacestriking voltage起弧[引弧]电压
oilstriking voltage引弧电压
el.striking voltage起弧〔点火〕电压
met.striking voltage点火电压
met.striking voltage起弧电压
auto.striking voltage引弧点火,触发电压
telecom.striking voltage触发电压
telecom.striking voltage气体放电管点火电压
tech.striking voltage闪击电压
tech.striking voltage引燃电压
phys.striking voltage of arc起弧电压
tech.striking wedges敲掉楔子
tech.striking wedges对楔
tech.striking wedges拆除楔架
tech.striking wedges拆除架楔
tech.striking wedges松紧楔 (调整高度用的一对木楔)
tech.striking weight cartridge打点锤筒
textilestriking width有效宽度
el.mach.striking winding引燃线圈
tech.striking winding起弧线圈
tech.striking winding weight drum打点绕锤辊
nurs.striking with fingertip指尖击法
nurs.striking with lateral portion of palm侧击法
nurs.striking with mulberry twigs stick棒击法
nurs.striking with palm掌击法
tech.striking work打点机件
tech.striking work报时装置
tech.striking work打时装置
auto.striking wrench冲击扳手
oilstriking wrench锤击扳手
dril.striking wrench锤击紧扣大扳手
tech.striking wrench冲击式扳手
spacesubmarine striking force潜艇打击力量[部队]
avia.submarine striking force核攻击潜艇舰队
tech.turret clock striking cams塔钟打点凸轮
spacewater striking functioning test水面发火试验
expl.without striking a blow不费吹灰之力
gen.without striking a blow毫不费力