
Terms for subject Environment containing stress | all forms | exact matches only
abiotic stress无机胁迫
actual stress实际胁迫
acute stress急性胁迫
additional stress factor附加胁迫因子
air pollution stress空气污染胁迫
allowable stress容许胁迫
area under stress Areas that are flooded by rising number of tourists or other kinds of pressure and suffer from insufficient or inappropriate planning and management. Damage frequently arises from a lack of understanding or interest of the value of such sites受压地区 (被日益增多的游客数量或其他压力所挤满,且承受着不足或不当计划和管理的区域。 由于对这些地区的价值缺乏兴趣和理解,损害因而常常发生。)
avoidance of stress逃避胁迫
avoidance of stress胁迫的避免
chemical stress factor化学胁迫因子
chronic stress慢性胁迫
climatic stress气候胁迫
cold stress[寒]冷胁迫
complex stress复合胁迫
constant stress稳定胁迫
constant stress恒定胁迫
continuing stress继续胁迫
costs of overcoming stress克服胁迫的代价
crowding stress拥挤胁迫
deficiency stress strategy缺乏胁迫策略
dehydration stress脱水胁迫
evaporative stress蒸发胁迫
external stress外部胁迫
frost stress霜[冻]胁迫
heavy-metal stress重金属胁迫
high radiation stress高辐射胁迫
intermittent water stress断续水胁迫
light stress光胁迫
long-term environmental stress长期环境胁迫
low radiation stress低辐射胁迫
moderate drought stress中度干旱胁迫
moderate stress中等胁迫
overcoming stress克服胁迫
ozone stress臭氧胁迫
permanent stress永久胁迫
physical stress物理胁迫
physiological stress生理胁迫
pollution stress污染胁迫
previous stress前胁迫
psychological stress Strain or disequilibrium of the mind especially in its affective or cognitive functions, or the physical or mental stimulus, agent or experience that causes such an imbalance心理应激 (应变或心灵的不平衡,特别指情感或认知功能,或受到身体上或精神上的刺激,导致这种不平衡。)
radiation stress辐射胁迫
recognize stress确认胁迫
saline stress盐胁迫
sign of stress胁迫迹象
single stress factor单胁迫因子
soil moisture stress土壤水分胁迫
stress analysis胁迫分析
sulfur dioxide stress二氧化硫胁迫
sulfur dioxide stressSO₂胁迫
thawing stress解冻胁迫
thawing stress融冻胁迫
thermal stress热胁迫
type of stress胁迫类型
urban stress A state of bodily or mental tension developed through city living, or the physical, chemical, or emotional factors that give rise to that tension城市压力 (由于城市生活,或物理的、化学的、或情绪的因素引发紧张而形成的一种身体上或精神上的紧张状态。)
widespread environmental stress普遍环境胁迫