
Terms for subject Desert science containing stress | all forms | exact matches only
analysis of stress应力分析
biological stress生物刺激
biological stress生物应激
biological stress生物胁迫
critical shearing stress临界切应力
cycle of stress应力周期
cyclic stress ratio周期应力比
ecosystem stress area生态系统应激区
eroding stress侵蚀应力
initial shear stress ratio起始剪应力比
life stress生活应激
nutrient stress养分胁迫
plant resistance to environment stress植物抗性
primary stress初始应力
radial compressive stress辐射压应力
salt stress盐胁迫
shear stress切应力
soil moisture stress土壤水分应力
stress flow径流
stress in the crust地壳应力
stress limit极限应力
stress proteins逆境蛋白
surface shear stress地面切应力
true stress真应力
urban stress城区压力
wind stress风切力