
Terms for subject Project management containing strategy | all forms | exact matches only
acquisition new-product development strategy新产品开发收购战略
aggressive investment strategy进取投资策略
analyzer strategy分析者战略
balanced investment strategy平衡投资策略
brand strategy品牌策略
branding strategy品牌化战略
budget strategy财政预算策略
budgetary strategy财政预算策略
business strategy竞争策略
business unit strategy经营单位战略
competition and pricing strategy竞争与定价策略
computer games development strategy based on edutainment基于娱教技术的电脑游戏开发策略
confrontation strategy对抗战略
consistency strategy应变策略
contracting strategy签订合同策略
cost leadership strategy成本领先战略
defender strategy防御型战略
defensive investment strategy防御性投资战略
defensive new-product development strategy防御性新产品开发战略
differentiated defender strategy差异化防御战略
differentiation strategy差异化战略
entrepreneurial strategy企业家战略
extended use strategy扩大使用战略
flanker strategy侧翼进攻战略
focus strategy集中战略
frontal attack strategy正面进攻战略
global niche strategy全球机会战略
global standardization strategy全球标准化战略
Globally, there does not seem to be an exit strategy in place to drain this liquidity from the system在全球层面、似乎没有一套从经济中抽走这些流动性的退出策略
growth-extension strategy增长扩张战略
growth-market strategy成长性市场战略
growth-market strategy for market leaders市场领导者的市场增长战略
growth-market targeting strategy成长性市场定位战略
harvesting strategy收获战略
hierarchy of strategy战略的层次
high buy low sell strategy高买低卖策略
high market share global strategy高市场份额全球战略
image strategy印象战略
imitative strategy模仿战略
increased penetration strategy增加渗透战略
internal growth strategy内部成长战略
leapfrog strategy蛙跳战略
liquidation strategy破产政策
localization strategy本地化战略
maintenance strategy保持战略
market aggregation strategy整体市场战略
market entry strategy市场进人战略
market expansion strategy市场扩张战略
market positioning strategy市场定位策略
market segmentation strategy市场细分策略
market targeting strategy目标市场策略
market-entry strategy市场进人战略
mass-market penetration strategy大规模市场渗透战略
mass-market strategy大市场战略
multiple-brand strategy多品牌战略
niche penetration strategy壁龛市场渗透战略
niche-market strategy壁龛市场战略
objectives and strategy area audit目标与战略领域的审计
proactive new-product development strategy进取型新产品开发战略
profit impact of market strategy市场战略的利润影响
profitable survivor strategy有利可图的生存者战略
prospector strategy探索型战略
pull strategy for control of distribution channels分销渠道控制的拉式战略
purchasing strategy采购策略
push strategy for control of distribution channels分销渠道控制的推式战略
reactor strategy反应型战略
responsive strategy反应型战略
retail coverage strategy零售范围战略
retrenchment strategy紧缩政策
Ring Fence Strategy围栏策略
second-but-better new-product development strategy后者居上型新产品开发战略
services distribution strategy服务分销策略
services sales promotion strategy服务促销策略
sole ownership entry strategy独享所有权的进人战略
standardization strategy标准化战略
strategic withdrawal strategy战略性撤退战略
strategy constraints战略影响因素
strategy formulation and implementation战略制定和实施
strategy implementation战略实施
strategy reassessment战略重估
strategy stage决策阶段
targeting strategy目标市场选择战略