
Terms for subject China containing strategy | all forms | exact matches only
a national strategy for intellectual property rights国家知识产权战略
energy development strategy能源发展战略
implement the overall strategy for regional development落实区域发展总体战略
network security strategy网络安全战略
overall strategy for regional development区域发展总体战略
security strategy安全战略
the basic strategy of ruling the country by law依法治国基本方略
the "go global" strategy of Chinese enterprises企业"走出去"战略
the overall strategy总体战略 (for)
the strategy for the rejuvenation of the central region中部崛起战略
the strategy of developing the western region西部大开发战略
the strategy of making China stronger by producing more outstanding personnel人才强国战略
the strategy of reinvigorating China through science and technology, education and human resources科教兴国战略和人才强国战略