
Terms containing still water | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
nautic., tech.design still water bending moment设计静水弯矩 (Afsw (kN • m))
nautic., tech.design still water shear force设计静水剪力 (Qsw)
gen.He brought the basin of sterilized instruments to the worktable and took them out of the water with a pair of cold tweezers, still without hurrying经过了高温消毒的仪器都盛在一个盆里,他把这个盆端上工作台,用冰冷的镊子从热水里夹出工具,动作还是不慌又不忙
tech.high-voltage still water separation method高压静水分离法
nautic., tech.lateral loads in still water静水中的侧向载荷
tech.ship's speed in still water船舶静水航速
tech.solar sea water still太阳能海水蒸馏器
oilstill water静水河段
fish.farm.still water
row.still water静水
scub.still water水面无波纹的静水
tech.still water静流
tech.still water bending moment静水弯矩
tech.still water canal静水运河
tech.still water depth静水深
tech.still water depth静水水深
shipb.still water draft静水吃水
eng.geol.still water head静水头
tech.still water head流体静压头
mining.still water level静水面【位】
hydroel.st.still water level静止水位
hydroel.st.still water level静止水面
eng.geol.still water level静水位
oilstill water level静水面
tech.still water level静力面
tech.still water level静水
tech.still water leveling静水面高程测量
tech.still water levelling静水面高程测量
nautic., tech.still water loads静水载荷
tech.still water navigation平水航行
tech.still water navigation静水航行
nautic., tech.still water pressure in flooded conditions PsF进水工况下的静水压力 (kN/ m2)
nautic., tech.still water pressure ps静水压力 (kN/ m2)
tech.still water reach静水河段
wind.still water region死水区
tech.still water resistance静水阻力
shipb.still water speed静水航速
bridg.constr.still water surface静水面
shipb.still-water draft静水吃水
oilstill-water level静止水面
tech.water still蒸馏水器
gen.water still蒸水器