
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing standards | all forms | exact matches only
American Standard Code for Information Interchange美国信息交换标准代码
audit standard审计标准
auditing standard审计标准
automated standard application for payments自动化标准付款申请
bimetallic standard复本位制
capital adequacy standards资本充足标准
commodity standard商品本位制
Coordination and Standards Division协调和标准处
core labor standards核心劳工标准
corporate accounting standards公司会计准则
Data Dissemination Standards Division数据公布标准处
Data Standards Initiative数据标准倡议
Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board数据公布标准布告栏
encouraged standard鼓励采用的标准
General Data Dissemination Standard普通标准
General Data Dissemination Standard数据公布普通标准
general standard普通标准
general standard数据公布普通标准
generally accepted auditing standards普遍接受的审计标准
gold bullion standard金块本位制
gold exchange standard金本位制
gold exchange standard金汇兑本位制
gold standard金本位制
gold standard金汇兑本位制
International Accounting Standards国际会计准则
International Accounting Standards Board国际会计准则理事会
International Accounting Standards Committee国际会计准则委员会
International Financial Reporting Standards国际财务报告准则
International Standard Classification of all Goods and Services《全部商品与服务的国际标准分类》
International Standard Classification of Education《教育国际标准分类》
Methodology for Assessing Compliance with Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Standard反洗钱和打击为恐怖主义融资标准遵守情况评估方法
monetary standard货币本位制
money standard货币本位
money standard货币本位制
more demanding standardSDDS增强版
more demanding standard数据公布特殊标准
non-standard operations非标准操作
paper standard system纸币本位制
prescribed standard规定采用的标准
prudential standards审慎标准
Report on Implementation of Standards and Codes标准与准则执行情况报告
Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes标准与准则遵守情况报告
silver standard银本位制
Special Data Dissemination StandardSDDS增强版
Special Data Dissemination Standard数据公布特殊标准
Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus数据公布特殊标准增强版
special standardSDDS增强版
special standard数据公布特殊标准
standard basket currencies标准篮子
standard component标准组成部分
standard data report form标准报表
standard error of estimate估计的标准差
Standard International Trade Classification《国际贸易标准分类》
standard market quotation标准市场报价
standard normal distribution标准正态分布
standard normal variable标准正态变量
standard of value价值标准
Standard & Poor's Corporation标准普尔公司
standard practices of the Fund基金组织的标准做法
standard practices of the Fund基金组织的规则和做法
standard report form标准报表
standard-setting organization制定标准的组织
standard value挂牌价格
standard value行政手段确定的价值
standard value标准价值
standard value官方价值
Standards and Codes Initiative标准与准则倡议
Standards Initiative数据标准倡议
subscribe to the standard接受标准
subscription to the standard接受标准
Task Force on Implementation of Standards标准执行工作组