
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing standard | all forms | exact matches only
accounting standards会计标准
classification standards of posts分类标准
common auditing standards共同审计标准
common grading standards共同分级标准
common standards共同标准
drinking-water standards饮用水标准
emerging standard practice新形成的标准方法
financial accounting standards财务会计标准
grading standard职等评定标准
grading standard定级标准
International Public Sector Accounting Standards国际公共部门会计标准
itemized and standard deductions分项和标准扣除
job classification standards作业分类标准
job classification standards工作分类标准
management standards管理准则
master standard总标准
Minimum Operating Security Standards最低可行安全标准缩写为MOSS
Minimum Operational Security Standards最低可行安全标准缩写为MOSS
Minimum Security Telecommunications Standards最低安全通讯标准缩写为MISTS
Minimum Telecommunication Standards最低安全通讯标准缩写为MISTS
new master standard新大纲标准缩写为NMS
Norms and Standards for Evaluation评价规范和标准
Norms and Standards for Evaluation in the UN System评价规范和标准
performance standard绩效标准
point rating matrix standard点数计算矩阵标准
predetermined elementary time standards预定单元时间标准
rules and standards UN规则和标准联合国
service level standard服务水平标准
staffing standards人员配备标准
standard agreement标准协议
standard budget table标准预算表
standard clause标准条款
standard comparison table标准对比表
standard cost rate标准费率
standard costing标准收费
standard deduction标准扣除
standard deduction正常扣除
standard error of the coefficient系数标准误差
standard flat-rate system of reimbursement统一费率偿还办法
standard form of contract标准合同
standard project document标准项目文件
standard project document format标准项目文件格式
standard rate标准费率
standard rate system of reimbursement统一费率偿还办法
standard specifications标准规格
standard supply items标准供应品
standard technical assistance project标准技术援助项目
standard title posts标准职称
standard workload units标准工作量单位
standards for classification分类标准
standards for information technology信息技术标准
standards of conduct行为标准
the standard deviation of a path一条线的标准差
tier II standard第二类标准