
Terms for subject Management containing staff | all forms | exact matches only
administration staff行政管理人员
administrative staff行政参谋人员
administrative staff college工商管理人员学
bank staffs银行职员
branch staff参谋分部
clerical staff文书事务人员
congress of workers and staff in public enterprises公营企业职工代表会议
counterpart staff对应工作人员
custodial staff保管人员
democratic management by workers and staff职工民主管理
executive staff主管人员
executive staff行政职员
field staff外地工作人员
functional staff职能人员
general staff一般部门
immediate staff直接工作人员
line and functional staff organization直线式和职能组织
line and staff各级负责与职员负责级职
line and staff control混合组织
line and staff organization级职综合组织
line and staff organization直线职能制
line and staff relation生产专业与管理关系
line staff直线幕僚
managerial staff管理人员
National Goals Research Staff国家目标研究参谋部
natural spontaneous reduction of staffs members自然减员
office staff办公人员
operating staff操作员
operating staff机器操作师
percent of absentees to total staff in service全员缺勤率
permanent staff长期职工
professional local staff联合国秘书处当地征聘专门人员
professional staff preparation专业筹备人员
programming staff程式设计师
reduce the staff裁减人员
retired staff退休职工
rotation of staff职工的轮班制
selected type and size of staff选定的职员类别和人数
staff-assistant position助理幕僚职位
staff assistants助理幕僚
staff committee学会职员管理委员会
staff department企业参谋部门
staff establishment工作人员编制
staff facilities工作人员设施
staff managers辅助工作管理人员
staff of record职员工作记录
staff on active duty在职职员
staff specialist职员专家
staff type工作人员类别
substantive staff实务人员
support of technical staff技术职员的支持
system analyst staff系统分析师
system of congress of workers and staff职工代表大会制度
system staff系统分析师
tax staff税务人员
transfer of staff职工调转
welfare of staff and worker职工福利
working staff工作人员