
Terms for subject Business containing staff | all forms | exact matches only
accounting by staff专业人员核算
accrued payroll for Chinese staff and workers应付中方职工工资
accrued payroll for foreign staff and workers应付外方职工工资
adjustment for turnover of staff职员更替调整数
administrative staff管理人员
administrative staff college管理干部学院
advance to workers and staff职工预支
allocation of working and staff职工调配
annual per-capita income available for living expenses of families of workers and staff members年度职员家庭人均生活费收入
audit staff审计工作人员
average income of workers and staff职员平均收入
average number of workers and staff平均职工人数
basic wage of workers and staff职工基本工资
bonus and welfare fund for staff and workers职工奖励与福利基金
bonus funds for staff and workers职工奖励基金
branch staff分部员工
caliber of workers and staffs in the enterprise企业员工素质
canvassing workers and staffs reactions搜集职员反应
chief of staff参谋长
Chinese staff salaries and wages payable应付中方职员工资
choosing the best to take on staff择优录用
clerical staff事务人员
client's staff委托人职员
common staff cost一般人事费用
congress of workers and staff in business企业职工代表大会
congress of workers and staff in corporation公司职工代表大会
congress of workers and staff in enterprise企业职工代表大会
congress workers and staff职工代表大会
cost-of-living index for workers and staff职工生活费指数
daily paid staff日工资职员
directing staff领导人员
editorial staff编辑部
enterprise executive staff企业高级主管人员
executive staff高级主管人员
executive staff行政人员
expatriate staff出国工作人员
expatriate staff出国服务工作人员
field staff外勤工作者
field staff外勤工作人员
fines on staff职工罚款
fixed number of staff定员
foreign service staff驻外官员
foreign staff member外籍职工
foreign staff salaries and wages payable应付外籍雇员工薪
full-time executive worker and staff专职员工
functional staff专责职员
general staff参谋本部
general staff一般幕僚
higher-level staff较高级工作人员
immediate staff直属工作人员
imposition of sanction against staff and workers处分职工
index number of cost of living to staff and workers职工生活费指数
indigenization of staff雇用本国人员
in-service staff在职人员
insurance of salaried staff薪酬职工保险
junior members of the staff年资较低的职工
line and functional staff直线职能参谋制
line and functional staff organization直线职能组织
line and staff control直线参谋管理
line and staff organization垂直参谋组织
line and staff organization集权与分权相结合型的企业组织
line and staff organization structure垂直参谋组织结构
line and staff organization system垂直参谋组织系统
line and staff system垂直参谋制
line and staff type of organization垂直职员式编制组织
line and staff type of sales organization垂直职员式销售组织
line function staff and committee直线职能参谋和委员会制
line, functional staff and committee organization直线、职能参谋和委员会组织
line staff organization直线参谋组织
line staff relationship直线参谋关系
line staff system直线参谋系统
local staff当地工作人员
local staff本地雇员
locally recruited staff当地征聘职员
male staff男职工
model of decision making by administrative staff管理人员决策模式
National Goals Research Staff〈美〉国家目标研究参谋部
national regulation for workers and staff全国职工条例
natural spontaneous reduction of staff members自然减员
non-clerical staff非事务性职员
number of workers and staff at the end of period期末职工人数
office staff公务员
office staff官员
operating staff调度人员
pensionable remuneration less staff assessment扣除工作人员薪金税后的应计养老金报酬
percent of absentees to total staff in service缺勤率
permanent staff定员
permanent staff固定人员编制
permanent staff终身职员
planning staff设计人员
professional local staff当地征聘专门人员
professional local staff联合国秘书处当地征聘的专业人员
professional staff器门人员
programming staff程序设计人员
promotion of workers and staff员工晋升
recreation appropriation for staffs on fully-paid long leave离休干部活动经费
recruitment of staff and labor招收职工
reduce numbers of staff and simply the administration精兵简政
reduce the staff裁减人员 ('personnel)
regulations of staff职工管理条例
rotation of staff职工轮班制
secretarial staff秘书处
Staff Accounting Bulletin专职会计公报
staff activities参谋活动
staff and line organization职责与部门交叉管理法
staff and worker员工
staff appraisal职工评审
staff assessment工作人员工资税
staff auditor专职查账员
staff cost雇员成本
staff executive高级职员
staff expenditure雇用职工支出
staff expenses雇用职工费用
staff function职员职责
staff in post在职职员
staff incentive and welfare fund payable应付员工奖励及福利基金
staff management职员管理
staff manager人事经理
staff meeting职工会议
staff members参谋人员
staff organization参谋机构
staff organization职工组织
staff posts职员
staff psychologist职工心理学家
staff reliability engineer主管可靠性工程师
staff relocation allowance职工调动津贴
staff savings account职员储蓄存款
staff section职能部门
staff section职员办公室
staff share职工股
staff status职工地位
staff training职工培训
staff training expense职工培训费用
staff work参谋工作
statistical staff统计人员
substantive staff具体业务人员
supervisory engineering staff工程技术管理人员
support staff scheduling辅助人员编制
system of quota of staff职工定员制
system of reporting accidents resulting in injuries and death of workers and staff职工伤亡事故报告制度
tax staff税务员
training of the staff职员培训
transfer of staff职工调动
vocational training for the workers and staff职工培训
wave staff测波杆
work rules for workers and staff职工劳动守贝
workers and staff bonus fund职工奖励基金
workers and staff on the regular payroll在编人员
workers and staff welfare fund职工福利基金